Chapter 553
A year later, Jiang Guo, Yizhou.

The Wanman Mountain Range is composed of thousands of peaks, spanning tens of thousands of miles. There are often poisonous insects and beasts infested, and there are many miasma and poisonous fog that will kill you.

Because this mountain range is rich in products and abounds in several famous elixir, some immortal cultivators from the Jiang country will go here to hunt monsters and pick elixir, but there are many powerful monsters growing deep in the mountains, and it is said that some people are still there. High-level monsters have been encountered in the depths of the mountains, so most of the cultivators are only active on the outskirts of the mountains, and not many people dare to go deep into the depths of the mountains.

On this day, a black light flew from a distance, and finally landed on a peak outside.

The black light faded, revealing the figure of a man in white, who was Wang Changsheng.

It took him a year to travel to more than a dozen large cities and countries, and finally found out that someone had encountered a level-five poisonous snake in the Wanman Mountains.

Wang Changsheng planned to stay here for a while, looking for the whereabouts of the fifth-level poisonous snake. If he couldn't find the fifth-level poisonous snake, he could only go to southern Xinjiang in advance.

Looking for a level five poisonous snake in the tens of thousands of miles of mountains is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. He thought about it and planned to ask some people.

Thinking up to this point, Wang Changsheng stomped on the ground with one foot, turning into a black light and flying towards the depths of the mountains.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng appeared in a narrow valley. Five or six Foundation Establishment cultivators were besieging two giant black tigers about ten feet tall.

"Someone is coming." Yu Jiao, a sharp-eyed middle-aged man, saw a black light flying towards him.

The others were shocked when they heard this.

Not long after, the black light stopped over the canyon, and Wang Changsheng's figure appeared.

"Friar at the alchemy stage." A young woman subconsciously swept away her consciousness, her face changed, and she said in surprise.

"Have you ever seen a level five poisonous snake?" Wang Changsheng asked coldly.

After hearing this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, a middle-aged woman with the highest cultivation level stepped forward and said, "Senior, we haven't seen each other before."

"Then you can go to die." Wang Changsheng's face darkened, and after he finished speaking, he shook his sleeves, a golden light and a black light flashed out, and went straight to the people below.

Seeing this scene, these Foundation Establishment monks were frightened out of their wits, some hurriedly sacrificed magic weapons, and some put protective shields on their bodies, but it was all in vain.

Several screams sounded one after another, and all the foundation-building cultivators fell into a pool of blood, including two giant black tigers.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeve, a blood-red porcelain bottle flashed out. The mouth of the bottle was facing downwards. above the monks.

I saw that the bodies of these monks shriveled up quickly, a large piece of blood flew out from the corpses and sank into the blood-colored porcelain bottle, and the corpses shriveled up quickly.

With a move of Wang Changsheng's right hand, the cork blocked the mouth of the bottle, and the blood-red porcelain bottle flew back into his sleeve.

Wang Changsheng landed next to the corpses of several people. After finding several storage bags from the corpses, he patted the body bag on his waist, and a red light flew out from it. It was Ye Mingyue.

Ye Mingyue's aura is much stronger than before, all thanks to Wang Changsheng allowing her to absorb the soul of the man in the golden robe, as well as the souls of many foundation-building monks and monsters.

Wang Changsheng needed the flesh and soul of many immortal cultivators to refine corpses and raise ghosts. He had to kill a lot. There were hundreds of foundation-building monks who died in Wang Changsheng's hands, and there were as many as three or four monks in the Qi-refining period. Hundred.

He seldom stays in one place for too long, committing crimes around, and the high-level monks in other countries have nothing to do with him.

As soon as Ye Mingyue appeared, she flicked her sleeves, and eight green light clusters flew out of the corpse, and quickly sank into her mouth.

Ye Mingyue licked her red lips, her satisfied face turned into a ray of red light, and flew back into the body bag.

Wang Changsheng threw a few fireball talismans, burned the corpse, and then stomped on the ground with one foot, turning into a black ray of light and piercing through the air.

By a hidden pool, five or six immortal cultivators were driving magical weapons to attack a giant black python seven or eight feet long.

The magic weapon with different auras struck the black giant python, but did not cause much damage to it, but angered the black giant python.

With a "boom", the giant black python sprang out from the pool, opened its bloody mouth and bit a young man nearby.

The young man's complexion changed, and he hurriedly backed away, but before he had retreated far, the giant black python rushed up to him, and bit him down with a fierce mouth.

At this moment, a black light flew from a distance, flashing across the head of the black python like lightning.

With a "poof", the head of the black giant python rolled down, blood spurted several feet high, and the giant python's body hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, a black light descended from the sky and landed on the edge of the pool.

The black light faded away, revealing Wang Changsheng's figure.

"Thank you senior for saving me, junior Bailu Academy Zhao Haodong." A bookish middle-aged man saw Wang Changsheng, his expression changed, he hesitated for a moment, stepped forward to thank him, his expression was a little nervous.

"Have you ever seen a level five poisonous snake?" Wang Changsheng asked calmly.

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads.

The middle-aged man shook his head, and said cautiously: "Reporting to seniors, we haven't seen..."

Before he finished speaking, a black light flashed, and the middle-aged man's head rolled down, and blood gushed out suddenly.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the others changed greatly. Before they could react, a black light quickly flashed across their necks.

After a few screams, the monks all fell into a pool of blood.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the blood storage bottle, took away the blood essence of these people and the black python, and then slapped the body bag around his waist with his palm, Ye Mingyue flew out of it, opened his apricot mouth, and several green light clusters flew out After entering her mouth, Ye Mingyue twisted her body, turned into a red light and flew back into the body bag.

After Wang Changsheng searched away the storage bags of several people, he threw the fireball talisman and burned the bodies of several people, turning into a ray of light and leaving through the air.

In a hidden cave, bursts of explosions sounded from time to time, as if someone was fighting inside.

After a while, five or six Foundation Establishment cultivators came out of the cave with excited expressions on their faces.

As soon as they walked out of the cave, they suddenly found a man in white standing not far away with his hands behind his back. The man in white was Wang Changsheng.

"Friar at the alchemy stage." A man with a round face subconsciously swept away with his divine sense, his expression changed, and he said in surprise.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became tense, and the two men subconsciously placed their right hands on the storage bags.

"Have you ever seen a level five poisonous snake?" Wang Changsheng glanced at them and asked calmly.

"No." Everyone shook their heads and said in unison.

When Wang Changsheng heard this, a cold light flashed quickly in his eyes, and with a flick of his sleeve, a black light flashed out.

Several screams sounded one after another, and the foundation-building monks all fell into a pool of blood.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the blood storage bottles, took away the blood essence of several people, released Ye Mingyue, sucked away their souls, searched their storage bags, set fire to the corpses, and turned them into a black ray of light leave empty.

Next, Wang Changsheng encountered several waves of cultivators, but those who could not answer his questions would be killed without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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