Chapter 104 Exchange
"Can you take me there now?" Shen Yunning looked at the woman with a smile.

The woman's eyes were full of horror, and she no longer dared to underestimate her, so she nodded: "Please."

Shen Yunning walked out first, and none of the two people at the door dared to stop her.

The third floor of the auction is completely different from the second floor. The second floor is relatively low-key, while extravagance can be seen everywhere on the third floor. Even a painting on the wall is by a famous artist, not to mention the vases placed in the corridor.

The person in charge is in the room on the left. He is sitting on the sofa, looking at the big screen on the wall. Obviously, he already knows what happened.

"Little girl, you are the first one who dares to play wild with me." The person in charge moved his eyes from the big screen to Shen Yunning's body, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"I just want to see you."

The person in charge put his legs on the tea table and asked lazily, "What do you want from me?"

"Let me explain first, if you can't take out the soul cherry fruit, devotion is useless."

Rules are rules and cannot be broken.

"If I replace the soul cherry fruit with something else, and the other party accepts it, will this business still work?"

"What can you take out?" The person in charge was curious, and even his posture changed.

"you answer me first."

It's still a joke, and the person in charge sat back and said, "Yes."

"Then go and find the seller." So she won't have to say it again later.

The person in charge lost his temper, and waved to the person standing by the door: "Go and call me."

After a while, an old man in Tang suit came in following the waiter.

Looking at him, Shen Yunning's eyes became clear.

The old man also saw Shen Yunning, and he said to her: "Friend Daoist, without the Soul Cherry Fruit, it is impossible for me to give you my Shenmu."

Speak up first to avoid stalking.

Shen Yunning heard the meaning of his words and smiled slightly: "Look at this first."

"What is this?" The old man stared wide-eyed at the pill in Shen Yunning's hand.

"Extended Life Pill!"

The role of the soul cherry fruit is mainly to prolong life. She guessed that his lifespan is coming to an end because he has not been able to advance for a long time.

"I just want to change my Shenmu with just one life-extending pill, no." Holding back his heart, the old man put the longevity-extending pill back.

"How about five? If you can find the medicinal materials, I can refine them for you for free, but only for you." Shen Yunning emphasized the latter sentence.

"You mean to say that you made this pill?" The old man shook his head: "I don't believe it."

The person in charge next to him also looked disbelieving.

It's incredible, how old is she?Can such a high-grade pill be refined?

And according to her, if the medicinal materials are better, she can refine higher ones.

When Shen Yunning released his mental power, the people in the room felt that their heads were about to burst. Fortunately, within a second, Shen Yuning took it back.

Very high spiritual power.

No wonder they couldn't feel her cultivation base, it wasn't that she didn't have it, but her cultivation base was too unpredictable.

Shen Yunning raised her eyebrows: "Do you believe me?"

"I believe it, but how can I believe that you have enough medicinal materials to refine so much?"

If she had medicinal materials, she wouldn't just refine one, which shows that she doesn't have many medicinal materials.

Good question.

"I want to do business with you." Shen Yunning looked at the person in charge.

"what business?"

Shen Yunning took out a few talismans from his pocket.

She casually handed it over to the person in charge.

The person in charge wiped his hands and took it tremblingly.

"Did you draw it?" The person in charge looked over and over.

There is a thin film on the outside of the talisman, which seals the energy and cannot feel the fluctuation.

Shen Yunning didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so she tore off the outer film and threw it at him.

In the next second, the person in charge was frozen into a popsicle.

"Be good." The old man touched the thick ice outside.

Shen Yunning hit a tactic, and the ice melted.

The person in charge collapsed on the sofa.

"It's cold, it's killing me." The person in charge chattered his teeth.

Shen Yunning opened another talisman...

The person in charge shrank back: "No, I trust you, can I trust you?"

Shen Yunning still threw the talisman towards him.

The person in charge closed his eyes in despair, and the next second, he opened them wide.

It's not cold anymore, it's not cold anymore.

"I drew these for fun." Shen Yunning coughed.

"What else, take it out!" The person in charge became interested.

Shen Yunning took out a stack of symbols from his pocket.

Most of them are Thunderbolts.

In addition, there are water talismans, earth talismans, and wind talismans.

Anyway, the person in charge knows all the talismans, and the grade is not low.

Hey, he really got mad.

The person in charge rubbed his hands: "Senior, I don't know what you want?"

"Spirit grass, jade and refining materials."

"Okay." The person in charge agreed without even thinking about it: "I don't know how much you charge for this talisman?"

"200 million, you can send something worth this amount, and the rest will be given to you."

200 million sounds like a lot, but practitioners are not short of money at all.

People like Ding Youhe who are short of money are lazy!
Besides, hers are high-level talismans, which are priceless.

Needless to say, the person in charge was aware of the twists and turns, so he clapped his hands and agreed without thinking.

"I'll give you the rest of the longevity pill later, can I take the Shenmu first?" Shen Yunning looked at the old man.

"Okay." Now, the old man is not afraid of her repudiating.

After exchanging contact information with others, Shen Yunning went down.

Ding Tang was waiting for her below, as soon as he saw her, he immediately went up to meet her: "Senior, are you alright?"

Shen Yunning glanced at him with a half-smile: "Do you hope I'm okay or okay?"

"Of course it's fine."

When Shen Yunning returned to the box, she found that Ding Chaogui and a group of clan elders were there.

Seeing that Shen Yunning came back safely, everyone looked at each other without much surprise.

To their surprise, the owner of the auction gave her a lot of jade, spiritual herbs and precious materials.

You know, these are things that money can't buy.

The way everyone looked at her changed, and everyone treated her like an ancestor.

He almost gave her up.

Shen Yunning knew what they were thinking, so she ignored them and left with her things.

Lei Baoze and Lei Ruowan took a step back.

When they arrived at the airport, Rong Subai's private jet had already taken Shen Yunning into the air.

Rong Subai personally picked her up at the airport.

As soon as Shen Yunning saw him, she rushed towards him: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Rong Subai caught her steadily: "Just arrived."

"I brought you a baby back." As soon as she got in the car, Shen Yunning couldn't wait to show off.

Rong Subai looked at the plain wood in the box: "???"

"This is Shenmu."

Forgive Rong Subai, I really can't see it.

In his eyes, it is similar to the sycamore wood outside.

"No wonder you can't see it."

There is a formation in the box, which seals the breath of Shenmu.

(End of this chapter)

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