Time travel starts from Doupa

Chapter 111 Canaan Academy

Chapter 111 Canaan Academy
Canaan College is an ancient college located in the center of the mainland. For thousands of years, the peak powerhouses who came out of this place all have a great reputation on the mainland and are famous all over the place.

The most frightening thing about an academy is not how strong its teachers are, but the tens of thousands of strong people who have come out of this academy. It is hard to imagine how terrifying this power will be when the strong are summoned back

Although there are almost countless colleges on the mainland, the reputation of Canaan College has never been surpassed so far. From this, it can be seen how profound the foundation of this college surrounded by ancient atmosphere is.

On the mainland, countless people, regardless of race, are proud to be able to enter this ancient academy, but unfortunately, the almost harsh admission requirements of the academy have made many people sigh.

The flying speed slowed down a lot, and then slowly fell down, and finally both feet stopped on a small hillside. Standing on the top of the hillside, Ding Chen looked far away and just happened to be able to see two majestic giant mountains in the distance At the corner, there is a looming small town.

Looking at the small town, Ding Chen quickly rushed down the hillside and merged into the loess road leading directly to the small town, regardless of the wind and dust all over his body.

On this loess road, there are many pedestrians. These people obviously came from the Black Corner Region, but what surprised Ding Chen was that although these people had some fierce aura in their bodies, on their faces, there was It is true that there is no murderous aura overflowing, but this kind of concealed inner murderous aura is not natural, but looks like forced oppression. Therefore, the expressions on the faces of these passers-by are a little weird.

As if aware of Ding Chen's gaze, these people just stared back viciously, which made Ding Chen a little amused, and a coercion emanated from Ding Chen's body.He pressed towards the few people who were staring at him viciously.

All of a sudden, those who were oppressed by Ding Chen's breath just now were out of breath, Ding Chen didn't make a move, but just pressed towards those few people.Immediately, those people turned pale and rushed towards the distance. Ding Chen knew the rules of Heping Town, seeing those people ran away wisely, he just smiled disdainfully and walked towards the distant town.

Slowly approaching the small town along the loess avenue with lush trees on both sides, here, the chaotic atmosphere in the Black Corner Region is really completely isolated.

About 10 minutes later, Ding Chen stopped at the gate of the town, and looked up at the plaque at the gate. The name on it was very common and vulgar. If it was placed in the black corner area, it would be demolished the next day.

"Peace Town", this is the first town that enters the surroundings of Canaan Academy from the Black Horn Region!
Standing at the gate of the small town, Ding Chen was just about to step into the city, but suddenly felt that the surrounding voices became much quieter, and turned his head a little surprised, but found some people on the road from the Black Corner Region, His face was pale, his ankles were trembling, and he was looking at a big tree not far to the left of the town gate.

The big tree was pitch black, and the canopy spread in all directions, with its teeth and claws open. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, there was a touch of coldness. His eyes slowly swept across the tree. Ding Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. Between the branches, some corpses were directly interspersed and hung on it, and the breeze blew, shaking and making a creepy creaking sound.

"Is this the so-called "Death Tree"?" Ding Chen just glanced at it lightly.

The eerie aura emanating from that weird undead tree made the bones of those who stopped at the gate of the town a little chill. In the Black Horn Region, the reputation of this undead tree has almost reached a certain level. It is frightening. Many people who have stayed in the Noire Region for some years will never forget that bloody battle between the Noire Region and Canaan College. The exact cause of the bloody battle back then is not too clear. There are many people to study, but the only thing that can be known is that after the bloody battle, the corpses of two fighting kings and a strong fighting king were hanged on this plant in an almost cruel way. On the tree of death.
Since then, the surrounding area of ​​Canaan College has fallen into a quiet area that is incompatible with the outside world. There are no strong men from the Black Corner Region who dare to break into these small towns with murderous looks on their faces, even if they occasionally The turmoil, the harasser, will become a corpse and be inserted into the dead spirit tree in less than an hour
Over the years, the notoriety of the Necromancer Tree has spread to almost the entire Black Horn region. Therefore, even those extremely vicious people rarely have the courage to enter this place, which is a grave for them.

Standing at the entrance of the town, he glanced at those unfortunate people with interest, and ignored those who were hesitant to enter the town gate. As soon as he lifted his footsteps, he stepped into the entrance of Canaan College. "Peace Town".

As soon as Ding Chen stepped into the town gate, he felt a strange wave sweeping past him.

Ding Chen didn't pay too much attention to the strange wave with a taste. Ding Chen looked up at the streets of the town. There were many pedestrians in the street. On both sides of the street, there were various small stalls and children running around on the street. Laughter, this serene and harmonious atmosphere, is almost two completely different expressions from that in the Black Corner Domain.

Some passers-by on the street naturally noticed that although Ding Chen walked in from the town gate, although there was a hint of vigilance hidden in his eyes, he didn't react with much panic.

Looking across the street, Ding Chen was just about to enter, when his heart suddenly moved. He raised his head and cast his gaze on the roofs of the houses in the town, but saw a dozen shadows, just like apes, flashing towards the direction of the town gate vigorously.

A moment later, more than a dozen figures flashed at the gate and glanced at Ding Chen and the others. One of the leading middle-aged men said indifferently: "Anyone who enters Heping Town must report their identity, name, etc. Otherwise, they will be expelled directly.”

Eyes drifted across the ten figures and found that except for the leading middle-aged man.Among the dozen others.There are men and women.But they are quite young.Look at the face.That's about 22 three.

These young people are uniformly dressed in light-colored clothes.in addition.On the chest of the shirt.They all wear an azure badge.Engraved in the badge is a dagger stained with some bright red blood.

at this time.These dozen or so young people were holding guarded and slightly repelling gazes.Staring at Ding Chen and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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