A seal of immortality

Chapter 848 Negotiation

Chapter 848 Negotiation (first update)
The Wanling Mountain Range is located in the west of Wu Kingdom, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, with countless dangerous mountains and steep peaks. There are countless kinds of spirit beasts and strange insects in the mountain.

In the depths of the Wanling Mountains, there is a huge Hurricane Peak thousands of feet high. On the top of the peak stands a magnificent blue palace. The exquisite stone pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes. The whole body is made of some kind of huge blue bricks. Glazed tiles.

There is a shining plaque hanging at the entrance of the palace, on which the three big characters "Hall of All Souls" are written in dragons and phoenixes. There are a large number of birds and beasts on the plaque. These birds and beasts run and fly on the surface of the plaque like living things.

In the magnificent hall, several Nascent Soul monks are discussing something.

A beautiful middle-aged woman with a handsome face sat on the main seat with a dignified expression.

The middle-aged woman was none other than Hua Feiwu, the Great Elder of Yulingzong. At the peak of the Nascent Soul Middle Stage, she was the highest cultivator in the world of immortal cultivation in Wu Kingdom, so she naturally became the leader of the world of immortal cultivation in Wu Kingdom.

On both sides of her, there were four Nascent Soul cultivators sitting on each side, each of them looked extremely solemn.

"Fellow Daoist Hua, everyone is here, let's start discussing how to deal with the invasion of the Demonic Dao!" A red-robed Taoist priest with a red face urged.

Hua Feiwu nodded, and said in a deep voice: "A month ago, the four demonic sects headed by the Hehuan Sect jointly invaded our Wu Kingdom's world of cultivating immortals, and all the cultivators guarding Qingfeng City were killed and injured. Unavoidable, there were not many omens for the Mo Dao's invasion this time, and we were caught off guard. In just one month, the Mo Dao took down our five Lingshi mines, three medicine gardens, seven large and small square cities, and two Nascent Souls. The monks and the [-] monks in the alchemy stage fell. This is because we were fighting each other before, and we were defeated one by one by the devil. Now our nine sects are united to fight against the four demon sects. It should be able to block the invasion of the four demon sects. , let’s talk about your own opinions?”

"Fellow Daoist Hua, as far as I know, this time it's not about the two countries' worlds of cultivating immortals, but the confrontation between the righteous way and the evil way. The demon sects such as Wanmomen, Tianmojiao, and Xueshamen have invaded neighboring countries. The orthodox sect, these demon sects launched attacks almost at the same time as the Acacia sect and other four countries, occupying a lot of our orthodox territory and killing many high-level monks." An old man in white robes with a bookish face frowned, Said slowly.

"Last time, the righteous and demonic sects invaded neighboring countries at the same time. This time, the demonic sect acted alone. Mu Yunxuan of the Hehuan Sect is in the late Yuanying period. Why doesn't fellow Daoist Xiong of the Holy Spirit Sect come out to uphold justice? There is also the green and red fairy couple of the Zhengyi sect. And the Ziyue couple from the Taixu Sect, where did they go? Last time they came forward to prevent the Demon Dao from invading our Wu Kingdom, why are they silent this time, they will not have reached some kind of agreement with the Demon Dao!" A big bald man with a thick back and waist turned his eyes and said with a frown.

After hearing this, Hua Feiwu's expression remained normal, and the faces of the others all showed worried expressions. If the leaders of these orthodox sects reached an agreement with the Demon Dao, it would be troublesome.

Although there are now nine sects of cultivating immortals in Wu State, which seem to be powerful, but in fact there are many internal conflicts, especially the five sects that migrated from Zhao State. , The two sides were peaceful on the surface, but secretly fought constantly.

After all, the five sects of the state of Zhao are outsiders. After they migrated to the state of Wu, they spent a lot of money to take over a few small spirit stone mines and a few small medicine gardens from the four sects of the Wu state. .

The four sects of Wu State have occupied Wu State for many years, so naturally they don't want to give too much resources to the five sects of Zhao State. Most importantly, they are worried that the five sects of Zhao State will turn against customers and they have been suppressing the five sects of Zhao State. Now they want their nine sects to work together It is not easy for Germany to deal with the four sects of Qi.

If the losses were not too great, the heads of the nine sects would not have gathered to discuss how to fight against the four demon sects.

"Feng Daoyou is worrying too much. As far as I know, the Zhengyi Sect, Taixu Sect, and Holy Spirit Sect have all sent troops to fight against the invasion of the Demonic Dao. These three sects have the largest territory. Fellow Daoist Liu has united with several orthodox sects to block the invasion of the Demonic Dao, as for Fellow Daoist Xiong, Qinghong Xianlian and Ziyue couple, they may be traveling outside, and it is estimated that they will come back to preside over the overall situation in a short time." Hua Hua Fei Wu shook her head and explained.

"Fellow Daoist Hua, do you think there will be accidents with these people? Otherwise, why would the Demon Dao choose to do it when they are traveling, and they are traveling at the same time, don't you think it's strange?" The woman in the skirt hesitated for a moment before expressing her inner guess.

"I agree with Fairy Yu. It's suspicious that the Demon Dao invaded the Righteous Dao on a large scale. How could the Demon Dao know that the leaders of the Righteous Dao were traveling? Maybe they really appeared. Don't forget, Falling Immortal Valley opened a few years ago, maybe they There was an accident in the treasure hunt in Falling Immortal Valley." A shrewd, pudgy old man in green robes supported his chin with one hand and nodded in agreement.

"The old man and fellow Daoist Xiong have entered Fallen Immortal Valley together to hunt for treasures. With Daoist Xiong's cultivation base and supernatural powers, how could something go wrong. In addition, the two couples, Qinghong Immortal Couple and Ziyue Couple, are proficient in joint secret techniques, and they can resist the late Nascent Soul. If you don’t lose the slightest bit of disadvantage, even if Fellow Daoist Xiong had an accident when he entered the Falling Immortal Valley, it wouldn’t even happen to the couple of Qinghong and Ziyue! Is there such a coincidence? Fellow Daoist Zhang, if you don’t want to fight against the four sects of the Demonic Dao, just say so. Take your disciples from the Qingdan Sect and leave Wuguo, without you Qingdan Sect, we can fight against the four sects of the Demonic Dao." A handsome middle-aged man said coldly with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Shen Yi, can your Changfeng Sect represent other sects? If you can represent that old man, then take the Qingdan Sect and leave! Let you deal with the four demon schools by yourself." Zhang Xi, the leader of the Qingdan Sect, frowned and said.

The residence of Changfengmen is not far from the residence of Qingdanmen, but because the disciples of Qingdanmen are good at alchemy, the square city built by Qingdanmen has many shops selling elixirs, attracting many cultivators to buy elixirs, and it is very prosperous , As a result, the business of Changfengmen's square market has dropped sharply.

For this reason, Changfengmen fought openly and secretly with Qingdanmen many times, but with the backing of four sects behind Qingdanmen, Changfengmen couldn't take advantage of it.

In a certain battle, a descendant of Shen Yi's direct line was injured by someone from the Qingdan Sect. Although he didn't hurt his life, Shen Yi hated the Qingdan Sect even more, and the Changfeng Sect also intensified their efforts to suppress the Qingdan Sect. .

(End of this chapter)

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