Time travel starts from Doupa

Chapter 187 Battle against the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix Soul

Chapter 187 Battle against the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix Soul
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Feng Qing'er was biting her jade finger at the moment, and there were drops of lavender blood dripping down, immediately suspended in front of her.

Feng Qing'er looked at the blood solemnly on her cheeks, stained it with her jade finger, and then lightly drew it in front of her face. A moment later, a strange rune appeared in the sky out of thin air.

At the moment when the luck rune appeared, there seemed to be a faint sound of Fengming resounding in this world. Although this sound of Fengming was subtle, it was heard repeatedly by Ding Chen and the others. The soul trembled fiercely. "With the blood as a bond, with the bond as a bond, awaken the soul of the ancestors!"

Feng Qing'er knelt on the sky respectfully, and as her words fell, the runes and piles burst into bright light, and the light poured down from the sky, and then slowly fell on the red plain.


The earth suddenly trembled at this moment, and everyone was horrified to see that the Tianhuang skeleton on the plain was slowly wriggling at this moment, and with the wriggling of the skeleton, a wave of The desolate aura inherited from ancient times quietly permeated the west. Under this aura, Ding Chen also frowned.

Qinglin behind Ding Chen saw this huge phoenix, under such terrifying energy, Qinglin's heart sank suddenly, but then Ding Chen pinched her little hand, and Qinglin's worry could not dissipate in an instant few.

At this moment, the golden sky phoenix that appeared in the sky actually has the strength of a three-star fighter, which made Ding Chen secretly curse.

"Fuck, after being dead for so long, he still has the strength of a three-star Dousheng. Will this magical beast lose its strength after it dies?"

But scolding is all scolding, everyone has called out the ancestors, and Ding Chen can make fun of it no matter what.

He suddenly opened the third layer of the Demon-subduing Golden Body and turned into a golden giant of more than 50 meters. Although the height of [-] meters was a bit small in front of the [-]-meter Tianhuang, the elder Huangxuan on the opposite side saw Ding Chen's strength, and his heart skipped a beat. Shen, I'm afraid that this young man is not weaker than the ancestral soul of the Heavenly Phoenix. This time, he is in serious trouble. How did Qing'er provoke him? Holy powerhouse, how should this be done.

Feng Qing'er controlled the ancestral soul of Tianhuang to grab Ding Chen. Ding Chen laughed, and when the ancestral soul of Tianhuang came to him, he dodged the sharp claws and kicked the ancestral soul of Tianhuang on the back. Then it flew out and hit a hillside. Sensing the situation of the Golden Phoenix, Feng Qing'er's cheeks turned pale, and a mouthful of purplish blood spurted out. In a flash, it was contaminated on the body of the golden phoenix.

The sudden power of the blood, like pouring oil on the flame, caused the golden light in the Golden Phoenix body to suddenly culminate at this moment. Shoot at Ding Chen.

Facing the attacking ancestral soul of the Phoenix, Ding Chen unhurriedly performed the long-useless Lingbo Weibu, turning into an afterimage without retreating but advancing.It hit the ancestral soul of Tianhuang fiercely, twisted immediately, grabbed a wing of the ancestral soul of Tianhuang, and fell to the ground suddenly, the golden light on the ancestral soul of Tianhuang that fell slowly dissipated. Chen kicked out again, and the ancestral soul of Tianhuang was kicked away, and hit a hillside hard.

Feng Qing'er vomited blood violently.

Feng Qing'er raised her head in horror, looking at the golden figure in the sky in the distance, the ancestral soul, which was known as invincible in that ancestral home, was finally summoned by her, and it was actually suffered by such a fiasco.

Seeing the golden light receding from Feng Qing'er's eyes, Huang Xuan's heart sank as well, and the song book secretly felt bitter. Who would have expected that Ding Chen would actually be a fighting saint powerhouse, and the ancestral soul remaining in the beast spirit hood became one A golden light cluster. "Elder Huang, what should I do?"

The eyes of the black-robed old man flickered, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!" "Elder Suxuan, that's the original fruit of dragon and phoenix!" Hearing this, the white-haired man suddenly said unwillingly. "How about it? Can you grab it now?" Huang Xuan asked with a gloomy expression.

"Let's go, get out of here and call the clan's masters to snipe him outside." The white-haired man thought fiercely.

"I'm leaving now. Did I tell you to leave?" Ding Chen said lazily, retracting the Demon Subduing Golden Body.

Go quickly, Huang Xuan gritted his teeth suddenly, broke through the void, and threw Feng Qing'er and the white-haired man into it.I also jumped in, and then the space crack closed.

"Nimma ran away now, so if I don't look for you, you will come to me." Ding Chen shook his head.

Looking at the remaining members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix clan, Ding Chen grinned, and slapped them over with a slap. The remaining members of the Sky Monster and Phoenix clan turned into ashes. The old man Huangxuan was also decisive and took away the two Dou Zun , there are a few fighting sects left.

Looking down at the original fruit of Dragon and Phoenix, Ding Chen frowned. He didn't know how to pick this thing himself. It seemed that there was some special technique. It was better to send it back to the medicine garden now. It is also good as a kind of medicinal material.

In the end, he directly cast the third layer of the demon-subduing golden body, grabbed the palm of his hand, and directly picked up the entire altar here and put it into the medicine garden in the misty world.

Of course, Ding Chen also sent the Sky Phoenix and the Immemorial Void Dragon back to the medicine garden as fertilizer on the principle of not wasting them.

After finishing all this, Ding Chen looked at the empty altar with satisfaction.


With a smile, he pulled Qing Lin who had already fallen into a sluggish walk towards the outside.

"The only fly in the ointment this time is that I didn't kill Feng Qing'er, and let the old man of Huangxuan rescue him. However, with the pissing nature of Tianyaohuang, I guess he is blocking me at the entrance of the ruins to take it at this moment."

Shaking his head and not thinking about it, he walked out of the jungle quickly, and when he arrived at the hall where the saint of good fortune was, he saw a group of people running towards him in the distance, which shocked Ding Chen. Chen Jing looked behind the group of people and saw a skeleton man behind them.

'Roar! '

The terrifying attack exploded like fireworks on the surface of Dou Sheng's skeleton body. It paused for a moment, then suddenly raised its head again, a somewhat vague low hoarse voice sounded like it came from the ancient times...

"Big..., You Zao... Erzhang! ''

The hoarse and ancient intermittent voice came to Ding Chen's ears, and Ding Chen was startled. Could it be the saint of good fortune, looking at the skeleton as crystal clear as white jade.

When the hall was in chaos, the scarlet color of the bones of the holy man suddenly seemed to be alive, and all of them gathered towards his palm, and in an instant, the right palm was rendered as if it was in blood Infected by countless years, it is chillingly gloomy.

'Roar! '

When the last trace of blood gathered into the right palm, a black spot about the size of a soybean suddenly appeared on the palm of the skeleton of the saint of fortune. Normal, very weird.

A small black dot appeared, and the right palm of the skeleton of the saint of good fortune was raised violently, and then slammed heavily on the extremely hard ground of the hall.

Where the bone and palm fell, the slate did not make any sound. At the moment of contact, the extremely hard slate seemed to disappear in an instant, exposing the dark brown rock beneath it.

'territory! "

The floor disappeared, and a black halo suddenly emerged from the stone slab, and then spread suddenly!
Chi Chi Chi!
The black circle of light spread, and countless people were instantly terrified. Wherever the black circle affected, no matter if it was a stone slab, a stone pillar, or something else, it disappeared in an instant. That kind of disappearance was a real disappearance. no residue left
This feeling is like a black hole, mysterious and terrifying.

'Run! ''

The terrifying scene made everyone's scalps tingle, especially when they saw that black circle of light continued to spread, their hearts constricted and their bodies retreated hastily.

'what! "

They ran fast, but the black circle of light spread out, and what was even more shocking was that an extremely terrifying suction erupted within the circle of light, and some strong people who were caught off guard were forcibly pulled out of the air. Then, the moment it came into contact with the black light circle, it disappeared without a trace...

Tao Li's screams rang out one after another in the hall, one after another figure struggled crazily in mid-air, but they couldn't resist the suction, and finally, they were sucked into the black circle of light and turned into annihilation...

Three chapters are updated today, can you share some of them with me?

Book group, 902306011, if anyone wants to add it, please let me know, I will add it as appropriate, thank you for your support! ! ! !

 Three chapters are updated today, can you share some of them with me?

  Book group, 902306011, if anyone wants to add it, please let me know, I will add it as appropriate, thank you for your support! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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