Chapter 14 Jun Mobai

Before Yun Yi finished sighing, there was a knock on the office door.

Yun Yi's eyes lit up instantly.

When he realized that the person who came in was not a little girl, his eyes quickly dimmed again.

A special assistant: "..."

Hehehe, eccentric! ! !What's with that disappointed look, are you so unhappy to see him?
"Mr. Yun, the president of the Jun Group has agreed to our cooperation." Although his heart was very complicated, a certain special assistant still reported the truth.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"Huh? The other side finally let go?" After talking for so long, Jun finally plans to cooperate with him?
"Yes, Mr. Jun of the Jun family has arrived. Do you want to let him in now?" The other side finally let go. If the deal is settled, they will make a lot of money.

"Let him in." In this case, he should finish talking about the work first, and then go to the little girl.

After a while, a tall figure walked in from outside the door.

The visitor was dressed in a black suit, his thin red lips were slightly raised, and there was a just right smile on his handsome face. The beautiful peach eyes seemed gentle, but actually there was no smile.

Yun Yi looked him over from head to toe calmly.

I have long heard that Jun's Jun Mobai is ruthless and quick to do things. He developed the entire Jun's consortium into a large international company by himself at a young age. Now it seems that he is really not an easy person to deal with.

"Mr. Jun, I have admired your name for a long time."

"Jiu Yang." Jun Mobai shook hands with him casually.

In fact, the reason why he came here today is mainly because he sensed the breath of that person in this building.

To be precise, it was a certain fish who had never met but was engaged to him.

But on this person, the aura is even stronger.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows.

I don't know what the relationship between this person and that fish is.

"Mr. Jun, can we start talking about cooperation?" Yun Yi frowned a little uncomfortably.

Why does this man keep staring at him?

Jun Mobai smiled slightly.

"of course can."

Just when Yun Yi was about to speak, the door was suddenly opened with a "snap".

A soft and glutinous sound of milk sounded along with the sound of footsteps.

"Brother, brother, look, the young ladies gave me a lot of delicious food." The little girl was about to rush to Yun Yi's side with a lot of snacks in her hands.

"Be careful, don't fall." Yun Yi reached out to hug the little girl.

Suddenly, a beautiful big hand came out from the side, and immediately grabbed the little girl who was about to rush to his side.

Jinli:? ? ?
The little girl was holding the snacks, blinking at Jun Mobai with staring eyes.

who is thisWhy are you carrying fish?
Jin Li subconsciously thumped her short legs.

The little girl stared at him fiercely.

"Why are you carrying me?"

"Huh?" Jun Mobai brought the person in front of him.

This is his fiancée who hasn't met?

He looks okay, but his body is a bit smaller, probably because his body shape has changed a bit when he came to this world.

He remembered that this fish had been incarnate for a long time, logically it shouldn't be this size.

"Don't know me?" Jun Mobai looked at the little girl in front of him leisurely.

"Why should I know you?" Jin Li rolled her eyes at him.

When I see this person, I feel disgusted.

"Mr. Jun, this is my sister." Yun Yi stretched out his hand to hug the little girl back.

(End of this chapter)

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