A seal of immortality

Chapter 618 Ambush

Chapter 618 Ambush
Half a month later, Xue County, Taiyue Mountains.

There is a medium-sized spiritual stone mine in the northwest corner of the Taiyue Mountains, which can mine hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones every year. It is one of the most important sources of income for Yulingzong.

For this reason, Yu Lingzong not only sent two alchemy stage monks to sit here to frighten Xiao Xiao, but also established a large square city in the center of the Taiyue Mountains, and also sent several alchemy stage monks to sit here, the two are not far apart. Thousands of miles, once something happens to one party, the other party can quickly reinforce it.

Yulingzong has a profound background, coupled with strict guards, no one dares to make an idea of ​​this Lingshi mine.

Liu Yu is 130 years old this year, and he has a cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment. He has been stationed in this Lingshi mine for more than 100 years, and he knows every plant and tree near the Lingshi mine like the back of his hand.

On this day, as usual, he led more than a dozen monks in the Qi refining period to patrol the sky near the Lingshi Mine.

Just as they flew over a dense forest, six bloody lights suddenly flew out of the dense forest below and came straight towards them.

The speed of the blood light was extremely fast, exuding astonishing aura fluctuations.

Liu Yu's complexion changed drastically, and his palms hurriedly fumbled for the storage bag on his waist.

But as soon as he put his palm on the storage bag, a bloody light pierced his body.

The next moment, Liu Yulian and his spirit bird fell from the sky in a rain of blood.

None of Liu Yu's party was spared. They were all killed, and the alarm was not even issued.

Immediately afterwards, three bloody lights flew out from the dense forest below. Two men and one woman were wearing blood-colored robes. They were Chen Hao and his two fellow disciples.

The three of them made a move with one hand, and six bloody lights circled one by one, and flew back to their hands, which turned out to be six bloody flying knives.

Chen Hao nodded to his two companions, turned into three bloody lights, and flew towards the location of the Lingshi Mine.

Along the way, the three of Chen Hao encountered several groups of patrolling monks. Naturally, these patrolling monks were no match for Chen Hao and the three of them. When they met each other, they turned into a rain of blood and fell to the ground.

In this way, the people from Yulingzong also discovered Chen Hao and the three, and quickly notified the two alchemy stage monks guarding the Lingshi Mine.

A piercing siren sounded, and a yellow light curtain emerged immediately, covering the entire mine.

Hundreds of disciples of Yulingzong quickly ran out from one building to another, and two-colored light flew out from an attic more than ten feet high. It was a white-faced and beardless man in white robes and a red-faced The old man in yellow robe.

The two looked up at Chen Hao and the other three who were high in the sky, their faces full of seriousness.

"This spirit mine belongs to our Spirit Controlling Sect. What are the three fellow Taoists trying to do by killing the mine guard disciples of our Controlling Spirit Sect?" The white-robed man frowned and said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao nodded to his two companions, without further ado, each sacrificed two blood-colored throwing knives, and the six blood-colored throwing knives gathered together halfway, with a flash of blood, the six blood-colored throwing knives merged into one, forming a ten-meter Xu Chang's blood-colored giant blade fiercely slashed towards the yellow light curtain.

With a loud bang, the yellow light curtain shook violently, and the ground shook accordingly.

Seeing this scene, the white-robed man's face darkened, and he was about to release his magic weapon to fight, but was stopped by the yellow-robed old man.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​the opponent is coming in menacingly, we can still rely on formations to defend, and ask for help from Senior Brother Li and the others in Taiyuefang City. When Senior Brother Li and the others arrive, we will work together to kill these three villains so that They know that our Spirit Control Sect is not easy to mess with." The yellow-robed old man suggested.

"Okay!" The white-robed man thought for a while before agreeing.

After speaking, the two each took out a white talisman, said a few words in a low voice, and threw it in the direction of Taiyuefang City.

With a flash of white light, the two sound transmission symbols turned into two white lights, passed through the yellow light curtain, and flew towards Taiyuefang City quickly.

In this regard, Chen Hao and the other three turned a blind eye and manipulated the bloody giant blade to attack the yellow light curtain.

Under the attack of the bloody giant blade, the light of the yellow light curtain gradually dimmed.

Seeing this situation, the white-robed man and the yellow-robed old man each took out a yellow formation disk, and after injecting mana, the yellow formation disk suddenly shone brightly.

The dim yellow light curtain suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and after the yellow light faded, the yellow light curtain returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, the three of Chen Hao looked as usual, as if they didn't pay attention to the yellow light curtain.

In Taiyuefang City, in an exquisite pavilion of more than twenty feet, a tall middle-aged man was drinking tea and chatting with a bald man with thick eyebrows and big eyes on the third floor.

"It's not good, Uncle Li, Uncle Chen, something serious happened." At this moment, a middle-aged woman came up in a panic, holding two sound transmission talismans in her hands.

"What's the matter? Are you frizzy?" The middle-aged man frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"Uncle Chen, who guards the Ling Mine, sent us the sound transmission talisman of Yu Lingzong. It must be that something happened to the Ling Mine." The middle-aged woman said so, walked quickly to the two, and passed the two transmissions together. The note was passed.

After the middle-aged man crushed a sound transmission talisman, a man's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Brother Li, there are three alchemy cultivators attacking the Spirit Mine. Come to support, come to support."

The content of the other sound transmission talisman is similar, but it tells the cultivation base of Chen Hao and the three of them.

"It's too bold to attack the spirit stone mine of our sect with one late-stage alchemy and two mid-stage alchemy!" The bald man said coldly with a look of sternness in his eyes.

"Junior brother Chen, we have to rush to support immediately, nephew Liu, tell junior sister Zhao to activate the formation immediately to prevent thieves from attacking each other. In addition, the city will be under martial law immediately, and everyone must return to their residences. Those who resist will be taken down, and those who resist will be killed without mercy." The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and issued a series of orders.

"Yes, Master Li." The middle-aged woman replied, turned around and retreated.

Half a quarter of an hour later, three escaping lights flew out of Fangshi, and the sirens rang loudly in Fangshi. Hundreds of law enforcement monks appeared on the street and drove the immortal cultivators back into the building.

A white light curtain suddenly emerged, covering the entire Fangshi inside.

At a table by the window on the second floor of a certain teahouse, sitting a fat old man with a round face, it was Zhou Tong.

Looking at the chaotic scene on the street, Zhou Tong sneered.

After the three escaped lights flew out of Fangshi, they flew straight to the location of the spirit mine.

It didn't take long for them to fly a distance of a hundred miles.

Just as they flew over a peak, several streaks of spiritual light rushed out from below and shot towards the three of them quickly.

Judging from the astonishing aura fluctuations emitted by the aura, it is undoubtedly a magic weapon.

The three middle-aged men were startled, and hurriedly dispersed, and at the same time sacrificed magic weapons to resist.

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and sprayed out a small red shield. The red shield swelled in the wind and spun around him quickly. Then, with a flick of his sleeve, two red short swords flashed out to meet him.

The bald man flicked his sleeve robe, and a yellow flag flashed out, turning into a yellow light curtain to cover him inside. At the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a handful of yellow jade rulers.

After the yellow jade ruler trembled slightly, it turned into a heavy ruler to welcome it, and went up to meet it.

A young woman with ordinary facial features opened her mouth and sprayed out a green bead, emitting a green light to protect her inside.

There were several "clang clang" sounds of metal colliding, and the aura coming from below collided with the magic weapon sacrificed by the three of them, and they were stopped.

The light faded, revealing the true face of the aura, three red throwing knives and two golden daggers.

At the same time, two escaping lights flew out from the peak below, and after the escaping lights subsided, the figures of Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanhou were revealed.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeve, a red gourd and a silver long sword flew out, rising against the wind.

I saw him hitting the huge gourd with a spell, a red light flashed, the gourd cover was opened, and a large piece of red crystal sand flew out from it. Zhang long red dragon.

After the silver long sword was radiant, it turned into a silver flood dragon more than thirty feet long.

"Go." Wang Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed at the opposite side.

The red dragon and the silver dragon twisted their bodies, and rushed towards the middle-aged man with their fangs and claws.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's face changed, and he made a tactic with one hand, and the two red short swords trembled slightly, turning into hundreds of red sword shadows, and went up to them.

There was a chaotic sound of "Puff" and "Puff", hundreds of red sword shadows hit the two dragons, and they collapsed one after another, leaving the two dragons unscathed.

Two red short swords split on the two dragons, making two metal clashing sounds of "Keng" and "Keng".

The huge dragon claws of the two flood dragons slapped hard, and the two red short swords flew upside down.

The next moment, the two dragons twisted their bodies and continued to pounce on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and he made a tactic with one hand. The two red short swords were centered on the hilt, and they turned into two red discs about the size of Zhang Xu, and they went up to them.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng snorted softly, and with one hand made a stance, the silver flood dragon opened its bloody mouth, and a silver beam of light the size of a water tank flashed out to meet it.

With a loud bang, the silver beam of light hit a red disc, and the red disc immediately flew upside down.

With a sound of "Puff", another red disc passed through the body of the red dragon, and the red dragon collapsed into a large piece of red crystal sand.

Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and the red crystal sand turned around, condensed into hundreds of red short swords, and shot towards the middle-aged man quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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