A seal of immortality

Chapter 635 The Fruit

Chapter 635 The Fruit
A hundred feet below Mengluo Mountain, Wang Changsheng turned into a half-human half-bird form, spread his wings, and quickly slammed into the blue stone gate.

With a "bang", a pair of huge sharp claws grabbed the blue stone door fiercely. With a flash of blue light, Wang Changsheng immediately flew upside down, hit the stone wall fiercely, and fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng couldn't break through the blue stone gate even though he used the spirit talisman. No wonder the Yuan family was able to protect the Mengluo Lingguo tree for thousands of years.

Although the attack was rebounded again, Wang Changsheng did not give up. If you observe carefully, you can find that the number of runes on the blue stone door has decreased a little.

Wang Changsheng spread his wings and slammed into the blue stone door again.

Mu Houhou looked at Wang Changsheng's back, her brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

With a "bang", Wang Changsheng was bounced back again, hit the stone wall again, and fell to the ground again.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, are you alright! The defense of the Green Arc Reversing Spirit Formation is unexpectedly so strong, you and I have been attacking for less than a quarter of an hour and have not been able to break through this gate, or let's just forget it!" Mu Houhou frowned and said.

"No, at this time, I will break this door no matter what I say. Don't worry, Fairy Mu, give me half a quarter of an hour, and I will definitely be able to break this door." Wang Changsheng shook his head, full of confidence. Said.

After finally sneaking into this place, Wang Changsheng certainly wouldn't just give up.

"Alright then! You have to hurry up, the longer it takes, the more dangerous we will be." Mu Wanwan reminded.

Wang Changsheng nodded, flapped his wings, and quickly slammed into the blue stone gate.

This time, before he hit the blue stone door, the runes on the blue stone door suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, and stopped.

With a "bang", the blue stone door opened, and a middle-aged Confucian scholar rushed out of it in a panic, shouting: "Master, this disciple helped you break the restriction."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar was slightly taken aback when he saw the half-human, half-demon Wang Changsheng.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and three blue daggers flew out from the stone gate, quickly piercing through the body of the middle-aged Confucian scholar.

With a scream, the eyes of the middle-aged Confucian scholar dimmed, his legs gave way, and he fell down.

Although he didn't know what happened, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to neglect. With a flick of his wings, he turned into a red light and flew towards the blue stone gate.

The three cyan daggers circled around and slashed at Wang Changsheng.

At this moment, three red flying knives flew towards them, blocking the three blue daggers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Changsheng flew into the blue stone gate.

The place where he is located is a stone room about [-] meters in size. In the center there is a fruit tree five or six feet high, exuding a strong wood attribute aura. There are more than a dozen fist-sized cyan fruits hanging on the fruit tree, and a cyan light curtain Cover the entire fruit tree.

A white shield that was broken into several pieces was scattered at the door, and the cuts were extremely smooth.

A middle-aged man's body was split in two, and he fell into a pool of blood, his face full of disbelief.

Beside the corpse stood a round-faced man with a gloomy expression.

When the round-faced man saw Wang Changsheng, his complexion changed drastically. He flicked his sleeves without thinking, and two blue lights flashed out, shooting straight towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wings and disappeared.

The round-faced man's expression changed, his sleeves flicked, and a cyan flag flashed out, circled around him, and turned into a cyan light curtain, covering him inside.

As soon as he finished all this, Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared above the head of the round-faced man, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and a pair of sharp claws clawed down.

With a "bang", the sharp claw was blocked by the cyan light curtain, and its light dimmed a lot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the round-faced man made a tactic with one hand, and two blue lights circled one at a time, shooting towards Wang Changsheng quickly.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng flapped his wings fiercely, and then disappeared, and the two blue lights disappeared again.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared at the entrance, his lips moved a few times, a red light flashed, Wang Changsheng returned to his human form, and a gleaming red talisman fell off his body, and he put it away.

Seeing this, the round-faced man frowned, and two blue lights circled one after the other, shooting towards Wang Changsheng again.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a golden light and a silver light flashed out to meet him.

Two metallic sounds of "Keng" and "Keng" came, and the golden light and silver light blocked the two blue lights.

In a flash of inspiration, the true faces of the four magic weapons were revealed. The two blue lights were obviously two blue flying knives, while the golden light and silver light were a pair of golden scissors and a silver long sword.

Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and the golden scissors and silver long sword shone brightly, turning into a golden dragon and a silver dragon, and quickly rushed towards the round-faced man.

The space in the stone room is limited, and there is no way to avoid the round-faced man. The silver dragon opened its mouth and sprayed a silver beam of light the size of a water tank, which hit the blue light curtain and turned into a large cloud of thunder, drowning the round-faced man.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp claws of the golden flood dragon slammed into the thunder light fiercely.

A scream came from the thunder.

After a while, the thunder light subsided, leaving only a puddle of meat mud on the ground.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction,
As soon as the round-faced man died, the two cyan flying knives and the three cyan daggers fell to the ground without mana.

"That's right, this is the Mengluo Spiritual Fruit." Mu Houhou walked in, looking at the fruit tree with a tinge of fire.

Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and the silver dragon and the golden dragon twisted and slammed into the blue light curtain covering the fruit tree.

With two sounds of "bang" and "bang", the cyan light curtain blocked the two flood dragons, and the light quickly dimmed.

At the same time, Mu Houhou also took out three red throwing knives and slashed fiercely at the cyan light curtain.

After a muffled sound, the cyan light curtain shattered.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, and put away the golden flood scissors and silver flood sword. There were a total of thirteen Mengluo fruits, all of which were picked by Wang Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, five dream Luo fruits are enough for me, and eight are yours, how about it?" Mu Wanwan asked with her beautiful eyes turned.

"Fairy Mu also contributed a lot to getting so many Dream Luo Spirit Fruits this time. Seven are enough for me. Let six go to Fairy Mu!" Wang Changsheng shook his head and said with a smile.

Mu Houhou heard the words, but did not refuse, and agreed.

The two took out several jade boxes respectively, and put the obtained spiritual fruits into wooden boxes.

After all this was done, Wang Changsheng and Mu Houhou each took out a gleaming silver talisman and slapped them on their bodies. The two of them disappeared in a wrap of silver light.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yuan Ruyi and others came here and saw the bare fruit trees and the third three corpses. Yuan Ruyi's face was so cold that frost could be blown out.

A few days later, an astonishing news spread rapidly in the world of cultivating immortals in Northern Yan Kingdom. On the day when Yuan's family in Xiliang held a baby-birth ceremony, thieves attacked Mengluofang City and made trouble in Yuan's Fort.

The Yuan family did not make any statement on this matter, and acquiesced in this matter.

In order to recover the dream Luo fruit, the Yuanjiabao and Cuiyun sects of cultivating immortals sent a large number of disciples to the North Yan Kingdom to investigate the whereabouts of strange high-ranking monks, trying to find the person who stole the dream Luo fruit.

But at this time, the murderer had already left Beiyan.

The Yuanjiabao and Cuiyunmen cultivators searched hard for more than half a year but failed to find the murderer, and gradually withdrew their staff, and this matter gradually faded out of people's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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