Chapter 835
They think that the underworld is a place imagined by some idle cultivators. If the dead can be resurrected, after so many years, the resurrected people would have crowded the underworld by now!
The two hold their own opinions, and neither agrees with the other.

Most immortal cultivators believe in the existence of the underworld, but no one has been to the underworld, but they all believe that there are many zombies and ghosts living in the underworld. Survive.

"The high-level monks in this sect all pass it down like this. I don't know if it's true or not. Maybe Uncle Huang knows more. After Uncle Huang gave birth, he entered the ghost cave many times, which may be related to this." Huang Xiaowen was a little displeased. Said with certainty.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. He pondered for a while, and then ordered, "Let's go! Let's look for it again."

After speaking, he hit the Mo Yunzhou under his feet with a formula, and flew eastward.

Seven days later, Wang Changsheng appeared above a stretch of mountain ranges, his brows furrowed.

He searched all over the ghost cave, but he couldn't find the ghost's whereabouts. The ghost seemed to have disappeared from the world, and even the ghost mirror was useless. Obviously, the ghost's concealment skills were very clever. The first time he was detected by the ghost disk, it was just a moment of inattention.

"Forget it, don't look for it anymore, let's go back!" Wang Changsheng frowned, and Mo Yunzhou stopped.

"Don't look for it anymore? Uncle Wang, I think we should look for it again! The ghost cave is very important to this sect. If we don't destroy that ghost, we can't let the disciples enter the ghost cave. The most important thing is , that ghost is already in the late stage of alchemy, it is still devouring other ghosts, it is only a matter of time before it hits the ghost baby, if it is condensed by it, it will be troublesome.” Huang Xiaowen frowned, hesitated for a moment, and stiffened Scalp said.

"I also understand what you said, but you have also seen the current situation. We can't find it at all. I plan to wait for it. Isn't it going to hit the ghost baby stage? Then let it hit the ghost baby stage, it Impacting the ghost baby will definitely cause a celestial phenomenon, wait until it hits the ghost baby before making a move, then it will definitely not be able to escape." Wang Changsheng said confidently.

"So that's the case. I just hope that Master Wang won't take the blame for my disciple's offense." Huang Xiaowen nodded and said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, you are also thinking about this sect. After you go back, you send three more alchemy cultivators over, and I will definitely destroy that ghost." After Wang Changsheng finished speaking, a magic formula hit Mo Yunzhou under his feet , Mo Yunzhou turned around and quickly flew towards the distant sky, and disappeared in the sky not long after.

After a while, a glaring yellow glow lit up on the top of a certain peak, and a black hole several feet in size emerged without warning. A ghost with blue-faced fangs drilled out of it, and the black hole healed.

The shape of the ghost resembles that of an ape, with blood-red eyes, black hair all over its body, and a pair of black bat wings about the size of Zhang Xu on its back.

"Damn human beings, when I condense ghost babies, it will be the time when your Nether Corpse Sect will be exterminated." It looked at Wang Changsheng's leaving back and said viciously. Then it remembered something and murmured to itself in a low voice: "No Thinking of tearing apart a piece of space to escape, and accidentally wandering into the human world, when I condense the ghost baby, I will definitely return to the underworld, hum, Nisan, you wait for me, you dare to lay a poisonous hand on my Xugui clan, When I return to the Netherworld, I will definitely lead my people to destroy your whole family."

At the end, a killing intent flashed across his eyes.

The black bat wing behind him slammed into the sky, turned into a black light and flew towards the distance, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

After returning to the city, Wang Changsheng meditated in the stone house to rest his mind, while Huang Xiaowen teleported away.

Half an hour later, the teleportation array in the stone house lit up a black light, and after the black light subsided, two men and a woman appeared. The two men were in the middle stage of alchemy, and the remaining purple-robed old woman was in the late stage of alchemy.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Wang." After the three purple-robed old women teleported over, they immediately bowed to Wang Changsheng and said respectfully.

"Forget about those false rituals! Listen carefully, from today onwards, you will go out in two teams of three to go out on patrol. I don't want you to look for that ghost. You just need to wander around in the ghost cave. If you encounter that ghost, you are not allowed to touch it, and you are not allowed to separate it, offenders will be punished severely, if you find any abnormalities, please notify me immediately, understand?" Wang Changsheng said coldly after glancing at the six people.

"Disciple understands." Everyone said in unison.

"I repeat again, if you encounter that ghost, you are not allowed to do anything, let alone separate, offenders will be severely punished, I have a few bottles of pills that can improve mana in the alchemy stage, if you can help me destroy that ghost , the elixir is yours, if you don't listen to the persuasion and miss the important event of this sect, I will not forgive you lightly." Wang Changsheng's face became condensed, and he ordered in a deep voice. .

That ghost is powerful, and he was worried that the six of them would be troubled if they wanted to attack the ghost privately.

You know, that ghost knows how to attack with divine sense, and even Wang Changsheng's cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage will be affected, and it is even more impossible for monks at the Alchemy stage to avoid it.

These six people all had body bags hanging around their waists, and their bodies were entangled with yin energy. Most of them had domesticated ghosts. If they could get a yin bead left by the ghost king, their ghosts would be powerful. There is no guarantee that they will obey orders.

After hearing this, the six of them naturally agreed.

After Wang Changsheng gave a few more instructions, he sent three monks in the alchemy stage to go out on patrol, and gave them a sound transmission talisman for thousands of miles.

Time flies, a year has passed, Wang Changsheng has been staying in the ghost cave, and six alchemy monks patrol every half a month. During this period, they also encountered the ghost a few times, because Wang Changsheng repeatedly told them not to do anything with that ghost. They dared not disobey Wang Changsheng's order and let the ghost escape from them.

After a long time, the ghost also figured out the patrol pattern of the six people, and cleverly avoided the patrolling alchemy monks, and never encountered the patrolling alchemy monks again.

The yin energy in the Yingui Cave was very strong, so Wang Changsheng released Ye Mingyue to practice in the Yingui Cave.

Wang Changsheng usually stayed in the stone house to meditate and practice, and occasionally he would instruct six monks in the alchemy stage to practice, and they could get Wang Changsheng's advice, and the six laughed from ear to ear.

Under the guidance of Wang Changsheng, a middle-aged man named Ye Chen resolved the bottleneck for many years and advanced from the middle stage of alchemy to the late stage of alchemy.

While Ye Chen was excited, he usually regarded himself as Wang Changsheng's disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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