Time travel starts from Doupa

Chapter 199 Absorbing 9 Netherworld Yin Qi

Chapter 199 Absorbing Yin Qi from Nine Nether Yellow Springs
Book group, 902306011, if anyone wants to add it, please let me know, I will add it as appropriate, thank you for your support! ! ! !

On the second day, Ding Chen and Cailin appeared at the entrance of Jiuyou Huangquan, feeling the cold air emanating from it, Ding Chen's body boiled with cold fighting energy, and Cailin also looked down eagerly.When the two looked at each other, they both smiled wisely.

The colorful scales turned into a nine-colored sky-swallowing mang snake tail, and entered the bottomless Nine Netherworld with a swipe of its tail. Ding Chen followed after him, and the cold air spread across his face, and soon there was a lake Appearing in front of the eyes of the two, Cailin directly entered into it, the snake rolled over, and entered the lake to absorb the cold power.

"Cailin, there is an aura similar to yours below. It is very strong. I think it is the lair of your Tuntianmang clan. There must be your clan's inheritance in it. This is the opportunity I gave you." Ding Chen turned towards Jiucai Tuntianmang Cai Lin said.

Cailin's huge snake head nodded, twisted her body and dived into the bottom of the lake. Seeing Cailin going to accept the inheritance, Ding Chen also went down to get the treasure of the Demon Saint of the Underworld. Although he didn't like the fighting skills in it, the three Drooling the essence and blood, I am salivating. Although it is useless to me, it is very useful to Cailin and Qinglin.

According to the original book, the former patriarch of the Ming Mang clan in Jiuyou land is imprisoned here. Should I rescue him? At any rate, his strength is also the strength of the late two-star Dousheng. First, make a good relationship, and I think it will help me. After all, the Mingmang tribe in Jiuyou Land is huge.

Entering the lake and feeling the turbid water, waves of yin and cold energy crazily poured into Ding Chen's body to replenish the yin energy, but Ding Chen didn't care about it, the body would naturally form a huge absorbing force, Absorbing the cold energy in it.

Next, it's time to find the patriarch of the Mingmang tribe in Jiuyou land who was locked up in the original book, but suddenly black poisonous snakes rushed towards him crazily, but as soon as he touched Ding Chen's body, he was caught by Ding Chen. The yin energy emanating from the body turned into strands of pure yin-cold energy and absorbed it into Ding Chen's body.

Ding Chen laughed. I didn't expect such a good thing. I need to filter the cold energy to absorb it. I didn't expect that the black poisonous snake has such pure cold energy, and it's so pure. Next, I might as well kill more Click on these black poisonous snakes, and you can save yourself a lot of worry.

In the process of diving, an unknown number of black poisonous snakes were refined, and soon they dived into the bottom of Jiuyou Huangquan Lake. A piece of gravel at the bottom of the lake suddenly heard a very small sound in Ding Chen's ears.

"Ahh..., help... me,"

Just as Ding Chen was frowning, suddenly, an extremely small sound of moaning passed through the water and entered his ears.Could it be Yao Ming, the former patriarch of the Ming Mang Clan in Jiuyou Land in the original book?


Hearing this small voice, Ding Chen released his huge soul, lowered his head slowly, and planted his soles in the depths, hesitating for a moment, then slammed down with his palms.


Ding Chen grabbed it with his palm, and he immediately caught a palm print on the sandy ground, and amidst the rolling sand, a huge iron chain with a size of hundreds of feet was suddenly exposed in Ding Chen's sight.

Seeing this extremely huge iron chain, Ding Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Gripping from the air, the iron chain was slowly pulled out by him, and as the iron chain was pulled out, the other ground was also suddenly pulled out. It shook, and three huge iron chains rose from the mud. These iron chains were all connected to the huge surrounding mountains, and they couldn't even move if they were pulled.

Ding Chen's eyes didn't care where the chains were locked. His eyes just stared at the center of the four chains, where there was a large mass of black mud

Looking at the lump of mud, Ding Chen waved his hand casually, the mud was shaken away, and as the mud dispersed, something inside was revealed, it was a person!

A man as dry as a skeleton!
"The aura is not bad, and he must be at least a three-star fighter or even stronger. Is this guy the former patriarch of the Nine Nether Land Python Clan?" Looking at the skeleton-like figure, Ding Chen's eyes were full. It was a flash of shock, and murmured.

"Save me, save me, save me, I will make the entire Nine Nether Earth python clan serve you as master."

When Ding Chen looked at the withered figure, the latter's deep-set pupils suddenly opened, and he looked at the former frantically. A hoarse roar resounded from the bottom of the underworld, like howling a ghost. Chilling.

Ding Chen frowned and looked at the withered figure who was constantly struggling under the bondage of the chain boat. After a long while, although he knew the identity of this person, he still asked, "Who are you? Why are you trapped here?"


The skeleton-like figure seemed to have consumed a lot of his strength from the previous struggles, and his breathing was a little short at the moment. Ding Chen could feel that the extremely cold energy was constantly coming out from the four huge chains. , consuming the battle energy in the former body, so that he is always in an extremely weak state, but at the same time it will not damage his life, he can only survive in this kind of permanent consumption.

"The person who imprisoned this guy is really ruthless. In this way, it is more vicious than killing him." Ding Chen was surprised. thing.

"I am the patriarch of the Nine Serenity Python Clan, Yao Ming." Facing Ding Chen's question, the skeleton-like figure gasped for a moment, and finally spoke. His voice was extremely hoarse, like sand and stones. It's like passing through glass, extremely harsh.

"Help me, as long as you save me from this place, I will promise you anything you want." The person who called himself Yao Ming stared at Ding Chen almost beggingly, and said.

"The patriarch of the Mingpyg Clan in Jiuyou Land?" Ding Chen frowned, but he was unmoved, and said indifferently: "As far as I know, the patriarch of the Mingpyg Clan in Jiuyoudi should be a man named Yaoxiao. God, huh?"

"That bastard, that bastard, he used a poisonous plan to take my position" and sealed me at the bottom of this Nine Netherworld, ah! This bastard has caused me to suffer from the power of Yin and cold for hundreds of years, If I am lucky enough to see the light of day again in this life, I, Yao Qing, will live a life that would be worse than death." Yao Xiaotian's three words entered his ears, and the eyes of Yao Qing were instantly blood red, and endless resentment emerged from his eyes, and the crazy roar resounded endlessly in the bottom of this underworld .

Ding Chen secretly smacked his tongue when he heard this, this guy has been sealed here for hundreds of years." It is indeed quite sad to end up like this. The cold power of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs is like invading the human body, like a sharp blade. The stinging pain is unbearable for ordinary people, but this guy in front of him has suffered from this kind of pain for hundreds of years. Even Ding Chen can't help but shake his head when he heard this.

"Can you tell me about the relationship between you and Yao Xiaotian?" Ding Chen spread his hands and said.

"I'm Yao Xiaotian's biological eldest brother." Yao Ming hesitated for a moment, and finally said hoarsely: "I was originally the most orthodox candidate for the patriarch of the Mingpyg Clan in Jiuyou Land. I, originally, that Yao Xiaotian was absolutely impossible to become the patriarch, and he also knew this in his heart, so he behaved respectfully to me on weekdays." But secretly, it was a poisonous plan, first poisoning me, which made my strength drop , he made another shot to defeat me, and sealed me at the bottom of the Nine Serene Yellow Springs. "

"Why didn't he just kill you? That should save a lot of trouble." Ding Chen said.

"Because he wants me not to die so easily... Haha, this brother, he is really good to my elder brother!" At the end of the sentence, Yao Ming couldn't help but hoarsely laughed Get up, the laughter is filled with sadness and anger.

"You want me to rescue you? You should understand that the current Yao Xiaotian is the patriarch of the Nine Nether Land's Underworld Python Clan, and he will definitely be able to mobilize many elders. When you appear at that time, I'm afraid the end will not be much better. " Ding Chen said.

"I have the Nine Nether Scepter, which is the token of the patriarch of the Nine Nether Land Python Clan. Only with the Nether Scepter can I be the real patriarch." As long as I can escape and get rid of Yao Tianxiao, then I will be the new patriarch , the rest of the elders didn't dare to attack me at all," Yao Ming hurriedly said.

"What kind of strength are you now, and what kind of strength is Yao Tianxiao?" Ding Chen said with narrowed eyes.

"I was only an intermediate half-saint when I was sealed, but these hundreds of years of training with the power of the underworld, although I have suffered countless pains, it has also increased my strength, and now I have reached the level of a two-star fighting saint , as long as I can see the light of day again, the battle energy in my body can quickly recover and reach its peak state." Yao Ming said: "And that Yao Tianxiao, when I reached the semi-sage, he was only a peak Dou Zun. With his talent, After so many years, he must be able to reach around one-star Dou Sheng, but he has a confidant, that is, the great elder of my Nine Nether Land Hades Clan, according to my guess, this person should also have the top one-star Dou Sheng now This old dog also helped Yao Tianxiao seriously injure me, and sealed me away. "

"Two one-star fighting saints?"

Hearing this, Ding Chen was slightly startled. The Nine Nether Earth Python Clan really has a profound background. It can only be said that there are two genuine fighting saints. If you add the Yaochen in front of you , that is a full three, this level of strength, really deserves to be the three major groups in the World of Warcraft.

However, what surprised him was that this demon was not as tyrannical as he had imagined, presumably because of the desire, there are some differences between monsters and humans.

"My biggest obstacle is these two people. If I get rid of them, the Nine Nether Land python tribe will definitely be under my control. At that time, my little friend, you will be my savior. Although I, Yaochen, am not a good person "But what I said was a promise. In the future, if I control the Nine Serenity Underworld Python Clan, I will do my best to fulfill any request my little friend has. "The Yao Ming stared at Ding Chen with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice.

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Book group, 902306011, if anyone wants to add it, please let me know, I will add it as appropriate, thank you for your support! ! ! !

 Three chapters are updated today, can you share some of them with me?

  Book group, 902306011, if anyone wants to add it, please let me know, I will add it as appropriate, thank you for your support! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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