A seal of immortality

Chapter 880 Jin Geng Shensha

Chapter 880 Jin Geng Shensha
Not long after, Wang Changsheng followed Chen Tianyuan and the others to a bright hall. Two young and beautiful maids came in, served a cup of fragrant tea for them, and then retreated.

"Senior Wang, this is our Chen family's exclusive spirit tea black pine tea. It tastes pretty good. Please have a taste." Chen Tianyuan said with a smile on his face.

Wang Changsheng picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"I've already drank the tea, let's get down to business! If I'm not mistaken, these two are Li Maocai from the Li family and Zhao Yuan from the Zhao family!" Wang Changsheng turned his eyes and landed on the green-robed Taoist priest and Zhao Yuan , Said lightly.

"Exactly." Chen Tianyuan nodded.

Li Maocai and Zhao Yuan looked at each other with nervous expressions.

"To make a long story short, are you going to follow Changfengmen to withdraw from Wu Kingdom or stay in Wu Kingdom? If you stay in Wu Kingdom, you must be obedient and don't disobey the orders of our four demon sects. To tell you the truth, the last time the four sects of Qi invaded Zhao When the Zhou family was exterminated in the Wu Kingdom, I did that, but I hadn’t conceived yet.” Wang Changsheng said calmly, with no trace of joy or anger on his face.

Hearing these words, Chen Tianyuan and the others were startled and looked a little nervous.

Wang Changsheng was able to destroy the Zhou family at the alchemy stage, and now that he is a baby, it is even easier to deal with their family.

"Patriarch, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and even Senior Hua of Yulingzong is no match for Wang Shizu, you should submit to our Nether Corpse Sect!" Chen Xiaowu persuaded.

"Master Wang, our Nether Corpse Sect?" Chen Tianyuan clearly captured two key words.

"Martial nephew Chen is now my grandson, and also a disciple of our Underworld Corpse Sect." Wang Changsheng said indifferently.

After Chen Tianyuan's complexion fluctuated for a while, he turned his eyes to Li Maocai and Zhao Yuan. Li Maocai and Zhao Yuan nodded at Chen Tianyuan, obviously agreeing to the matter.

"The three of us are willing to submit to the Nether Corpse Sect, but... just don't know what conditions Senior Wang is willing to give, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed it!" Chen Tianyuan said cautiously, his eyes fixed on Wang Changsheng.

"Conditions? Qingdan Sect and Baiqiao Sect helped us defeat the Seven Righteous Sects, and sent many disciples to fight with us, how about you? What qualifications do you have to negotiate conditions?" Wang Changsheng sneered with his mouth slightly upturned.

Hearing this, Chen Tianyuan's heart tightened, and his expression turned ugly.

"Patriarch, don't we have a box of Jin Geng's divine sand? Master Wang is in need of this, why don't you give this box of Jin Geng's divine sand to Master Wang!" Chen Xiaowu rolled his eyes and suggested.

Jin Geng Shensha is a very precious material. When refining magic weapons, a little Jin Geng Shensha is mixed in, which can improve half the defense. However, with the passage of time, Jin Geng Shensha has almost disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals. It can be seen in the auction, but the transaction price is astonishing.

It was also by chance that Chen Xiaowu learned that his family owned this item from a direct descendant.

Apart from persuading the Chen family to surrender, Wang Changsheng also had another purpose in his trip, which was Jin Geng Shensha.

Refining five-element talisman soldiers requires a variety of five-element materials. The better the quality of the materials, the better the quality of the refined five-element talisman soldiers.

"Eat what's inside and out." Chen Tianyuan gave Chen Xiaowu a vicious look, thinking to himself.

Chen Xiaowu's complexion did not change, and there was no trace of guilt on his face.

Because he was a concubine, Chen Xiaowu was not taken seriously. He relied on his own hard work, one step at a time, to cultivate to today's realm. He didn't feel much warmth from the family, and he didn't have much affection for the family. To him , as long as he can climb up, it's nothing to eat inside and outside, no matter how ruthless he can do it.

Chen Tianyuan glanced at Wang Changsheng quietly from the corner of his eye. Seeing the playful expression on Wang Changsheng's face, he knew that Jin Geng Shensha, a treasure that had been treasured for many years, was about to fall into the hands of outsiders.

With a smile on Chen Tianyuan's face, he said in a respectful voice: "Senior Wang, our Chen family does have a box of Jin Geng Shensha. This junior is willing to give Jin Geng Shensha and a few magic weapons to senior. I hope that Senior Wang will take good care of us in the future. Family."

"Oh, so, does your Chen family really have Jin Geng Shensha? Quickly take me there, I want to see what Jin Geng Shensha looks like with my own eyes?" Wang Changsheng said a little excitedly.

The Chen family is definitely going to take out Jin Geng's god sand today, but Wang Changsheng doesn't want some of it, but all of it. If one more grain of this top-grade metallic material is refined into the talisman soldiers, the power of the talisman soldiers will be higher.

"This... Since senior wants to watch it, then please come with me!" Chen Tianyuan hesitated for a while and agreed.

To be honest, if Wang Changsheng didn't come along, Chen Tianyuan would really withhold some of Jin Geng's sacred sand and leave it for future generations to pass on. If the family encounters a catastrophe in the future, maybe it can be resolved with Jin Geng's sacred sand.

"Li Daoyou, Mrs. Zhao, please wait a moment, I will take Senior Wang to the treasure house to get the treasure." Chen Tianyuan greeted Li Maocai and Zhao Yuan, and took Wang Changsheng out of the hall.

After passing through a long corridor, the two came to an exquisite attic. The plaque at the door said "Flying Dragon Pavilion".

"Everyone, evacuate here immediately, seal all the intersections entering here, no one is allowed to approach without my order, and anyone who violates it will be punished as a traitor." Chen Tianyuan ordered the guard at the door.

"Yes, Patriarch." The guard responded and left quickly.

"Senior Wang, please." Chen Tianyuan made a gesture of invitation and asked Wang Changsheng to walk in first.

Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness and found nothing unusual, so he walked in with confidence.

The layout of the house is elegant and generous. There is a portrait hanging in front of it. In the painting is a benevolent old man in white robe, looking forward with a smile. The surface of the portrait is full of spiritual light, which is impressively a magic weapon.

"Xiaoyou Chen, where is the treasure house of your Chen family?" Wang Changsheng frowned, looking around with doubts on his face.

He let go of his spiritual sense and scanned the inside and outside several times, but he didn't notice the slightest fluctuation of the restriction.

Chen Tianyuan smiled slightly, took two steps forward, raised his palm, and a white command flag flew out of it, rising against the wind, and the surface of the flag was covered with silver runes.

After the white flag turned round and round, the portrait in front of him disappeared.

The next moment, the portrait suddenly burst into white light, and a white light door appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

"Is this...a magic weapon of space?" Wang Changsheng said with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, the storage bag is also a magic weapon of space, but it cannot hold living things.

"That's right, our Chen family's treasury is inside. This Flying Immortal Figure is made with a special secret method. Except for our Chen family, outsiders cannot use this magic weapon, and the space is only a dozen feet in size. It is just a A magic weapon like a chicken rib." Chen Tianyuan nodded and explained, staring at Wang Changsheng, for fear that Wang Changsheng would ask for this space magic weapon.

"Lead the way ahead!" Wang Changsheng nodded thoughtfully and ordered.

Chen Tianyuan stomped the ground with his right foot, turned into a white light and flew into the white light gate.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng twisted his body, turned into a black light and flew in.

Wang Changsheng only felt a blur before his eyes, and suddenly appeared in a stone room more than ten feet in size.

(End of this chapter)

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