A seal of immortality

Chapter 551: Purple Spirit Square City

Chapter 551: Purple Spirit Square City
Purple Flame Country, Yanzhou.

The Ziling Mountains are located in the northwest of Yanzhou, stretching across tens of thousands of miles, so the place is named after a kind of elixir called "Purple Spirit Flower".

The aura of heaven and earth in this mountain range is rich, monsters appear frequently, and there are many elixir, and monks often come here to hunt monsters and pick elixir.

There is a very open plain to the east of the mountain range. Hundreds of buildings of different heights are scattered on the plain, forming a large square city.

It was noon at this time, and the crowds in the square city were bustling and bustling, which seemed extremely lively.

In the center of Fangshi is a wide square, and there is an exquisite attic more than ten feet high. There is a huge silver plaque hanging on the door, on which are written "Jubao Pavilion" three big gold-lacquered characters, shining under the sunlight , exceptionally eye-catching.

The space in the attic is very open, surrounded by rows of shelves, which are filled with immortality items such as pills, talismans, magical instruments, and monster materials. From time to time, people come in and out of the shop.

The roar of some large animals could be faintly heard on the second floor. From time to time, people came down from the second floor with a look of satisfaction on their faces. These monks who came down from the second floor all had spirit animal bags around their waists. Obviously, the ones for sale on the second floor were spirit beast.

The business was booming, and the shopkeepers and guys in the store all had smiles on their faces, and they worked harder to greet the business in the store.

The shopkeeper is an old man in silver robe who is over fifty years old. After seeing off a customer with a smile on his face, he planned to drink some water to moisten his throat. At this moment, a faint male voice came from behind him:

"Who is in charge here?"

Hearing the words, the old man in silver robe turned around subconsciously, and saw a man in white clothes with handsome features standing at the door of the shop.

The man in white had several spirit animal bags and storage bags hanging around his waist. He looked very wealthy, but what made the silver-robed old man even more concerned was that the other party was a monk in the alchemy stage.

The man in white is none other than Wang Changsheng.

Zilingfang City is one of the three major cities in Ziyan Kingdom, with a thriving trade. Wang Changsheng wanted to see if there were any level five poisonous snakes for sale here.

Another reason is that he inadvertently learned of the whereabouts of the water-attribute Tianlinggen monk.

There is a Purple Flame Sect deep in the Ziling Mountains, which is the largest sect in the Purple Flame Kingdom, and the water-attribute Heavenly Spirit Root monk is a disciple of the Purple Flame Sect.

It is said that there are three Nascent Soul cultivators in Ziyan Sect alone, and it is impossible for Wang Changsheng to kill them, so he can only look for opportunities in Zilingfang City.

"The junior is Tian Guang, the shopkeeper of Jubao Pavilion. I wonder if there is anything I can do for the senior?" The silver-robed old man hurriedly walked up to Wang Changsheng, and said respectfully.

"I heard that you have spirit beasts for sale here. I wonder if there are any poisonous snakes of level five?" Wang Changsheng asked via voice transmission.

Hearing this, the silver-robed old man's expression changed, he shook his head with a wry smile, and replied: "Senior Qi, I don't have what you want."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng looked a little disappointed, turned and left.

In the following time, Wang Changsheng went to several large markets, and when the other party heard that he was going to buy a fifth-level poisonous snake, they all shook their heads.

Level [-] monsters are rare in Dongyu, let alone level [-] poisonous snakes. Even if someone encounters them, they will be killed on the spot, and their skin and tendons will be pulled out. How can they catch them alive and sell them to Fangshi.

As a result, Wang Changsheng could only target the water-attribute Heavenly Spirit Root cultivator.

Wang Changsheng restrained his spiritual energy fluctuations, and he looked like he was only in the late stage of foundation establishment.

He walked around the street and walked into a shop specializing in classics.

The shop is tens of feet in size, and there are all kinds of classics such as scrolls, bamboo slips, and jade slips on the shelves.

The owner of the shop is a shrewd middle-aged man with ten levels of Qi refining.

"Senior, what do you want to buy?" As soon as Wang Changsheng walked in, the middle-aged man greeted him with a smile on his face.

"I want to buy a map of Ziyan Kingdom. I wonder if you have it here." Wang Changsheng said lightly.

"Of course, 20 Yuan Lingshi." The middle-aged man responded, picked up a yellow jade slip from the shelf, and handed it to Wang Changsheng respectfully.

Wang Changsheng took the jade slip, stuck it between his eyebrows, and took it off again after a while. He rolled his eyes and asked, "By the way, I heard that the Bi Yao fairy from Ziyanmen is a great beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city. Do you see her?" Have you ever been?"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man glanced to the left and right, and after confirming that no one was nearby, he said in a low voice: "Hey, let me tell you the truth, this junior has seen it before, and Fairy Biyao can be said to be a shameless flower. There is a picture of her!"

"Do you have the portrait with you?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"This..." The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"Give me the portrait of Fairy Baguio, it's yours." Wang Changsheng took out a mid-level spirit stone and said in a seductive tone.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your junior can sell the portrait of Fairy Bi Yao to senior, but I hope senior will keep it secret, and don't say that you got the portrait of Fairy Bi Yao from a junior. "

"No problem." Wang Changsheng agreed wholeheartedly, and stuffed the middle-level spirit stone into the middle-aged man's hand.

The middle-aged man looked happy, put away the mid-level spirit stones, took out a scroll from the storage bag, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took the scroll, turned and left.

Wang Changsheng found an inn and stayed temporarily.

After closing the door, he opened the scroll. On the painting was a young girl in a green palace dress. The girl had delicate features, a small mouth, and snow-like skin. She was indeed a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, Wang Changsheng still wants to destroy flowers with his hands.

To be honest, when Wang Changsheng first joined the Underworld Corpse Sect, Wang Changsheng couldn't do this kind of thing, but now, he's used to it, killing people is as easy as breathing for him, and he doesn't have the slightest burden on his heart.

A magician monk pays attention to doing whatever he wants, and he is becoming a qualified magician monk.

After Wang Changsheng secretly wrote down the woman's appearance, he put away the scroll, opened the door and walked out.

Ziyunxuan is a tea house, next to the entrance of Fangshi.

Wang Changsheng sat down at a table near the street on the second floor of Ziyunxuan, holding a teacup in his hand, drinking a few sips from time to time, his gaze flicked over the monks who entered the market.

Two months passed, and Wang Changsheng went to Ziyunxuan to drink tea every day, sitting for a whole day, but he didn't see the figure of Bi Yao fairy.

Wang Changsheng gradually lost his patience. He wondered if he should control a foundation cultivator from the Purple Flame Sect to lure Fairy Bi Yao out.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, what a coincidence!" A somewhat familiar female voice interrupted Wang Changsheng's thinking.

Wang Changsheng frowned, turned around following the voice, and saw Mu Houhou looking at him with a smile on his face.

Mu Houhou also restrained her breath, and she looked like she was only in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Mu, long time no see." Wang Changsheng's face eased, and he greeted with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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