A seal of immortality

Chapter 851 Enemy Attack

Chapter 851 Enemy Attack

Ye Mingyue has been in a deep sleep ever since she swallowed a yin bead left by a Nascent Soul ghost.

Ye Mingyue exuded an unusually cold aura, which was much stronger than before, and she was already a ghost king in the late stage of alchemy.

When she showed up, she was slightly taken aback when she saw Mu Wanwan.

"This is your mistress, my first wife. I got married to Wanwan while you were away." Wang Changsheng smiled slightly and explained.

"Slave Ye Mingyue pays homage to master and mistress." Ye Mingyue bent her legs and saluted Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan.

"You are the ghost slave that my husband always talks about! Not bad." Mu Wanwan looked Ye Mingyue up and down and praised her.

Ye Mingyue glanced at Mu Wanwan, but hesitated to speak.

"Mingyue, Wanwan is your mistress, so don't hide anything from her." Wang Changsheng said with a light smile.

Ye Mingyue nodded, and said, "Master, I refined the yin bead left by that guy, and got some information, it came from..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a shrill siren sounded suddenly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack." A rush of shouts reached Wang Changsheng's ears.

Du Hai and the middle-aged man rushed out quickly, their faces uncertain.

"Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, I want to see who has such courage." Wang Changsheng sneered, and an astonishing spiritual pressure burst out of his body.

Ye Mingyue flickered, and flew back into the body bag.

When Wang Changsheng stepped on the ground with his right foot, it turned into a black light and flew towards the distant sky.

Without saying a word, Mu Wanwan chased after her feet with red lights shining brightly.

Du Hai and the middle-aged man glanced at each other, then turned into two gray rays of light and chased after them.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan to stop. A middle-aged Confucian scholar and a beautiful woman in a blue skirt stood in the void a hundred feet away from them.

On the hill below the two of them, dozens of Nether Corpse Sect disciples fell in a pool of blood.

"Hey, I obviously used my spiritual sense to scan the entire Qingyang Mountain Range, but I didn't find any Nascent Soul cultivator!" The beautiful woman in the blue dress said with a frown.

"It's probably because he knows some kind of clever breathing technique! If I'm not wrong, he should be Mu Yunxuan's son-in-law Wang Changsheng, and the person next to him should be Mu Yunxuan's daughter Mu Wanwan. I didn't expect us to be blind." When cats encounter dead rats, as long as they are killed, it will definitely reduce the pressure on the front line." The middle-aged man said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

"I am Wang Changsheng, but you two want to kill me?" Wang Changsheng sneered with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hee hee, husband, if your ghost slave sucks the Nascent Soul of the two of them, it can hit the Nascent Soul stage!" Mu Wanwan said with a giggle, and didn't take the two of them seriously at all in her words.

Hearing Mu Wanwan's words, the middle-aged man was furious, and shouted at the beautiful woman in the blue skirt, "Mrs. Zhang, let's kill them together. This place is not far from the front line. Let's finish it quickly."

After finishing speaking, he shook his sleeve, and a white dagger flew out. With a clenching of his hands, the white dagger suddenly shone brightly, and his figure was drowned by the dazzling white light.

There was a muffled sound of "噗嗤", and the white short sword shook lightly, turning into thousands of slender white threads in the white light, shooting out through the air, and shooting towards Wang Changsheng.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a golden book.

He raised up his hands quickly, and several formulas hit the golden book.

The golden tome suddenly burst into light, and when it was opened, countless golden characters flew out of it, and after a turn, it turned into a golden giant sword several feet long, emitting an astonishing spiritual pressure.

"Cut it to me." The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and pointed lightly at Wang Changsheng, and shouted in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, the golden giant sword swayed, and quickly slashed towards Wang Changsheng, and there was a piercing sound of piercing the air as it passed along the way.

At the same time, the beautiful woman in the blue dress was not idle.

She patted a spirit beast bag on her waist with her jade hand, and there was a buzzing sound, and a group of thousands of golden ants flew out of the spirit beast bag.

The golden ant is only the size of a palm, with two wings on its back.

The beautiful woman in the blue skirt made a tactic with one hand, and thousands of golden ants gathered together, turned into a golden spear several feet long, and shot towards Wang Changsheng quickly.

She patted the spirit animal bag on her waist again with her palm, and a blue light flew out of it, which turned out to be a huge strange python.

The strange python is more than ten feet long, with palm-sized blue scales all over its body. The strange thing is that it has four heads, each with a different color, divided into four heads: red, blue, yellow, and silver. .

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the four monster pythons, their tails slapped the void fiercely, they opened four bloody mouths, and rushed towards Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanwan.

This was not over yet, the beautiful woman in the blue skirt opened her mouth and sprayed out a blue bead the size of a longan.

After the blue ball turned around, it turned into a tens of feet long blue dragon. The whole body of the blue dragon was covered with blue scales, and its huge eyeballs kept moving.

As soon as the blue dragon appeared, it opened up and let out a deafening dragon chant, and then rushed towards Wang Changsheng with its teeth and claws.

"Wanwan, be careful, the others retreat as far away as possible." Wang Changsheng frowned and ordered loudly.

He patted the two corpse bags around his waist with his palm, five black lights and one red light flew out from them, it was the five celestial corpses and Ye Mingyue.

As soon as Ye Mingyue appeared, she flicked her sleeves, and a five-faced white bone streamer flashed out, swaying in the wind, and turned into five human-shaped skeletons about ten feet tall.

Ye Mingyue's ten fingers quickly made a tactic, and several tactic hit the five human-shaped skeletons.

A black light flashed, and the five human-shaped skeletons merged into one, turning into a three-to-four-foot-tall human-shaped skeleton, exuding a strong yin energy.

Ye Mingyue's figure flickered, and got into the giant skeleton.

The black flames in the giant skull's eye sockets swelled more than a circle, and the color changed from black to red.

Judging from the aura on its body, the giant skeleton has reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

The giant skeleton had a lower jaw, and sprayed out two black long swords, grabbing one in each hand.

At this time, thousands of slender white filaments shot towards the giant skeleton, making a muffled sound, but failed to cause the slightest damage to the giant skeleton.

Wang Changsheng turned his palm, and a gleaming silver feather fan appeared in his hand. There were a large number of runes flowing on the surface of the feather fan, which was quite extraordinary.

After injecting mana, the silver feather fan suddenly shone brightly.

I saw the silver feather fan in Wang Changsheng's hand slammed forward, and a large silver flame swept out, facing the golden giant sword.

With a loud bang, a piece of silver flames engulfed the golden giant sword.

Mu Wanwan opened her mouth and sprayed out a red bead. After the red bead turned around, it sprayed out a red glow, covering her inside.

(End of this chapter)

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