Chapter 839
Inside the Hehuan Sect, the most magnificent hall.

A majestic golden-robed man sat in the main seat, with a contented look on his face.

And in the middle of the hall, dozens of beautiful maids are dancing.

The cultivation of those maids is nothing more than building a foundation, regardless of appearance or figure, each of them is first-class.

The guests sitting cross-legged on both sides of the hall, there are men and women, all of them are smiling and have extraordinary manners.

After a while, the beautiful maids in the hall finally finished their dance, bowed respectfully to the golden robed man sitting on the main seat, and then left the hall one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Mu, we also watched the dance and drank the wine. If you have anything to say, just speak up! Don't beat around the bush." ​​An old man in a blue robe sitting on the right said in a deep voice.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for so many years, fellow daoist Liu is still impatient." Mu Yunxuan chuckled, his face froze, and said in a deep voice: "The fellow daoists present here are all leaders in the evil ways of various countries. Constructing a major event, if this event is successful, the power of our sect can be expanded by more than several times."

"Expand the power of the sect? So, Fellow Daoist Mu wants to start another war, but didn't we invade other countries at the same time last time? It's less than a hundred years now, and we are going to invade other countries again? The Zhengdao sect will not Regardless, after all, the last time we reached an agreement with the Righteous Way and expanded our power at the same time, the war would not have ended so quickly if those bull-noseds from the Righteous Way had not intervened." A middle-aged beautiful woman sitting on the left said with a frown.

"Invading other countries? Hehe, Mrs. Song underestimated me, Mu Yunxuan too. Last time, we expanded our power at the same time from the Demonic Way and the Righteous Way. Naturally, those bull-nosed people from the Righteous Way will not interfere. This time, it's a battle between righteousness and evil. As far as I know During the trip to Falling Immortal Valley, the orthodox monks suffered heavy losses. The Qinghong fairy couple from the Zhengyi sect, the Ziyue couple from the Taixu sect, the monk Liaochen from the Buddhist sect, Xiong Ming from the Holy Spirit sect, and the three masters of Qingsong Academy all died in the fall. Xiangu, these people are the leaders of the righteous way in the country where they are, and they have fallen, it is the best time for our magic way to expand its power, and it is not impossible for our magic way to unify Dongyu." At the end, Mu Yunxuan's face There was a look of excitement.

"What? All these people have fallen? Where did Fellow Daoist Mu get the news? Why don't we know? This news can't be wrong!" A thin-faced old man in gray robes changed his face and frowned. Full of doubts.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the others, and doubts appeared in their eyes.

"All of you here are leaders in the demonic ways of various countries. If something happens to you, the sect you belong to will definitely block the news. It's hard for those bull-noseds of the righteous way to know!" Mu Yunxuan said solemnly, he paused for a moment, and then Said: "This news is absolutely true. The little girl was there at the time. She saw these people die with her own eyes. This is an opportunity for us to rise up the magic way, and we cannot miss it."

"If I remember correctly, Fellow Daoist Mu's beloved daughter is only at the stage of alchemy! Could it be that these people killed each other and died together, and they happened to be seen by Ling Qianjin? This is unlikely! Don't say anything else, the bear of the Holy Spirit Sect Ming is the leader of the righteous way, just like Fellow Daoist Mu is the leader of our demon way, those monks of the righteous way will attack Xiong Ming for no reason? Even if the Qinghong fairy couple and others join forces to deal with Xiong Ming, it is impossible to kill Xiong Ming, the old man Xiong Ming Daoyou Chen from the Blood Fiend Sect and Mrs. She from the Heavenly Ghost Sect have experienced it personally, and it cannot be killed by a few comrades working together." A big man in brocade robes with resolute features raised his chin with one hand and frowned. He analyzed with a frown.

"That's right! The old man fought against the old monster Xiong in the past. His natal magic weapon, the Three Spirit Halberd, is so powerful that the old man dare not accept it. Even if he finds a strange treasure or a high-year elixir, it is impossible for them to join hands to deal with the old monster bear. , Although Old Monster Xiong is a bit arrogant, he is not stupid enough to offend so many fellow Taoists." A short, fat old man with a big belly nodded in agreement.

"It's too coincidental to say that they touched a powerful restriction at the same time!" A beautiful woman in a black dress holding a cane with a ghost head rolled her beautiful eyes and said doubtfully.

Seeing the skeptical expressions on everyone's faces, Mu Yunxuan's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "What if they met a cultivator who turned into gods! To be more precise, the gods turned into demons."

"What? Transformation God Demon Race!"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present changed greatly.

"Fellow Daoist Mu, are you kidding me! How could there be a demon clan appearing in Falling Immortal Valley? Even if there were demon clan appearing, Ling Qianjin is only at the alchemy stage. Running away in front of the monks? Isn’t this a fairy tale!” said the blue-robed old man, frowning.

"To be honest, there were two witch monks present at the time, and one of them was a late Nascent Soul witch who performed high-level witchcraft and severely injured the Huashen Demon. During this period, I joined forces with fellow Daoist Wang of the Nether Corpse Sect to kill that demon clan." Mu Yunxuan thought for a while, and replied truthfully.

Those present are all leaders of demonic ways from other countries. It is very difficult to coax them, so they can only tell the truth.

"Mu Daoyou, I wonder if it would be convenient for you to let Ling Qianjin come out and tell us what happened in person? Otherwise, we would not be able to start a war with the righteous way with just a few words from you."

"That's right! This matter is of great importance, and it's hard for us to be convinced by just a few words from you, Fellow Daoist Mu."

"Fellow Daoist Mu, please let Qianjin come out and tell the story!"

"No problem." Mu Yunxuan nodded, took out a sound transmission talisman from his sleeve, said a few words in a low voice, threw it forward, and the sound transmission talisman turned into a flame and flew out of the hall.

After a cup of tea, a ray of red light flew into the hall, and the red light faded away, revealing Mu Wanwan's figure.

"Wanwan pays homage to all seniors." Mu Wanwan saluted the eight Nascent Soul cultivators on the left and right, and said respectfully.

"Niece Mu, you don't need to be too polite. We want to know how you encountered that demon clan, and we hope that niece Mu will tell you the truth." The beautiful woman in the black skirt waved her hand and said solemnly.

"Wanwan, tell the truthful story to all fellow Taoists here!" Mu Yunxuan ordered.

Mu Wanwan nodded, and told the story in detail.

After listening to Mu Wanwan's statement, everyone had different expressions.

The blue-robed old man raised his brows, and said with some doubts: "Niece Mu, even though the late Nascent Soul cultivator of the Witch Clan severely injured the God Transformation Demon Clan, you are only two early Nascent Soul cultivators, how can you kill a Soul Transformation cultivator? Does that fellow Daoist Wang really have such great supernatural powers? Why have I never heard of this person before?"

"Returning to Senior Liu, Daoyou Wang's supernatural powers are indeed stronger than ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators. Well, True Monarch Wufeng also entered the Falling Immortal Valley, but he died in the hands of Daoyou Wang." Mu Wanwan nodded, He said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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