Chapter 807

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment, stood motionless on the spot, and did not speak.

With a "bang", the door was pushed open, and Wang Mingyuan walked in.

"Son, what are you doing? Daddy called you so many times, but you didn't open the door? I thought something happened to you." Wang Mingyuan glanced at Wang Changsheng, frowned and said.

"Father." Wang Changsheng murmured to himself in a low voice, his eyes turned red.

"Silly boy, what's the matter? Did your cousin bully you again?" Seeing this, Wang Mingyuan asked with concern.

"No." Wang Changsheng shook his head.

"Today is your mother's death day. Change your clothes and come with me to worship your mother." Wang Mingyuan glanced at the girl in the portrait, with a look of nostalgia on his face, and ordered.

"Mother's death date?" Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, looking at the girl in the portrait.

"Yes! You won't forget it!" Wang Mingyuan raised his brows with a displeased expression.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng's expression was a little sad. He pondered for a while, and said, "How could I forget that next time I return to Song Dynasty, I will go to worship my mother and you."

"What do you mean by returning to Song Dynasty next time? Worshiping your mother and me? Son, what are you talking about?" Wang Mingyuan was confused.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, his eyes were clear, he closed his eyes, and walked forward.

"Son, why are you closing your eyes! Dad is talking to you!" Wang Mingyuan's exasperated voice sounded in Wang Changsheng's ear.

Wang Changsheng turned a blind eye and walked forward with his eyes closed.

On the other side, Mu Wanwan appeared in a quiet room.

The room was furnished in a simple and elegant manner. On the bed lay a beautiful middle-aged woman in her 30s, whose facial features were quite similar to Mu Wanwan's.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was pale and looked sick.

"Mom!" Mu Wanwan murmured to herself when she saw the middle-aged beautiful woman on the bed, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Wanwan, hasn't your father come back yet?" The middle-aged beautiful woman said weakly.

"My father? Humph, he's back early, but at that vixen's place, that vixen is about to give birth. It is said that it is very likely to be a boy, and he is busy taking care of that vixen! Come and see you when I have time." Mu Wan Wan snorted softly and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Wanwan, don't talk about your father like that. Your father must have something to leave, otherwise he would have come to see me long ago. Besides, Caiyi is also your Seventeenth Mother. Don't call me a vixen. She is pregnant now. Maybe I will give birth to a younger brother for you, you have to be more polite to Caiyi." The middle-aged beautiful woman said word by word.

When Mu Wanwan heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said coldly, "Seventeenth Mother? She is also worthy? At the beginning, she tried every means to get close to you, so she wanted to hook up with my father, now she hooked up with my father, what time? I'm not arrogant when I see you, when did I give you a good face, call her a vixen and flatter her, hum, men don't have a good thing, and when they have a new love, they forget the old love."

"You girl, don't beat everyone to death with a stick. There are still good men in this world, but you haven't met them yet." The middle-aged beautiful woman smiled wryly and said slowly.

"Here, Madam Seventeen is born." A young maid rushed in quickly and shouted loudly.

"Boys and girls? Do you have spiritual roots? What kind of qualifications?" The middle-aged beautiful woman asked hurriedly when she heard the words.

"Going back to Mrs. Fifth, Mrs. Seventeen gave birth to a girl with four spiritual roots, and her aptitude is a thousand times worse than that of Missy's Thousand Imaginary Spirit Body." The young maid replied truthfully.

Hearing these words, the face of the middle-aged beautiful woman eased, and a look of joy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Hmph, let me just say it! What good things can that vixen give birth to? Let's do it now, the girl with four spirit roots, I'll see who she will show her dead fish face in the future." Mu Wanwan snorted lightly, Said gloatingly.

"Wanwan, help me up quickly, I'm going to see Caiyi." The middle-aged beautiful woman ordered.

"Tweety, go and help my mother up." Mu Wanwan stood motionless and ordered to the young maid.

The young maid responded and stepped forward to help the middle-aged beautiful woman.

After getting dressed, the middle-aged beautiful woman said to Mu Wanwan, "Wanwan, go with your mother to see your newborn sister."

"I'm not going, I have to go with you, I'm not interested in seeing that vixen's dead fish face." Mu Wanwan shook her head and said angrily.

"It's fine if you don't go, then you should practice hard! Hurry up and practice the "Dafa of Illusion and Nightmare" to the second level, so that your father will be happy too." Down, went out.

The next moment, Mu Wanwan felt a blur in front of her eyes, and suddenly appeared in a bright hall.

A majestic golden-robed man sat in the first place, frowning.

A beautiful woman in a green dress with a peach blossom face was holding a swaddling baby in her arms, her face was full of grief and indignation.

Beside Mu Wanwan was the beautiful middle-aged woman just now.

"Zhu Yuyan, you are so cruel! You actually strangled my newborn child to death, my husband, you must give me justice! You must give our child justice, my poor Xiang'er! Mother did not protect you well , you were strangled to death by this femme fatale Zhu Yuyan the moment you were born." The beautiful woman in the green dress pointed at the middle-aged woman, her face was full of grief and indignation, and the crying pear blossoms were raining, which aroused people's pity.

"Husband, I didn't. I really didn't strangle Xiang'er to death. I just took a look at her and didn't even touch Xiang'er." The middle-aged beautiful woman's complexion changed, and she hurriedly explained.

"Yes, it wasn't you who strangled to death. It was your daughter, Mu Wanwan. Mu Wanwan must have been jealous of my Xiang'er. She turned into your Zhu Yuyan appearance, pretended to come to see me, sent everyone away, and strangled me. Xiang'er, Mu Wanwan, you are so ruthless! Xiang'er is also your half-sister, and you strangled her so cruelly, do you still have humanity?" The beautiful woman in the green dress pointed at Mu Wanwan, her voice hoarse scolded.

"Wanwan, did you do it?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

"Hmph, I won't murder a newborn child at all. Even if I want to murder her, I won't turn into my mother to kill a newborn child. No matter how bad it is, I can bribe the people around you to do it. , do you think I'm as stupid as you?" Mu Wanwan snorted softly and said sarcastically.

"Mu Wanwan, you have finally spoken your mind. Even if your mother doesn't strangle my Xiang'er, you, Mu Wanwan, will buy Xiang'er to kill me. You mother and daughter are really snake-hearted. You can do things that are against human relations. If you hate me, you come to me. Why do you want to hurt my Xianger? My poor Xianger! She just came into this world, and she hasn't had a good look at the world yet. Mother and daughter were killed, husband, you must uphold justice for me!"

"Okay, don't cry, I believe Wanwan will not do such a thing, I will investigate this matter thoroughly, go back and rest! No one is allowed to spread this matter." The middle-aged man raised his brows, He waved his hand and ordered in an unquestionable tone.

"Zhu Yuyan, Mu Wanwan, even if I, Lin Caiyi, die, I will turn into a ghost and seek your life." The beautiful woman in the green dress said coldly, she glanced at the dead baby in her arms, and said, "Xiang'er, Mother is here to accompany you, on the way to Huangquan, mother will not let you go alone."

After finishing speaking, the beautiful woman in the green skirt stood up and slammed into a nearby stone pillar.

The middle-aged man frowned, and grabbed the beautiful woman in the green skirt with one hand. The beautiful woman in the green skirt took a few steps back and fell into the arms of the middle-aged man.

"Husband, don't stop me, let me die! Zhu Yuyan's mother and daughter killed my Xiang'er, I have nothing to do with them, I am really ashamed of my Xiang'er, let me go down to accompany Xiang'er! Huangquan Road , with me accompanying Xiang'er, she won't be alone." Lin Caiyi stood up and wanted to slam into the stone pillar.

"As I said just now, I will investigate this matter thoroughly. I will not spare the person who killed Xiang'er. Are you not even listening to me now?" The middle-aged man increased his tone, A powerful spiritual pressure surged out from his body.

Under the strong spiritual pressure, the beautiful woman in the green skirt felt that it was difficult to breathe, she shook her head hastily: "Since my husband said so, then I will listen to you!"

She gave Zhu Yuyan and Mu Wanwan a hard look, and said coldly: "If you let me know that it was your mother and daughter who killed my Xiang'er, I will not let you go."

After speaking, she left the hall with the support of the middle-aged man.

"Wanwan, mother really didn't strangle Xiang'er to death." Zhu Yuyan said with a wry smile.

"Mom, it's useless for me to believe in you, only for father to believe in you." Mu Wanwan nodded and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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