A seal of immortality

Chapter 816 Encounter

Chapter 816 Encounter
A fierce light flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, and the red unicorn opened its bloody mouth and let out a strange roar. The flames around it rose, turning into a cloud of fire several feet in size, and flew straight into the sky.

The yellow boulder melted as soon as it got close to the red unicorn, turning into a pool of yellow liquid.

Even so, the yellow boulders still appeared out of nowhere at high altitudes, and the number was increasing.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you can't go on like this! You have to find the formation, otherwise we will be trapped here to death." Mu Wanwan said with a frown.

When Wang Changsheng heard this, his eyes quickly swept around, but he didn't find anything unusual.

As soon as his expression moved, the flames all over the red unicorn rose, and a large amount of flames emerged around, quickly condensing into red fireballs, and the area of ​​the red fireballs continued to grow.

Half a quarter of an hour later, dozens of giant fireballs the size of water tanks appeared high in the sky.

The red unicorn let out a strange roar, and dozens of giant fireballs flew towards the ground.

There was a loud "boom" and "boom", and flames billowed on the ground.

One of the giant fireballs hit a pile of rocks, and it exploded immediately, and the billowing flames flooded the pile of rocks.

Not long after, the flames dissipated, and dozens of large kangs appeared on the ground, but Wang Changsheng, who was careful, found that the pile of rocks was still there.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's expression moved, the fire cloud that was hiding quickly flew towards a pile of rocks on the ground.

Seeing that the fire cloud was about to hit the pile of troubled times, there were several loud bangs, and hundreds of long yellow stone spears drilled out of the ground and shot towards the fire cloud.

"It's really weird." Wang Changsheng snorted softly.

As soon as the yellow stone spears entered within five feet of the fire cloud, they melted one after another.

At the same time, the chaotic world of the pile of rocks moved rapidly.

Not long after, the yellow boulders scattered on the ground gathered together, resembling a person.

An ugly stone man climbed up from the ground. The stone man was more than twenty feet tall, and his fists were several feet in size.

The stone man's huge right hand was clenched into a fist, and he slammed towards Huoyun fiercely.

A red light flew out from the fire cloud and greeted it.

With a loud bang, the red light hit the stone man's right fist, and the right fist was shattered.

But soon, a yellow light lit up at the severed arm, and a brand new right arm was born.

There was a deafening dragon chant, and a red flood dragon descended from the sky, its long tail suddenly swept towards the stone man's head.

With a "bang", the stone man's head flew upside down.

But soon, a yellow light flashed, and a brand new head grew out again.

After the fire cloud rolled and surged for a while, it more than doubled in size and flew straight towards the stone man.

The flames all over the red dragon's body rose, and it rushed towards the stone man with its teeth and claws.

With a loud "boom", the fire cloud directly pierced through the stone man's chest, and a large hole several feet in size appeared in the stone man's chest, followed by the red dragon's long tail that swept away, striking the stone man. of crushing.

Seeing this scene, both Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan showed joy on their faces, but soon, the smiles on their faces froze.

A burst of yellow light lit up on the ground, rushing toward the broken body of the stone man.

Not long after, a brand new yellow stone man appeared in front of the two.

"Fairy Mu, you caught that stone man in mid-air, this time I'll let it leave nothing left." Wang Changsheng raised his brows and said in a deep voice.

Mu Wanwan nodded, and the red flood dragon twisted and flew over the head of the stone man.

Two huge dragon claws grabbed the stone man's shoulders, lifted the yellow stone man into the sky, and flew slowly into the sky.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, and the flames around his body swelled more than a circle, and the area of ​​the fire cloud expanded rapidly. It didn't take long for it to expand to a hundred feet in size, and he could feel an unbearable hot air from a long distance away.

The red dragon grabbed the yellow stone man and flew several hundred feet into the air, then let go of its claws.

The yellow stone man fell to the ground very fast.

Just as it was about to fall to the ground, a cloud of red flames hundreds of feet in size swooped in and hit the yellow stone man accurately.

With a loud bang, a large piece of red flame burst out from the fire cloud, engulfing the entire stone man.

Not long after, the flame dissipated, and the fire cloud converged, revealing the figure of the red unicorn.

The ground shook violently, and Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan only felt a blur before their eyes, and suddenly appeared in the original canyon, but the stone walls on both sides of the canyon were torn apart, and mysterious black runes could be vaguely seen all over the cliffs.

Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

With a flash of red light, the two returned to their human form, put away the talisman, and walked forward.

A quarter of an hour later, the two walked out of the canyon, and a wide plain appeared in front of them.

With the lessons learned just now, Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a white bone banner flew out, swaying in the wind, and turned into a human-shaped skeleton.

With Wang Changsheng's spiritual thought, the human-shaped skeleton moved its limbs, and walked forward slowly. There was no abnormality after walking several tens of feet.

Using his spiritual sense, Wang Changsheng checked all the places in a radius of several miles, and found nothing abnormal, so he walked forward with Mu Wanwan in peace.

The two of them had just walked a hundred feet away when a black light flew from the distant sky at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan glanced at each other and stopped. Wang Changsheng looked normal, while Mu Wanwan pressed her palm on the storage bag at her waist, looking a little nervous.

Not long after, the black light stopped hundreds of feet above their heads.

"What kind of monster is this?" Mu Wanwan saw the true face of the black light clearly, frowned, and said in surprise, her eyes were full of disgust.

Judging from the towering twin peaks on her chest, this is a woman, but the clothes on her body are tattered, and there are dense black scales growing on her bare hands, feet and face. With a black unicorn, huge black claws on both hands, and a pair of black wings about the size of Zhang Xu on the back, it is Wu Lingzi.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan, Wu Lingzi frowned. After hearing Mu Wanwan's words, Wu Lingzi's expression darkened immediately, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Hmph, a junior in the early stage of Nascent Soul and a late stage of alchemy dared to enter the Falling Immortal Valley to hunt for treasure. I really don't know if you are brave or ignorant." Wu Lingzi sneered, coldly Said.

"Where I want to go next, I don't seem to care about your business!" Wang Changsheng said indifferently, looking at Wu Lingzi with a look of fear.

This person exudes an aura like that of the middle Nascent Soul, and his body is so weird, could it be a demon here?Anyway, the other party was a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and Wang Changsheng would not provoke this person for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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