A seal of immortality

Chapter 809 Mutation

Chapter 809 Mutation
Different from other zombies, these two zombies each have a black vertical eye between their brows, and the blood-red eyeballs are constantly turning, showing full of spirituality.

The aura emitted by these two zombies has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and their strength is not weak.

"Human monks! How could you break in here? I'm a member of the family!" The man in the golden robe raised his eyebrows when he saw the old man in green robe and the beautiful woman in black skirt. Joy.

The old man in green robe and the beautiful woman in black skirt looked at each other, they couldn't understand the language of the demons at all.

Although they couldn't understand the words of the two zombies in front of them, they both knew that they had to kill the two zombies if they wanted to obtain the true devil's energy.

"Husband, since they are not members of our Tatba family, we will find out after killing them." The woman in white turned cold and opened her mouth, revealing two sharp fangs, her eyes full of bloodlust .

"Well, I have forgotten how many years I have been sealed here, and it has been a long time since I tasted blood." The man in the golden robe nodded, his face darkening.

Before the two zombies could make a move, the old man in green robe and the beautiful woman in black skirt made the move first.

The old man in green robe made a tactic with one hand, and the green centipede's eyes flashed fiercely, and he quickly rushed towards the man in golden robe. Then, he turned over with one hand, and a scroll with red light appeared in his hand, and he quickly rushed towards the man in gold robe. Lightly flung it forward, and at the same time, a dharma pierced into it in a flash.

The painting scroll unfolded in mid-air, and in the painting was a big crimson bird.

This beast looks no different from a rooster raised by mortals in the secular world, except that it has three crimson combs that look like blood on its head, and its whole body is wrapped in a layer of red flames.

This kind of monster that is wrapped in red demon fire and looks like a rooster in the secular world is called the three-crested turkey beast. This beast usually appears in areas with many volcanoes. It likes to eat all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. Nemesis, the Linyang True Fire it spewed out was somewhat more powerful than the Nascent Soul cultivator's Infant Fire.

The three-crested turkey beast has been extinct for many years in the world of cultivating immortals, and the painting scroll only seals a wisp of the soul of a three-crested turkey beast, which can only display part of the three-crested turkey beast's supernatural power.

The old man in green robe quickly changed gestures with his ten fingers, and hit the red scroll with several spells.

The sound of a rooster crowing came out!

The scroll suddenly glowed red, and the three-crested turkey spread its wings and flew out of the scroll. Its size soared to several feet in size, a head taller than the two zombies.

When the three-crested turkey saw the two zombies, it let out a strange cry, and with a "puff", a large red flame burst out from the three-crested turkey, causing the temperature in the hall to rise rapidly.

After the three-crested turkey beast let out a "cuckoo" cry, it spread its wings and flew up, rushing straight at the man in the golden robe.

On the other side, the beautiful woman in the black dress made a tactic with one hand, and the black dragon leaped at the man in the golden robe with its teeth and claws. Immediately afterwards, she slapped the spirit beast bag on her waist with a jade hand, and a black air flew out of the beast bag , after a burst of black air surged, a strange bird about the size of Zhang Xu appeared
The bird was covered in black air, its eyes were green, and its three heads were bald without a single hair. It looked ugly and vicious.

As soon as the bird flew out of the spirit animal bag, it made an extremely unpleasant noise and stared viciously at the two zombies.

"Three ghost doves!" The woman in white said in surprise when she saw the three strange birds, her beautiful eyes flashed with astonishment.

"Go." The beautiful woman in the black dress stretched out her hand to lightly touch the opposite side, and shouted.

As soon as the words fell, the three ghost doves uttered an extremely unpleasant and strange cry, spread their wings, and flew towards the two zombies.

With a flash of black light, the three ghost doves disappeared before flying far.

Ghost dove is a kind of ghost bird. This bird is born with a pair of ghost eyes, which can restrain evil spirits and evil spirits. It is the nine-headed ghost dove. It is said that as long as the nine-headed ghost dove looks at it, the immortal cultivator will be out of his wits, and he does not know whether it is true or not.

The zombie's body is strong, and the magic weapon is hard to hurt. These two zombies have existed for an unknown number of years, and their bodies may be harder than the defensive magic weapon. Neither the old man in green robe nor the beautiful woman in black dress used other magic weapons to attack the two zombies, but It is the magic weapon and spiritual bird that sacrifices to restrain ghosts.

Seeing this scene, the man in the golden robe had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a black light shot out from his vertical eyes, facing the attacking green centipede and black flood dragon.

As soon as the green centipede and the black flood dragon came into contact with the black light, they froze and were frozen in the void.

With a flash of red light, the three-crested turkey beast rushed in front of the man in the golden robe. The three cockscombs on its head shone brightly, opened its mouth, and shot out a thick red flame towards the man in the golden robe.

Where the red flames passed, the floor showed signs of melting, and the temperature in the hall rose sharply.

The man in the golden robe opened his mouth, spewed out a thick black flame, and greeted him.

With a loud bang, the red flames collided with the black flames, and the two groups of light, one red and one black, collided fiercely, and the two rays of light of different colors flickered alternately.

The void above the golden robe man's head fluctuated together, and three ghost doves suddenly emerged, his eyes burst into black light, and a black glow spewed out, covering the golden robe man.

At this moment, the vertical eyes of the woman in white sprayed out countless slender black threads, which turned into an impenetrable black net, holding back the black glow emitted by the three ghost doves.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the old man in green robe and the beautiful woman in black dress were a little ugly.

After a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the old man in green robe, he flipped his palm, and a fist-sized silver ball appeared in his hand. The surface of the silver ball was covered with dense silver runes, exuding an astonishing wave of aura .

Before he had time to sacrifice, there was a loud "bang", the red flame was defeated by the black flame, and the black flame took the opportunity to shoot towards the three-crested turkey beast.

The Sanguan Turkey Beast spread its wings, and a large red flame suddenly emerged, covering it inside.

With a sound of "Boom", the black flame hit the red flame and spread rapidly. The area of ​​the black flame continued to shrink. Not long after, a shrill scream came from the black flame.

At the same time, with a "poof", the red scroll suspended in mid-air spontaneously ignited without any wind, and burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the green-robed old man's expression darkened, and with a flick of his wrist, the silver sphere immediately came out of his hand, turning into a silver light and shooting towards the golden-robed man.

The speed of the silver light was extremely fast, and within a few flashes it arrived not far from the man in the golden robe.

A dazzling silver light lit up, and there was a loud "bang", covering hundreds of feet in a silver thunder light, a powerful air flow swept away, and the stone slabs on the ground flew up one after another, flying towards the surrounding area. Smash it.

An extremely shrill scream came from the silver thunder.

The beautiful woman in the black dress flipped her jade hand, and a mirror shining with gold appeared in her hand, with a large number of Buddhist scriptures circulating on the surface.

After injecting mana, a thick multi-colored glow shot out from it, and submerged into the silver thunder in a flash.

Two screams suddenly sounded.

But the next moment, a black glow glowed in the silver lightning, and the silver lightning disappeared one after another, revealing the figures of two zombies.

The golden robe man's face was shriveled, his fangs were exposed, his clothes were tattered, his body was scorched black, some black blood could be vaguely seen, and fist-sized black scales could be seen on the exposed skin.

The situation of the woman in white was similar, but her face was bloody.

"How is it possible, you guys still survived after receiving an Immortal Extinguishing Orb!" The old man in green robe witnessed this scene, his face was full of shock, and he lost his voice in surprise.

"Hmph, if the genuine Miexian Orb can indeed destroy us, but the Miexian Orb you sacrificed is only a defective product, it would be ridiculous to even want to destroy us with a defective Miexian Orb." The man in the golden robe snorted softly. , Said in the language of the demons.

Although the green-robed old man couldn't understand what the golden-robed man was saying, he could vaguely guess what the man said.

"If you dare to ruin my face, I want you to pay with your life." The blood-red eyeballs of the white-clothed woman flickered fiercely, and her figure turned into a black light and rushed towards the green-robed old man.

Seeing this scene, the green-robed old man's expression changed drastically. Without saying a word, he took out a silver bead of the same size as before from his sleeve. With a flick of his wrist, the silver bead came out of his hand and turned into a ray of silver light. went up to welcome.

When the woman in white saw this situation, a look of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a black glow shot out from her vertical eyes, and she went up to her.

As soon as the silver ball came into contact with the black glow, it was immediately fixed in midair.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the green-robed old man turned into a green light and flew back and forth, not even wanting his talisman.

Seeing this, the beautiful woman in the black dress frowned and wanted to run away, but at this moment, the woman in white looked up to the sky and let out a strange roar.

When the beautiful woman in the black dress heard this, she felt that her mana stagnated.

A gust of wind hit, and the man in the golden robe suddenly appeared in front of the beautiful woman in the black dress.

At the same time, the woman in white turned into a ray of black light and chased after the old man in green robe.

Seeing the man in the golden robe suddenly appearing in front of her, the face of the beautiful woman in the black dress changed greatly. The golden mirror in her hand was about to cover the man in the golden robe, and the blood-red eyeballs of the man in the golden robe suddenly lit up with blood.

The beautiful woman in the black dress felt her head sinking, and the next moment, she felt a chill in her chest. The withered palm of the man in the golden robe pierced her chest at some point, holding a bloody heart in his hand.

As soon as the golden robe man closed his five fingers together, his heart suddenly shattered.

The eyes of the beautiful woman in the black dress were dull and empty.

With a flash of black light, a miniature Nascent Soul flew out from the body of the beautiful woman in the black dress.

The vertical eyes of the man in the golden robe sprayed out countless blacks, turning into an impenetrable black net, which quickly covered the miniature Nascent Soul, and quickly closed it tightly.

"Fellow daoist, spare your life, I am willing to serve you and help you recover fellow daoist Shi." The mini Yuanying shouted in panic.

The man in the golden robe ignored it, opened his mouth and sprayed out a black rune the size of a fist, and stuck it on the mini Nascent Soul in a flash.

The miniature Nascent Soul couldn't move for a moment, and there was no more sound.

The large black net broke apart and turned into countless slender black threads, flying back into the vertical eyes of the man in the golden robe.

The man in the golden robe waved at the miniature Nascent Soul with one hand, and the miniature Nascent Soul flew steadily into his hand.

The man in the golden robe closed his eyes, and opened them again not long after.

He opened his mouth and stuffed the mini Nascent Soul into his mouth.

The man in the golden robe chewed his mouth a few times, and a scream came from his mouth, and at the same time, an extremely shrill scream came from a distance.

At this time, a white light flew from a distance, it was the woman in white.

The woman in white had a satisfied look on her face, and a smear of blood was still on the corner of her mouth. Obviously, the old man in green robe was killed by her.

"Husband, the battle between immortals and demons is over, and our demons have retreated from the demon world. These two guys are here to find the real devil's energy, and I don't know how they know that there is a real devil's energy here." The woman in white said with a serious expression .

"Huh, there is real demon energy here, but it has been refined by you and me a long time ago. What's a little troublesome is that this interface is now the territory of the human race. If we want to find the people of the Taba clan, we have to ascend to the devil world." Okay, judging from this woman's memory, all the space passages leading to this interface from the Demon Realm have been blocked, and if we want to ascend to the Demon Realm, we must be promoted to Transformation God." The man in the golden robe snorted lightly and frowned. Said with a frown.

"That's not necessarily the case. If we can communicate with the clansmen in the demon world, we can let them open a space channel and take us into the demon world. But what happened when we fell to the ground? The two of us died in the battle between immortals and demons. We are dying. Let the clansman refine us into corpses and change the way of corpses, even if human immortal cultivators attack our clan's garrison, the clansmen should take us away when they retreat, why do they leave us here?" The woman in white shook her head. Shaking his head, he said with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't know, maybe the clansmen evacuated in a hurry and didn't take us with them! Even if this is the territory of human immortal cultivators, we have each refined a ray of real devil energy, and our bodies are somewhat stronger than ordinary corpse refiners. As long as we don't We will not be in danger when encountering existences above the deity level. As for the clansmen who communicate with the demon world, I remember that there are several altars in this clan, and maybe the clansmen who can communicate with the demon world may also be able to communicate. Let's try our luck! At worst, Using the true devil energy left by the altar, we can also attack the god transformation, if we advance to the god transformation stage, no one in this world should be able to stop." The man in the golden robe rested his chin with one hand and analyzed slowly.

"In that case, let's leave quickly! I haven't tasted blood for a long time." The woman in white nodded, turning into a black light and flying towards Shi Hao and the others.

The man in the golden robe also turned into a black light and followed.

The four of Shi Hao had already broken the formation along the road, and the two of them were able to travel unimpeded all the way.

Not long after, the two appeared on the outermost stone steps.

The man in the gold robe and the woman in white looked at each other, nodded, and turned into two black lights, flying towards the sky. After a while, the two disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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