A seal of immortality

Chapter 648 Exposure and escape

Chapter 648 Exposure and escape (big chapter)

Wang Changsheng's trip was for revenge.

The "savage mother-in-law" almost killed him with a septicemia technique back then. In order to dissolve the septicemia technique, Wang Changsheng had to practice the "Secret Code of Five Poisons". His face was festered and he almost died.

Now that Wang Changsheng has become a Nascent Soul, he naturally wants to take revenge.

The Teng Snake tribe is now the largest tribe of the Wu Clan. There must be Nascent Soul monks sitting in the town, and there may be more than one, but Wang Changsheng still took the risk to sneak into Teng Snake Mountain.

What he is most worried about now is that the "wild mother-in-law" succeeded in conceiving a baby. If so, Wang Changsheng can only leave. He doesn't think he can kill a monk of the same level in an instant. It will be troublesome if the monks arrive.

"What's your name, what position do you hold in the Teng Snake Department, and what are you in charge of? Do you know someone named "Brave Granny"?" Wang Changsheng asked several questions in succession.

Wang Changsheng only relied on his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage to control the female monk of the witch tribe in front of him by using ecstasy.

"Bu Jia, serving as the sacrificial deacon in the Teng Snake Department, is responsible for assisting the priests in offering sacrifices, and knows Granny Man." Bu Jia replied truthfully, with a dull expression.

"Has this barbaric mother-in-law conceived yet? Where does she live? Are she in Teng Snake Mountain now?" Wang Changsheng asked with a happy face.

"Grandma Man didn't conceive a baby and lives in Tianfeng Pavilion. I just met her half a month ago." Bu Jia said expressionlessly.

Wang Changsheng stretched out his right hand, grabbed Bu Jia's head with one hand, and performed the soul search technique to extract the memory in the opponent's consciousness.

Bu Jia's face contorted, his eyes turned white, and his delicate body was trembling.

A moment later, Bu Jia's delicate body shook, black blood flowed from her ears and nose at the same time, and she passed out completely.

Wang Changsheng closed his eyes, digesting the things from the soul search bit by bit.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes and frowned.

The Tianfeng Pavilion where "Grandma Man" lives is located on the top of the mountain, but there are more than two high priests living on the top of the mountain all year round.

The monks who can be called high priests all have the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage.

It is impossible to kill a monk of the alchemy stage silently under the eyes of two monks of the Nascent Soul stage, at least Wang Changsheng can't do it now.

If Wang Changsheng left just like that, he would not be reconciled.

He sneaked here and killed several foundation-building monks. There may be no problems in a short period of time. After a long time, the monks of the Wu clan will definitely find something wrong. At that time, it will be very difficult to do anything.

After much deliberation, Wang Changsheng decided to kill that "wild mother-in-law".

He walked out of the attic and came to the courtyard wall.

A white light curtain covered the entire courtyard without any gaps.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of black air, which was attached to the white light curtain.

With a sound of "噗嗤", a puff of white smoke rose from the white light curtain, and a gap the size of a fist appeared.

Wang Changsheng twisted his body, turned into a black light, and flew out along the gap.

As soon as he walked with his front foot, the gap closed and he returned to his original appearance.

The entire Teng Snake Mountain has many restrictions, and the air ban is just one of them.

After flying out of the yard, Wang Changsheng turned his hand and took out a silver talisman seal, on which a large number of silver runes circulated continuously, emitting astonishing aura fluctuations.

Without hesitation, Wang Changsheng slapped the silver talisman on his body, and with a flash of silver light, his whole body turned into a faint phantom, which was the Juying talisman.

Wang Changsheng has already tried it. The hidden effect of the Absolute Shadow Talisman is really good. As long as mana is not used, even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage will not be able to discover his existence.

He performed Lingbo microsteps and quickly ran up the mountain.

Wang Changsheng's current internal energy is very deep, and he can perform Lingbo Microsteps a few minutes faster than the Wind Control Technique.

There were a large number of monks patrolling back and forth above the mountainside of Teng Snake Mountain, but none of them found Wang Changsheng.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared near a courtyard covering an area of ​​several acres. A dim blue light curtain enveloped the entire courtyard, and a group of patrolling monks happened to pass by Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was there, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of black air, which attached to the blue light curtain. The blue light curtain was immediately corroded to form a gap the size of a fist, and Wang Changsheng turned into a black light, flying along the gap. went in.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a gap the size of a fist appeared in the blue light curtain, and a black light flew out from it.

A nephew of Granny Man lived in this courtyard, and he had a pretty good relationship with Granny Man. Wang Changsheng controlled this man with ecstasy, made him say a word, and recorded it with a sound transmission talisman.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng came to a white pavilion more than [-] feet high. The white pavilion was built with some kind of white wood. The surface of the pavilion was engraved with dense runes, obviously some kind of powerful prohibition.

On the plaque at the entrance of the attic, there are three big characters of "Tianfeng Pavilion" written in Wu language.

There are several other pavilions of the same size near the white pavilion, and some kind of powerful restrictions have also been placed. It seems that this area is inhabited by monks in the alchemy stage.

Thousands of feet in front of this pavilion, stands a white palace more than forty feet high. There are a large number of witch monks patrolling back and forth in the white palace.

Wang Changsheng looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one there, he took out a sound transmission talisman and threw it towards Tianfeng Pavilion. The sound transmission talisman turned into a flame and flew into the attic.

Not long after, the door to the attic opened, and a woman in a green dress with delicate features came out.

She glanced left and right, her eyes full of doubts.

"It's strange, Tugen sent the sound transmission talisman to the master, why can't he see anyone when he comes out?" the woman in the green skirt murmured to herself.

"Tugen, Tugen, if you don't come out, I will close the door." The woman in the green skirt shouted.

As soon as the words fell, a group of patrolling monks just passed by, and they rushed over quickly when they heard the shout of the woman in the green skirt.

"Sangbutai, what happened?" A middle-aged man with a majestic face asked.

"Tugen threw a sound transmission talisman and came in. When I came out, I didn't see anyone else. I thought he was hiding, so I called out." The woman in the green skirt replied truthfully.

"Are you sure it's the sound transmission talisman sent by Tugen?" The middle-aged man asked with a frown.

"Yes, I'm sure that Tugen is the master's nephew. He often visits the master. I will not mistake his voice." The woman in the green skirt nodded and said seriously.

"Has this happened before?" The middle-aged man pondered for a moment, then asked.

"Barely, Tugen rarely comes over at night." The woman in the green skirt shook her head.

"Haozhen, take a few people to look around and see if you can find Tugen, Boertai, you take two people, and go to Tugen's residence immediately to see if he is there, and if he is, ask him Have you sent a sound transmission talisman to Elder Wu, go and come back quickly." The middle-aged man rolled his eyes, turned and directed to his subordinates behind him.

Several witch monks responded, a group of people searched around, and a group of people quickly rushed to Tugen's residence.

"Sangbutai, please tell me the process of receiving the sound transmission talisman carefully. Don't miss a single word." The middle-aged man turned his eyes and ordered to the woman in the green skirt.

The woman in the green skirt responded and explained the process of receiving the sound transmission talisman.

Hearing the statement of the woman in the green skirt, the middle-aged man frowned.

He was able to be the captain of a patrol team. In addition to his foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation base, his thoughtfulness is also a very important reason.

It seemed to him absolutely odd.

Not long after, several witch monks came back.

"Commander Zhe, we searched all over the area, but we didn't find Tugen." A witch monk said respectfully.

The middle-aged man frowned upon hearing this.

After a while, another team of witch monks also came back.

"Let's tell Commander Zhe, we sent Tugen a few sound transmission talismans, but he didn't reply, but the restraints of his mansion are intact and there is no sign of being destroyed." A monk of the witch clan said truthfully.

"Sangbutai, check to see if anyone has sneaked into the house." The middle-aged man pondered for a while, and ordered to the woman in the green skirt.

The woman in the green skirt responded, turned and walked back to the attic.

Half a quarter of an hour later, she came out again, shook her head, and said, "I didn't find anyone, why don't you go to Tugen?"

"Hao Zhen, you take a few people to report to Priest Wu, Bortai, you take a few people to guard here, and the others follow me to Tugen's residence." The middle-aged man thought for a while, and ordered.

After speaking, his team was divided into three groups, one team ran to the top of the mountain, the other stayed near Tianfeng Pavilion, and the other walked down the mountain.

Not long after, an obese man with a round face rushed to Tianfeng Pavilion with a group of monks. The man with a round face was obviously a monk in the alchemy stage.

"Sangbutai pays homage to Priest Wu." The woman in the green skirt saluted the round-faced man and said respectfully.

"Sangbutai, tell me what happened just now, don't miss a single word." The round-faced man nodded and said in a deep voice.

The woman in the green skirt responded and repeated the process of receiving the sound transmission talisman.

After hearing the statement from the woman in the green skirt, the round-faced man frowned.

At this moment, the middle-aged man who had just left walked over quickly, with a flustered expression, and said solemnly: "Priest Wu, it's not good, three clansmen were killed in his courtyard, the house and the restricted All intact."

When the round-faced man heard the words, his face darkened, and he said, "It seems that a high-ranking monk has sneaked into our Teng Snake Mountain. Immediately send a signal of martial law and ask everyone to strengthen their vigilance."

After speaking, he took out a sound transmission talisman, said a few words in a low voice, and threw it towards the top of the mountain. The sound transmission talisman turned into a flame and flew towards the top of the mountain.

At the same time, a witch monk flicked his sleeve towards the sky, and a white talisman flashed out, flying straight to the sky.

After reaching high altitude, the white talisman burst open, and the figure of a big white snake more than ten feet long suddenly emerged.

The big white snake was suspended in the void, motionless, emitting a dazzling white light.

Soon, a piercing siren sounded from Teng Snake Mountain, and a large number of monks from the Wu tribe ran out of their residences.

A yellow light flew out from the white palace on the top of the mountain, and after a few flashes, it arrived in front of Tianfeng Pavilion.

After the yellow light faded, a thin-faced old man in yellow robes was revealed. Judging from the aura on his body, he was clearly a Nascent Soul cultivator.

At this time, more than a dozen alchemy cultivators and a Nascent Soul cultivator gathered near Tianfeng Pavilion.

"Meet Priest Ge." The round-faced man and the others hurriedly saluted the yellow-robed old man.

The old man in the yellow robe ignored it, let go of his divine sense, and spread it around Tianfeng Pavilion as the center.

A quarter of an hour later, the yellow-robed old man withdrew his spiritual thoughts and frowned.

He used his divine sense to scan the entire Teng Snake Mountain inside and out several times, but he didn't find any strange high-ranking monks.

"Wu Zhu pays homage to Priest Ge." A white-haired old woman approaching sixty years of age came out of Tianfeng Pavilion holding a snake-headed crutch. The white-haired old woman was the pretty old woman.

"I heard from Ulu that, including your nephew, seven or eight clan members were killed, all because your nephew gave you a sound transmission talisman. Have you offended anyone recently?" the yellow-robed old man asked in a deep voice road.

"No! The old man has been retreating in his residence and hasn't gone out for more than 20 years. He shouldn't have offended anyone!" The white-haired old woman shook her head and said with some uncertainty.

Hearing this, the old man in yellow robe frowned, and then asked: "Then you...be careful behind you."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "poof", a silver light quickly skipped over the neck of the white-haired old woman, the head of the white-haired old woman rolled down, her face still kept an expression of disbelief, and the donated blood spurted several feet away. high.

Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared behind the white-haired old woman, holding a long silver sword with some blood on it.

Beside the white-haired old woman, there were more than a dozen alchemy cultivators. They never expected that the murderer was by their side. Because of the sudden incident, they were all stunned.

After succeeding, the black light on Wang Changsheng's body radiated so much that it turned into a black light and flew down the mountain.

Because the entire Teng Snake Mountain has been banned from the air, Wang Changsheng has to fly to the foot of the mountain before he can fly away.

Wang Changsheng's speed was extremely fast, the two flashes were only a few hundred feet away, it was because of Xuanyin's cloak.

"Bold!" Seeing this, the yellow-robed old man was furious, and stretched out his hand to grab it. A large white hand about ten feet in size emerged from the void, and grabbed Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng only felt the surrounding space tighten, and his speed suddenly slowed down.

A big white hand quickly grabbed Wang Changsheng, and at the same time, a yellow light also quickly chased Wang Changsheng, followed by more than a dozen magical treasures, which shot straight at Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng took out a cyan talisman and slapped it on his body, his whole body disappeared into a gust of breeze, and his big white hand grabbed an empty space.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng's figure appeared from a distance of hundreds of feet.

Seeing the oncoming yellow light, Wang Changsheng's face showed a dignified expression. He raised his hands together, and five blue and red talismans flashed out, exuding violent wind and fire power. .

With a few sounds of "噗" and "噗", five talisman seals burst open one after another, and a large number of blue and red runes rushed out, and quickly turned into five white tornadoes of several tens of feet in size, flying towards the yellow light. He roared away with a dozen magic weapons.

At the same time, five groups of hundreds of feet in size fire clouds suddenly emerged from the sky above Teng Snake Mountain. go.

Seeing five tornadoes with the size of tens of feet approaching, Huang Guang suddenly changed direction, fled to the side, and hid.

However, the dozen or so magic weapons were not so lucky. As soon as they got close to the tornado, they were uncontrollably involved in the tornado.

Giant fireballs fell from the fire cloud one after another and hit the buildings on Tengshe Mountain. The stone buildings were okay, but some wooden buildings immediately burned. Zoteng Snake Mountain was engulfed in flames.

The five tornadoes whizzed forward quickly, whether it was a person or a house, as soon as they approached the tornado, they were swept in.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Changsheng's mana was desperately injected into Xuanyin's cloak, turning into a black light and flying down the mountain. It didn't take long before he appeared at the foot of the mountain.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Wang Changsheng flew straight into the sky without the slightest pause, and a few flashes appeared in the void hundreds of feet away.

"Your Excellency, where is our Teng Snake Department? Come and leave whenever you want?" A cold male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a large white hand with a size of several tens of feet suddenly emerged from the top of Wang Changsheng's head, and quickly grabbed it.

Wang Changsheng only felt the surrounding space tighten, and the big white hand grabbed Wang Changsheng in his hand.

As soon as the fingers of the big white hand closed, Wang Changsheng's body burst open and turned into a puddle of flesh and blood.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng's body turned into dots of blue light, and the blue light quickly condensed together, turning into a blue talisman, with dense runes all over the surface, the light was a bit dim, it was the spirit transformation talisman.

Wang Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared in the tens of feet of space, he made a move with one hand, and the Spirit Transformation Talisman circled and flew back to his hand.

A ray of white light flew out from Teng Snake Mountain and came straight towards Wang Changsheng. The speed of the white light was extremely fast, a few minutes faster than the yellow light.

Behind the white light, there are dozens of auras with different lights, all of them are high-level monks of the Soaring Snake Department.

"Late Yuanying Stage!" Wang Changsheng said in surprise when he felt the aura of the white light, his expression changed.

A dignified look appeared on his face, he raised his hands, and a dozen or so talisman seals of different colors flashed out, facing everyone.

After a muffled sound, except for the three silver talisman seals, the other talisman seals burst open one after another, turning into seven or eight fifth-level monsters, a giant cyan python with a length of more than thirty feet, and a black bat with a size of seven or eight feet. A purple centipede with two heads, and a giant black eagle about seven or eight feet in size.

These Beast Soul Talismans are all the Beast Soul Talismans on Wang Changsheng's body, because he doesn't know how to refine weapons, so he obtained the spirits of high-level monsters, and those below the eighth level were used to refine them into Beast Soul Talismans.

As soon as these fifth-level monsters appeared, they quickly rushed towards the opposite side, and quickly distanced themselves from the three silver talisman seals.

At this moment, the white light suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a white light suddenly appeared hundreds of feet away, leaving these fifth-level monsters behind.

The white light faded away, revealing a middle-aged man in a white robe. Looking at his aura, he was clearly a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

But at this moment, a silver talisman flew towards him and appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

With a sound of "Puff", the silver talisman burst open, and countless silver talismans rushed out, turning into a silver ball of light hundreds of feet in size, trapping the middle-aged man inside. There were a large number of silver talismans on the surface of the silver light sphere Text circulation.

The silver ball of light is the high-level talisman Tiangang talisman. Although this talisman is a trapping enemy talisman, Wang Changsheng did not dare to expect the Tiangang talisman to trap a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator for long.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Changsheng's mana was crazily poured into Xuanyin's cloak, turning into a streak and leaving through the air.

The middle-aged man flicked his sleeves, and three flying knives flashed out, hitting the silver ball of light.

The silver light ball only shook slightly a few times and remained intact.

Seeing this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He glanced at Wang Changsheng, who was hundreds of feet away, his face darkened, he closed his hands, opened his mouth, and a ball of white fireball sprayed out.

After a crisp chirp sounded from the fireball, the flames rose and turned into a white firebird about the size of a foot.

"Go." The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and pointed lightly at the silver ball of light.

The white firebird flapped its wings, and rushed straight to the silver ball of light.

After reaching the edge of the silver light ball, it opened its mouth and spewed out a stream of white flames, which hit the silver light ball.

The light of the silver light ball dimmed quickly, and after three white flying knives struck the silver light ball again, the silver light ball shattered.

From the time when the middle-aged man was trapped to the moment when the silver light ball was broken, Wang Changsheng had already disappeared into the sky.

The middle-aged man made a move with one hand, three white throwing knives and a white fireball circled one by one, flew into his sleeve and disappeared.

The middle-aged man turned into a white rainbow light, and went straight to chase after Wang Changsheng, and disappeared after a few flashes.

At this time, the yellow-robed old man and dozens of alchemy cultivators also wiped out several fifth-level monsters, but the two Tiangang Talismans turned into two hundred-foot-sized silver balls of light, trapping them inside.

The old man in the yellow robe and others sacrificed magic weapons one after another, attacking the silver light ball.

The silver light ball that trapped the old man in yellow robe and others shattered first, and the old man in yellow robe turned into a beam of yellow light and broke through the air, chasing after him.

When he flew thousands of miles away, he saw a middle-aged man floating in the air with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was searching for someone.

After a while, the middle-aged man opened his eyes and frowned.

"What's the matter, Brother Tong, have you caught up with that man?" The old man in yellow robe asked impatiently.

"That person didn't know what kind of secret technique he used. He fled hundreds of miles away and then disappeared. I couldn't sense his aura, as if the world had evaporated." The middle-aged man frowned and said, his face extremely gloomy .

"What? With your late Yuanying cultivation, you can't even sense this person's aura?" The yellow-robed old man's expression changed when he heard this, and he said in surprise.

"Yes, our current location is the place where he disappeared. That person disappeared here. I used my spiritual sense to scan hundreds of miles around several times, but I didn't find this person's aura. I guess this person has something. I have a magic weapon to hide my figure, otherwise I would never be able to escape the detection of my divine sense." The middle-aged man nodded and said in a deep voice.

"No matter what, the Tianwu Mountains are millions of miles away. In a short time, this person will definitely not be able to escape. Let's go back immediately and use the message array to report to the temple, and let the temple organize its personnel to search for this person. No matter what, we must We must kill this person, otherwise our Teng Snake Division will not be able to hold our heads up in front of other tribes." The old man in yellow robe said with a gloomy face, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

"This person sneaked into our Teng Snake Department to kill people, and used many high-level talisman seals in a row, especially a kind of trapping enemy talisman, which can trap me for a few breaths. I am worried that this person is from the Taiqing Palace. People from the Qing Palace, I can't think of any sect who is proficient in the art of talismans." The middle-aged man said with a frown.

"What? Taiqing Palace? Back then, Taiqing Palace dispatched a few Nascent Soul cultivators, and we White Witches were able to defeat Black Witches. If this person really came from Taiqing Palace, it would be troublesome. Could it be from Dongyu?" Huang Pao The old man frowned.

"Probably not, I have traveled in Dongyu for a while, and I have never heard of any sect in Dongyu who is proficient in the art of talisman seals. Forget it, let's go back first! Whether to catch or kill, let the temple decide, our Teng Snake Department One tribe cannot represent the entire Wu tribe." The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

After speaking, he turned into a ray of white light, flew towards the sky, and disappeared in the sky not long after.

"Taiqing Palace!" the yellow-robed old man muttered to himself, turned into a yellow ray of light, and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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