The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 100 The Little Koi Showing Its Power

Chapter 100 The Little Koi Showing Its Power
"Go to Mo's house." Jun Mobai held down the restless little girl beside him.

"Don't you dislike your relatives? Why do you let them live in your house?" Jin Li looked at Mo Ze very puzzled.

"Living in Mo's house, I get angry from time to time and find fault with them. After a long time, their lives will be shortened for several years." Otherwise, why would he let them live in Mo's house?
Jin Li looked at him in shock.

"Yes, is that so?"

"Okay, you shouldn't know less than you know." Jun Mobai angrily peeled off a piece of chocolate and stuffed it for her.

He really didn't want the little koi to know that there are so many sinister people. The little girl just needs to be a happy and carefree little koi every day.

"I'm so obedient, I never ask about other people's family affairs." The little girl looked at the two of them eagerly while holding the chocolate in her hand.

Moze: "..." Kao, why did he become so milky all of a sudden!
Tsk, so cute!
Soon, the car stopped in front of Mo's house.

As soon as the car stopped, a large group of people rushed to the door impatiently.

"Master, where is the master you invited?" It was a middle-aged man at the front who spoke, and he wanted to look into the car while asking.

As soon as the little girl got out of the car, everyone paid attention to her.

Jin Li: "..." Why do you look at the fish like that?
"This, young master, is this the master you mentioned?" The middle-aged man sized Jin Li up, then turned to ask Mo Ze.

"Why can't I be a master?" How come I still discriminate against people's age.

"Little girl, this is a serious matter, not playing around with children." The middle-aged man persuaded Jin Li kindly, but he still looked at the little girl with disdain.

This little brat is crazy about money.

The last one to get out of the car, Jun, straightened his coat slowly, and then stood beside the little girl.

"Give him some color and see."

People who dare to question the little koi usually end badly.

The little girl thought for a moment before speaking.

"Then... just fall down."

"Little sister, stop playing..." The man still laughed at Jin Li in disbelief.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped on a small stone, and fell to the ground lying on his stomach.

The little girl watched helplessly as the thin red mist above his head dissipated again.

Disrespect to the little koi will be bad luck, uncle.The little girl quietly looked towards the people behind.

"Is there anyone else who has any doubts?" Let some come together.

I saw that the faces of the people who were disdainful just now were full of embarrassment.

Leaving aside the status of that little girl, just because she is a member of Mr. Jun, they can't afford to offend her.

"Let's go, I'll take you in." Mo Ze casually led the two into the door.

"Let's go." Jun Mobai led the little girl into the door, without even glancing at the group of people on the way.

The relatives of the Mo family quickly helped the middle-aged man on the ground up, and then followed him into the door.

As soon as they entered the door, Jin Li and Jun Mobai frowned at the same time.

The little girl looked up at Jun Mobai.

She originally thought that the feng shui of this house might be a bit bad, but she didn't expect that there were really unclean things there.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt a faint yin energy.

The little girl couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"I didn't expect there to be ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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