Chapter 637
Two days later, Wang Changsheng was sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating and adjusting his breath, when there was a knock on the door.

"Senior brother Wang, the master asked you to go there." Xie Xuehong's voice came from outside the door.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes.

He opened the door and saw that Xie Xuehong and Du Hai were standing outside.

"Senior Brother Wang." Du Hai smiled and greeted Wang Changsheng.

"Well, let's go quickly! Don't keep Master Huang waiting." Wang Changsheng nodded.

Not long after, the three came outside the chamber.

"Senior Brother Wang, you can go in by yourself. We still have something to do, so we won't go in." After Xie Xuehong finished speaking, she left with Du Hai.

Walking into the meeting room, Wang Changsheng saw Huang Yan chatting with a tall middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's aura was stronger than Huang Yan's.

"Wang Changsheng pays homage to Master Huang and senior." Wang Changsheng bowed and said respectfully, his expression extremely respectful.

"Chen Daoyou, this is the nephew Wang I told you about. Please take care of me along the way." Huang Yan pointed at Wang Changsheng and introduced with a smile.

The middle-aged man looked at Wang Changsheng carefully, nodded, and said, "That's right, Xiaoyou Wang has cultivated to the late stage of alchemy at a young age, no wonder you value it so much, Fellow Daoist Huang."

"Nephew Wang, this is Daoyou Chen from the Hehuan Sect. You bring a hundred disciples from the Foundation Establishment Stage and follow Daoyou Chen's orders. Do you understand?" Huang Yan said in a deep voice.

"Disciple understands." Wang Changsheng nodded.

"Okay, the task is urgent, we have to set off quickly." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he walked outside quickly.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly followed.

After leaving the meeting hall, the middle-aged man turned into a red light and flew out of the city, followed by Wang Changsheng turned into a black light.

A quarter of an hour later, the two appeared above a dense forest outside the city.

More than 200 foundation-building monks stood in twos and threes above the dense forest. Judging from their clothes, they were obviously disciples of the Hehuan Sect and the Nether Corpse Sect.

In front of these foundation-building monks stood three men and two women. Judging from their auras, they were all monks in the alchemy stage. One of the old men in gray robes had a body bag hanging from his waist, and there were cultivators in the middle stage of alchemy. for.

The middle-aged man glanced at the people below, and said: "This operation is under the command of the old man, everyone must obey the order, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

The middle-aged man nodded, flicked his sleeves, and a small red boat flashed out of it. It rose against the wind and stopped when it reached sixty or seventy feet.

"In order to hurry up, everyone came up." After speaking, the middle-aged man flickered and appeared on the huge red boat.

Wang Changsheng and other monks in the alchemy stage flew on the red flying boat one after another, followed by more than 200 disciples in the foundation stage.

"Senior brother Wang, old man Li Jiang, under the order of Senior Uncle Huang, I will lead a team with you to sneak into the back of the Zhao country and prevent Zhao's sect from escaping." The gray-robed old man said through voice transmission.

"Junior Brother Li, you're welcome, you and I just take care of each other on the way." Wang Changsheng smiled at the gray-robed old man, and replied via voice transmission.

The old man in gray robe nodded and said nothing.

When the last foundation-building disciple flew into the flying boat, the middle-aged man made a tactic with one hand, and the huge red boat under his feet suddenly glowed red. The red light flew towards the sky, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

Seven days later, the giant red boat appeared over a vast plain.

Suddenly, a red light flew from the distant sky.

The speed of the red light was extremely fast, and within a few flashes it arrived in front of the huge red boat.

The aura faded, revealing a graceful figure of a young woman in red. Judging by the mana fluctuations on her body, she was clearly a monk in the mid-stage of alchemy.

Seeing this situation, the huge red boat stopped immediately.

"Hey, it's Senior Sister Zhou." A man in a yellow shirt standing on the deck of the huge red boat let out a little surprise when he saw the young woman in red.

The young woman in red flickered, and after a few flashes, she appeared on the deck.

"Junior Brother Li, quickly take me to see Master, I have something important to report." The young woman in red said anxiously.

The man in the yellow shirt responded, turned around and was about to walk into the cabin.

At this moment, a middle-aged man came out of the cabin.

"Didn't I ask you to monitor the movement of Qingdanmen? Why did you come here?" The middle-aged man frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Master, two hours ago, there were three groups of people from the Qingdan sect fleeing in different directions, please make a decision immediately, master." The young woman in red said respectfully.

"What? Divided into three groups and fled? How did they know that we were going to block them?" The middle-aged man frowned, wondering.

"I don't know, maybe the news leaked out! Or maybe they scattered to escape faster. There were three groups in total, and they fled to Guangping County, Kuaiji County, and Changyuan County respectively. I don't know where they want to escape to." The young woman in red shook her head and said with some uncertainty.

"Hmph, where else can they escape, they must flee to Wu Kingdom, Li Li, you go and inform the people of the Underworld Corpse Sect." The middle-aged man snorted softly and ordered.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng and Li Jiang came out of the cabin.

"Wang Xiaoyou, someone has tipped off the Qingdan Sect. They split into several groups and fled. You bring your disciples to Guangping County to chase the Qingdan Sect. They are likely to flee to Wu Kingdom. You can intercept them on the way. , There is only one mission, wipe out the enemy, and all the property you get is your own." The middle-aged man glanced at Wang Changsheng and Li Jiang, and ordered in a tone that could not be refused.

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and turned to look at Li Jiang, who nodded at him.

"This junior obeys orders. I wonder where to gather after completing the task?" Wang Changsheng nodded and asked.

"Complete the task and gather at the main altar of Qingdanmen. It's not too late. You all set off immediately."

"Junior obey." Hearing these words, Wang Changsheng and Li Jiang agreed, took the disciples of the Underworld Corpse Sect, took a dozen black bone boats, flew eastward, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

"Li Li, Wu Xin, you and Zhou Yun lead half of the troops to Kuaiji County to pursue the enemy, and the rest of you, follow me to Changyuan County, and no one can be let go," the middle-aged man continued.

"Disciple obeys." Everyone said in unison.

The young woman in red and the three alchemy stage monks counted fifty disciples, took their imperial weapons and flew towards the south, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

The red giant boat turned into a ray of red light and flew northward, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

(End of this chapter)

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