A seal of immortality

Chapter 854 Persuading Surrender

Chapter 854 Persuading Surrender (Part [-])
Hearing these words, Zhang Yunliu's brows furrowed, her beautiful eyes turned, and her eyes fell on the four monster pythons, with a moment of hesitation on her face.

"I heard that some immortal cultivators who control spirit beasts know a secret art of possessing spirits, which can combine themselves with spirit beasts to temporarily improve their cultivation. If you want to use spirit possessing, I will never stop you, but Think about it, you only have one chance, if you fail, you will die. Don’t forget, I just killed your companion without even offering my talisman. In the mid-Yuanying period, he will not be my opponent, if you don’t believe me, you can try, if you fail, there will be no such person as Zhang Yun in the world.” Wang Changsheng seemed to have seen through what Zhang Yun was thinking, and reminded him meaningfully.

Hearing this, Zhang Yun's gorgeous cheeks became extremely pale, and there was a moment of uncertainty on his face.

"If you don't open your mouth, I'll treat you as a refusal, and I'll send you on your way!" Wang Changsheng's face darkened, and he said coldly.

With a flick of his sleeve, a golden light and a silver light flew out of it, swaying in the wind, turning into a golden dragon and a silver dragon.

The two dragons have scales all over their bodies, and their huge eyeballs are constantly moving, vividly alive.

"The Treasure of the Artifact Spirit, you actually have two Artifact Spirit Treasures!" Zhang Yun's expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise.

She also has a spirit weapon, but she got it from an ancient monk's cave by chance. In order to get that spirit treasure, she almost lost her life. She never thought that Wang Changsheng had two of them.

"For the sake of fellow daoists answering so many of my questions, I'll use two spiritual treasures to send you on your way!" Wang Changsheng said coldly.

He made a tactic with one hand, and the two dragons let out a deafening roar at the same time, and rushed towards Zhang Yun with their teeth and claws.

"Assistant fellow daoist, I promise you yes, I promise you yes." Seeing this scene, Zhang Yun was so frightened that he yelled loudly.

The corners of Wang Changsheng's mouth curled up slightly, and the two flood dragons stopped immediately.

Zhang Yun smiled wryly, slapped his forehead with a jade hand, a blue light flashed, and a small blue figure the size of a palm flew out from it. Judging by his appearance, his nose and eyes were clear, just like Zhang Yun's, and it was his soul.

Zhang Yun made a tactic with one hand, and the little blue figure showed pain on his face. His figure flickered and he was divided into three smaller blue figures. One of the blue figures flew into the black wooden sign, and the rest The next two little blue figures flew back into her head.

A thin layer of sweat oozed from her face, and with a flick of her wrist, the black wooden plaque flew out of her hand and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng made a move with one hand and took the black wooden sign in his hand.

There is a group of blue light spots on the black wooden sign, which is one-third of Zhang Yun's soul.

If Wang Changsheng destroys the primordial spirit left by Zhang Yun on the Forbidden God Card, even if Zhang Yun does not become an idiot, his cultivation will plummet. If Zhang Yun is killed by Wang Changsheng at the critical moment of cultivation, he will go crazy , dancing wildly to death is possible.

Even if Zhang Yun did not die, it would be more difficult to go further because of the lack of that one-third of the primordial spirit.

Wang Changsheng put away the black wooden signboard and winked at Mu Wanwan.

Mu Wanwan put away the Xuanyang mirror, and the red glow disappeared. Taking this opportunity, the blue flood dragon turned into a blue bead and flew back to Zhang Yun's hand.

There was a buzzing sound, and thousands of golden ants flew from the ground and flew back to the spirit animal bag on Zhang Yun's waist.

Wang Changsheng slapped the body bag around his waist, five black zombies and Ye Mingyue flew back to the body bag one after another, the two dragons turned into a silver light and a golden light, flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

Mu Wanwan opened her mouth, and the red ball flew back into her mouth.

"Let's go! You stay here first. I have some things to tell you to do. Don't worry, we won't treat our own people badly. If you make great contributions, I can speak for you in front of your father-in-law. Your benefits are indispensable. "Wang Changsheng said indifferently.

"My own people? When did I say that I am your own people?" Zhang Yunliu frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Zhang Daoyou, do you think you have other options at this point?" Wang Changsheng shook the Forbidden God card in his hand.

Hearing this, Zhang Yun looked a little sad.

"Let's go! Don't play tricks with me, or you will know the end." After Wang Changsheng finished speaking, he and Mu Wanwan flew towards Qingyuan Hall.

After Zhang Yun's face was cloudy and uncertain, he put the four giant pythons back into the spirit beast bag, turned into a blue ray of light and chased after them.

A few days later, a piece of news quickly spread in Zhao State and Wu State: two Nascent Soul cultivators destroyed a sub-helm of the Underworld Corpse Sect, and the three sub-helms of the Hehuan Sect, Yinluo Sect, and Blood Killing Sect in Zhao State They have stepped up their defenses.

Qi State, Longnan Mountains.

The Longnan Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and there are countless poisonous insects and beasts.

There is a ghost valley deep in the Longnan Mountains, and there are many ghosts and ghosts in it. All mortals who stepped into the ghost valley failed to leave alive.

Common people naturally don't know that there is a large vein of mine in Ghost Valley, which is mined by the Underworld Corpse Sect of the Four Sects of Qi.

After hundreds of years of mining, the mining volume of this vein has been decreasing year by year, but Nether Corpse Sect still sent a monk in the alchemy stage to sit in the town, and dozens of monks in the foundation stage and hundreds of monks in the gas refinement stage were responsible for the mining. Ore and Patrol.

The demons and ghosts that the common people talk about are actually low-level ghosts and low-level walking corpses. The members of the Nether Corpse Sect don't care about these mortals, and will kill anyone who dares to approach the mine for hundreds of miles.

Chen Jianhua is [-] years old this year, and only in the early stage of alchemy, he is responsible for guarding the mine veins of Longnan Mountain. He usually stays in the secret room to practice, and rarely shows his face in front of low-level disciples.

On this day, Chen Jianhua was practicing in a secret room just like in the past.

Suddenly, a powerful spiritual consciousness quickly passed over Chen Jianhua's body.

"What's going on, is there some Nascent Soul old monster passing by here? Check it out occasionally?" Chen Jianhua was startled, and muttered to himself in a low voice. He hesitated for a moment, and released his consciousness carefully, surprised It was found that a Nascent Soul cultivator and five Alchemy Formation cultivators were nearby.

Hundreds of feet above Ghost Valley, four men and two women stood in the sky out of thin air.

The one with the highest cultivation level is a yellow-robed man with a straight face and a yellow jade crown on his head. The yellow-robed man has the cultivation base of the early Yuanying stage, and the other five are monks in the alchemy stage.

Below Ghost Valley, dozens of disciples of Nether Corpse Sect looked at the six people in the sky, their faces full of guard.

A black light flew out from a black attic in the valley, it was Chen Jianhua.

When Chen Jianhua saw the six people in the sky, he frowned and cried inwardly. He hesitated for a moment, and asked the man in the yellow robe cautiously: "This senior, the junior Chen Jianhua of the Underworld Corpse Sect, I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you." To the seniors?"

"This is a sub-rudder of the Nether Corpse Sect, right!" the yellow-robed man said indifferently.

"Exactly, I don't know what the senior is doing?" Chen Jianhua shuddered in his heart, with a bad premonition in his heart, and replied boldly.

"What's the matter?" The man in the yellow robe sneered with a hint of sarcasm, "Of course I killed you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spewed out a yellow copper coin the size of a palm, and shot towards Chen Jianhua in a surge of wind.

Where the yellow copper coin passed, there was a piercing sound.

Chen Jianhua's complexion changed drastically. Before he could think about it, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a jet-black throwing knife to meet him. At the same time, with a flick of his sleeve, a palm-sized command flag flew out. After swaying in the wind, it turned into A thick black light curtain enveloped him inside.

(End of this chapter)

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