Chapter 819

"What's going on, who activated the large-scale communication formation, I don't know if it's a major event related to the life and death of the family, shouldn't the large-scale communication formation be activated?"

"Who is so bold that he dares to activate a large-scale communication array without authorization? Nothing really big will happen!"

"Go and inform the patriarch."

With roars of anger, one demon after another gathered towards the black palace from all directions.

At the same time, the alarm sounded loudly on the island.

Two demons guarding the entrance of the hall immediately broke into the hall, and there were more than a dozen grooves on the magic circle filled with magic stones.

On both sides of the magic circle, there are five thick white stone pillars, on which are carved a large number of densely packed white runes.

Behind the magic circle, there is a humanoid statue more than ten feet high. The statue looks like a human being with three eyes.

On the left and right sides of the main hall are two open stone chambers. Two Nascent Soul stage demons are standing near the magic circle, looking solemnly at a black mirror above the magic circle.

The black mirror was blurry, and it was temporarily impossible to see anything clearly.

"Send someone to notify the patriarch. I don't know who activated the large-scale communication array. I hope it's just a false alarm." A short and fat old man ordered.

"Yes, Fifth Elder." A demon clan responded, turned around and was about to leave.

"No need, the old man is already here." A majestic male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged man with a dignified face and good features walked in quickly.

Behind the middle-aged man, there are two demons, a man and a woman.

The aura of the three of them is much stronger than that of the short and fat old man, and they are obviously the cultivators of Huashen.

"Patriarch." Seeing the middle-aged man, the four of them, the short and fat old man, saluted.

"What's the matter, who is activating the large-scale communication circle? Didn't you say that unless it is a matter of life or death, you can't activate the large-scale communication circle?" Passing by, he frowned and said.

"I don't know the words of the master. There is no picture yet. I will know when there is a picture." The short and fat old man shook his head and said respectfully.

"Our Tatba clan has many strongholds outside, but only two of the more important strongholds have large-scale communication circles, and those two strongholds are guarded by refining monks. A large-scale messaging team will be launched to ask for help, could it be that something happened to those two strongholds?" A plump woman in a green skirt frowned and analyzed one after another.

"It shouldn't be those two strongholds, otherwise the picture would have appeared long ago. In this case, it seems that a farther-distance communication array is activated to appear. Patriarch, can our Taba clan leave a large communication array in other places?" A gray-robed old man with a thin face pondered for a while, and said slowly.

"As far as I know, probably not, but just to be cautious, Seventh Sister, you go to the Buddhist scripture hall of your clan and ask the eighth uncle who guards the Buddhist scripture hall to see if he knows that the clan is in other places. There is a large communication array." The middle-aged man shook his head, thought for a while, and ordered to the woman in the green skirt.

"Yes, Patriarch." The woman in the green skirt responded, turning into a green light and flying out of the hall.

At this moment, the black mirror flickered a few times before disappearing suddenly.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"It should be that another large communication array is too far away from here, and the magic stone that activated the communication array has exhausted its energy." The gray-robed old man said with some uncertainty.

The middle-aged man nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The human world, falling into the fairy valley.

In the black palace, the man in gold and the woman in white looked at the black magic circle in front of them, frowning.

"Even high-level magic stones can't activate the formation. It seems that if you want to activate the formation again, you need top-level magic stones." The man in the golden robe said slowly.

"I still have two top-level magic stones on me. I don't know if it's enough." The woman in white hesitated for a while, and flipped her jade hand, and there were two crystal clear black jade stones in her hands.

"I also have two pieces on my body. Except for the four grooves for top-level magic stones, the other grooves are for high-level magic stones! If you still can't communicate with the clansmen in the upper realm, then forget it. With the real devil's energy in hand, It will be a matter of time before we ascend to the Demon Realm." The man in the golden robe said so, and took out two pieces of crystal clear black jade from his sleeve.

He placed four top-level magic stones in four grooves, and the other grooves were for high-level magic stones.

A thicker black beam of light than before flew up from the magic circle and went straight to the sky.

Dense black runes surged out from the magic circle, quickly condensing into a black mirror.

After a flash of black light, a middle-aged man with a majestic face appeared in the mirror.

"Hey, it's really our Taba clansman. I'm Taba Yu, the patriarch of the Taba clan. Where are you in the Demon Realm? How did you activate the large-scale communication array indiscriminately?" The middle-aged man let out a sigh and frowned.

"I am Taba Guang, and next to me is my wife, Taba Yu'er. We are in the human world now, please quickly open a space passage and lead us to the demon world." The man in the golden robe saw the middle-aged man with ecstasy on his face. The color, said a little excitedly.

"What? You are in the human world?" Wen Yan, a middle-aged man, had incredulous eyes in his eyes.

"Yes, we are now in the former residence of our Taba clan. During the Great War of Immortals and Demons, our husband and wife were seriously injured and died, so we changed to the corpse path, but you didn't take us with you when you retreated, leaving us in the human world , After so many years, it's time to take us back." The man in the golden robe nodded and said with some dissatisfaction.

"What? You are the clansmen who were forgotten in the human world during the war between immortals and demons?" The middle-aged man's face changed, and he said in surprise.

"It's true, you guys hurry up and open a space channel, I can only contact you with the top-level magic stone, I can't say too much, you quickly use the positioning disk to record our location, so that we can open a channel, by the way, now The aura of the human world is weak, and there are at most a few early stage gods. After opening the space channel, you can send a team of high-ranking clansmen over to occupy the human world and turn the human world into the territory of our Tuba clan." The man in the golden robe clicked Nodding his head, he said impatiently.

"Across an interface, we can't determine your location at all. In this way, temporarily close the communication array, and you don't leave. I have finished discussing with the elders in the clan and I will contact you again." The middle-aged man pondered for a while, and suggested .

"Unable to determine the location? Alright! Let's do this first. I'll wait for your reply. Hurry up." The man in the golden robe raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement.

After speaking, he made a tactic with one hand, and a tactic hit the magic circle. The black mirror flashed wildly a few times, and it collapsed and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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