The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 139 The position of Jun in the little girl's heart

Chapter 139 The position of Jun in the little girl's heart
Although it's good to be with everyone occasionally, but compared to this, he prefers to live a two-person world with the little koi.

After all, the wife is more important than the brother-in-law.

Jin Li blushed at what he said.

"Damn it." She obviously wasn't married to Junjun yet.

Mr. Jun: Yes, but it does not prevent me from calling Little Koi Brain Po.

"Do you hate it? Then I don't know who sticks to me every day." It seems to be a certain little koi.

"Hmph, then I'll ignore you." The little girl said as she was about to get up and leave.

"Don't, don't, it's my fault." Jun Mobai hurriedly pulled him back into his arms.

If he really drives the little koi away, who will he take with him?

The cameraman next to them looked at the sweetness of the two of them and couldn't help but looked at them with his hands on his chest.

"Don't you feel uneasy when you spread dog food in front of us single dogs like this every day?"

The little girl looked blankly at the camera brother.

"But you insisted on taking pictures of us." It wasn't the fish that forced you to look at the fish.

The camera brother was taken aback.

What the little girl said... seems to make sense.

Uuuuuuuu... In the end, the big cameraman wiped away his tears while... still continuing to shoot.

He is so difficult.

But the pitiful look of the big cameraman is still so beautiful that he can't bear it.

The little girl took out a piece of chocolate from Jun Mobai's pocket.

"Hey, I'll eat it for you. You'll feel better after eating."

The camera brother took the chocolate handed to him by the little girl, and his heart warmed.

Well, although Jinli always sprinkles dog food, she still treats them very well.

Polite, pretty, and well-behaved, who doesn't like such a little girl?
In the hearts of all the staff, the image of the little girl is a little angel.

Well, it's the caring, cute and well-behaved kind.

But it was such a casual little move by the little girl that Jun became jealous.

"Why didn't I see you take the initiative to share your snacks with me?" Before he asked the little girl if she wanted chewing gum, he had to grab it from her mouth, but this little villain actually gave her chocolates so generously. Gave it to someone else?
Jin Li looked up at him in a daze.

"But didn't you say that you don't like sweets?" Why are you still blaming the fish now?
"But you never took the initiative to give it to me." Jun Mobai's psychology was very unbalanced.

The little girl patted him on the shoulder.

"Isn't what's mine is yours? Do you still need points?" Does she and Junjun need points to share?

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Well, you're right." Whoever he is with Xiao Jinli, he is Xiao Jinli's fiancé.

The little koi's is naturally his, and his is the little koi's.

Thinking about it, Jun's mind became much more balanced.

Well, the little koi really still loves him, and still loves him the most.

Look, no one else can compare to him in the little girl's heart.

Except for snacks.

Jun Mobai: Thinking about it this way, I'm not so happy all of a sudden...

"Then what if I ask you to share half of the snacks with me?" Jun Mobai asked tentatively.

The little girl spoke generously.

"Then share it with you."

Jun raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"Don't feel distressed?" This is not the style of the little koi. Half of the snacks are divided as you say, and you don't feel distressed at all.

Jin Li waved her hand indifferently.

"Anyway, if the snacks are gone, you will still buy them for me."

(End of this chapter)

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