The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 108 The food intake of fish is immeasurable

Chapter 108 The food intake of fish is immeasurable

Jin Li smiled embarrassedly.

"It's okay, not much at all."

"Then how much money do you have now?"

The little girl waved her hand embarrassingly.

"It's only tens of millions." Not much, not much at all, the fish is actually not happy at all~
"Little money fan." Seeing you clearly like this is very happy.

"The fish talismans have been sold a lot, so Yu decided not to sell them anymore." If they are sold too much, the fish talismans will not be in demand.

"Why?" Not a fan of money?This is not like the style of the little koi.

"Things are rare and expensive. If everyone has a fish talisman, then the fish talisman is worthless." Then what else does she use to make money?
Jun Mobai: Well, what the little koi said makes sense.


"Fish is going to change careers."

Jun Mobai hugged the little girl in his arms, narrowing his eyes slightly in comfort.

"What are you going to do?"

"Yu wants to be a master, and specializes in helping people solve those difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and there are things that ordinary people can't solve." Anyway, Yu is not short of money now, so he can do whatever he likes.

"Why do you want to change careers all of a sudden?"

"Because there are too many talismans sold, people feel bored, and..." The little girl gave Jun a shy look.

"I want to stay with Junjun more." When she was selling talismans, she was busy carving talismans every day, so she didn't have much time to play with Junjun.

Jun Mobai stroked her little head.

"It's fine if you like it, and you can do whatever you want." As long as you don't leave him for a long time, he doesn't object to what the little girl likes to do.

The little girl jumped into his arms happily.

"Yeah, Junjun is the best. Yu has changed the shop, and he will take an order every week, and then Yu can play with Junjun every day."

Jun Mobai hugged her funny.

"When did you not follow me every day?" Eating, sleeping, going to work, except taking a bath and going to the toilet, this little guy stayed with him.

Jin Li blinked her eyes belatedly.

It seems oh.

Seeing the little girl's happy face, Jun Mobai's heart moved slightly.

"I'm so happy today, I allow you to eat fried food once."

"Really? Yeah, long live Junjun!" The little girl cheered with her soft milky voice, then rushed over again, and kissed Jun Mobai with a smack.

Although Jun Mobai seldom pampers the little girl, he seldom lets her eat those junk foods. The little girl has been greedy for this for a long time, but Jun Mobai doesn't let her eat, so she can only watch, I've had an eye addiction.

After kissing Jun, Jin Li raised her phone and clicked on a certain food delivery app.

Pizza, fried chicken, barbecue, all kinds of fried food, and a cup of milk tea.

Jun Mobai: "..." Although he asked her to eat this kind of junk food once, isn't the little koi a little too presumptuous...

"Order so much, can you finish?"

The little girl patted her small chest very proudly.

"The food intake of fish is immeasurable." Then she lowered her head and continued to pay.

Jun Mobai shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, just let the little girl be happy for once.

After ordering, Jin Li quietly waited for her takeaway to arrive.

Of course, Jun Mobai insisted on feeding her a bowl of rice on the way to the delivery.

Although he can let the little girl eat, he can't let her eat those unhealthy things.

When Jin Li was about to get impatient, her takeaway finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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