The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 106 Hot Searches for Little Koi

Chapter 106 Hot Searches for Little Koi
Why can't you guess that the fish is the cute and charming little fairy fish?
Does her image look so much like a big guy who picks his feet?
Just when the little girl was confused, Yun Chuan sent her a message.

Yun Chuan: Cutie, you're on fire.

Yun Chuan snapped two screenshots for her.

Little Koi: I saw someone calling me a big guy who picks my feet.

The attention of the little girl...

Yun Chuan continued to send her messages.

Yun Chuan: Cutie, you can't just look at those negative comments, there are actually many good images.

Little Koi: It doesn't matter, the fish is used to it, and now the fish just want to transfer money properly.

She can bear to say that she is a big man who picks her feet, as long as she pays for a talisman.

Yun Chuan: How about second brother to promote it to you?

The little girl's eyes lit up.

Little Koi: Can it be?

Yunchuan: Of course.

Little Koi: Thank you, second brother.

The little girl sent her second brother a meme emoticon.

Yun Chuan was so cute that he immediately posted a message on Weibo.

Yunchuan V: Don’t miss it when you pass by, Little Koi Lucky Shop, you deserve it.

The picture below the message is the kit that Jin Li gave him.

It took less than a minute for the message to be sent, and there were many messages below.

"Ahhh, the male god is so handsome!!!"



"Buy! Buy them all for me!"

"The male god will actually buy an advertisement for an online store? Could it be that he accepted an endorsement?"

"How is it possible, how could the male god endorse the online store?"

Among them, there are also fans of Yunchuan who have bought things in the store.

"Why are the talismans of male gods different from all of us?"

This statement immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, yes, there is no such amulet in the store."

"Tell me, what is your relationship with the shopkeeper?"

Seeing the comments below getting more and more crooked, Yun Chuan wiped his forehead with some guilt.

The little girl naturally saw these messages.

Yun Chuan immediately asked the little girl if she could expose their relationship.

After getting Jin Li's permission, Yun Chuan immediately picked up one of the fans who asked about their relationship and replied.

Yunchuan V: The shop owner is my younger sister.

"It turned out to be the younger sister of the male god."

"Ahhh, the owner of the store is actually a girl, and she is also the younger sister of the male god!"

"The male god actually has a younger sister?"

Unexpectedly, Yunchuan replied again.

Yunchuan V: Yes, yes.

Then, the little girl saw that her second brother posted a special Weibo, and also brought a photo of her when she shrunk.

Yunchuan V: My little sister.

Below is a photo.

The little girl who looked to be only four or five years old was wearing a small red dress, and was sitting on a chair obediently, nibbling a piece of chocolate in her little hand, her pink bun face slightly puffed up.

As a result, the comments below gradually changed from how handsome the male god is to... my sister is so cute, and I want to steal my sister away.

As for why she posted photos of the little girl when she was a child, Yun Chuan's explanation was: My sister is too pretty and has no idea of ​​becoming a star, so in order not to disturb her daily life, I don't post the current photos.

And the fans said: I don't mind, the photos of my sister when she was young are also cute, please share more.

Ever since, the No.2 hot searched item of the day is: Little Koi Lucky Shop.

And No.1 is: the younger sister of the popular actor Yun Chuan.

(End of this chapter)

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