The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 126: Little Koi's Expression Pack

Chapter 126: Little Koi's Expression Pack

"Ahh! Take a screenshot!!!"

"I've already seen my sister's emoji waving at me."

"Hahaha, I guess my sister's emoji will be a hot search tonight."

Sure enough, that night, Jin Li's emoji was successfully searched again.

Just as the little girl was covering her stomach to digest her food after dinner, the director came over with his tablet.

"Jin Li..."

"Hi, director." The five people who didn't know what happened nodded towards the director.

Now the director looks at Jin Li and needs to hold back his smile.

Wow, this little girl is really cute.

" are on the hot search."

Yun Chuan waved his hand without being surprised.

"It's normal, we're all used to it." The little cutie is even more popular than him now.

The remaining three nodded noblely.

Jinli:? ? ?
"What hot search?" Why doesn't the fish know?
Seeing the little girl's dazed look, the director handed her the tablet.

"See for yourself."

Jin Li reluctantly took the tablet from the director's hand, which contained a series of emoticons.

There is only one owner of the emoticon pack, and that is her, the koi carp.

In the first picture, Jin Li is sitting quietly on the sofa, with the words: Jin Li is well-behaved.

In the second picture, the little girl stuffed her mouth full when she ate it secretly, with the words: I can still eat it.

The third picture is the pouting expression of the little girl after she was murdered, which is the focus of this hot search, with the words: Don't be fierce!

The little girl already had a small bun face, with exquisite and small features. These expressions and the matching words of netizens really fit incomparably.

The little girl's expression changed from bewildered, shocked, and unbelievable at the beginning, to now she is still bewildered.

"Hahaha, it's so cute, hurry up, who is so talented, I'm going to download the emoticon pack." Yun Chuan covered his stomach with a smile.

Yunxuan: Silently ask the program team to get their mobile phone and download the emoticon pack.

Yun Yi: maturely took the tablet from Little Koi's hand and continued to watch.

Jun Mobai looked at the little girl amusedly.

"The series of expressions you just provided us with a new set of expression packs." Why didn't he realize that the expression on the little koi's face was so vivid before.

Yun Yi calmly raised the tablet, and sure enough, a new set of emoticons appeared on it, which was exactly the blank expression of the little girl before, and there were comments from netizens on the bottom.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry sister, your expression is so vivid, we can't help it."

"It's so cute, I can use this emoji for a lifetime."

"Trust me, we're going to have a lot of sister memes after this show is over."

"Hahahaha, I think so too."

"Hurry up, hurry up, look, the brothers have also started to download."


The three brothers of the Yun family asked the program crew to download the emoticons on their mobile phones as if nothing had happened, and then calmly returned the mobile phone.

Jun Mobai: Hehe, childish!He wouldn't do this kind of thing, he had to wait until the show was over before downloading it, so that he could have a full set of little koi emoticons. →_→

The director held back a smile and asked the little girl.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Jin Li answered solemnly.

"It makes me look a little ugly."

The director had already laughed inwardly.

This little girl is too dumb.

"and then?"

and also?

Jin Li frowned.

"The word matching is very accurate."

(End of this chapter)

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