The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 111 Business Scope Expanded

Chapter 111 Business Scope Expanded

The fish is fine, the fish is very good, just lazy.

Little Koi Lucky Shop: I'm fine, don't worry everyone, I'm just lazy and don't want to sell charms, but you can still find me for business. ≧▽≦
The little girl snapped out a link.

It's still her previous shop, except that it doesn't sell talismans anymore. It offers everything from geomantic omen, ghost hunting, fortune telling, and fortune telling.

"Hahaha, my sister's business scope has expanded."

"Sister: Not only have I made a good talisman, but I can also tell fortunes, watch feng shui and catch ghosts... There are too many calculations, I can't think about it."

"I was scared to death. I thought my sister was going to go home and inherit the family property after quitting work."

family property?

The little girl blinked her eyes.

Little Koi Lucky Shop: I have money myself, so I don’t need to inherit the family property.

Don't look at the small size of the fish, in fact, the fish can be rich.

Junjun said, she is a little rich woman.

The little girl's reaction made her fans almost become cute by her.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, we have money ourselves, so we don't need to say it."

"Baby is so cute, I can't help showing a kind smile."

"The corners of the mouth are raised wildly."




The little girl swiped the comments for a while and then put down the phone.

Hmm... Forgive her for being a little koi who doesn't like surfing.

Fish really can't figure out what everyone thinks.

After following Jun into the office, the little girl started to check the information
Let the fish see if there is any business coming to you...

Jin Li opened her small tablet enthusiastically.

"Aha, there really are." The little girl looked at the latest news above excitedly.

I didn't expect that the fish business would be as booming even if it changed careers.

The little girl happily clicked in to reply.

Little Koi Lucky Shop: Little Koi Lucky Shop is here to serve you. What are your needs?

There was silence for a few minutes before replying.

Mr. Zhang: You, you really know everything?
Little Koi Lucky Shop: It depends on what kind of service you want.

If you don't tell me what you want the fish to know what you want the fish to do.

Mr. Zhang: Can you make people luckier?

Little Koi Lucky Shop: What do you say?
Mr. Zhang: I, my wife is pregnant.

Jinli:? ? ?
What does your wife's pregnancy have to do with fish?
Little Koi Lucky Shop: Good news.

But what does that have to do with good luck?
Mr. Zhang: My wife was pregnant once when she was young, but she accidentally miscarried. We waited for a long time, and finally got pregnant this time, but my wife said that she always dreamed of her previous child who had been aborted.


The little girl closed her eyes and let go of her consciousness.

When she opened her eyes again, she frowned slightly.

Little Koi Lucky Shop: You were destined to have only one son, and you didn't keep it. It stands to reason that Mrs. Zun shouldn't be pregnant.

Unexpectedly, when the little girl said this, Mr. Zhang became excited.

Mr. Zhang: Yes, the fortune teller told me that I originally had only one child, and I lost it, but my wife is still pregnant. Master, please help me.

Hmm... kid, you can't just watch him disappear like this.

The little girl touched her little bun's face and replied.

Little Koi Lucky Shop: Okay, then let's make an appointment to meet up sometime.

Mr. Zhang: Then, can I do it this afternoon?
Little Koi Lucky Shop: Yes.

After replying to the message, the little girl put down the tablet.

(End of this chapter)

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