The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 141 Feeling that you are not sick is your biggest disease

Chapter 141 Feeling that you are not sick is your biggest disease

Hearing Yun Xuan's opening, Jun Mobai's eyes flashed a trace of pity.

It's a pity that he was just a little bit close to abducting the little girl.

"Jin Li can't be measured by anything in my heart." Jun Mobai looked down at the little girl sitting next to him.

"But who made her a little money fan?" How could she agree to marry herself without money to lure her.

The little girl turned her head and ignored him.

"Hmph, I'm also a principled person, how can I marry you for money?" Although Yu wanted to, Yu couldn't do that either.

Jun Mobai was not annoyed, he just asked again.

"Really don't want to?"

"Okay, okay, I still think about it..." the little girl hesitated.

Jun Mobai rubbed her little head.

"Don't think about it, what's mine is yours." As for getting married, it will be a matter of time, so don't worry.

Anyway, the little koi can't escape.

"Hey, hey, have you sprinkled enough dog food?" Yun Chuan couldn't help interrupting the two of them.

Jun Mobai glanced at him.


Yun Chuan was angry.

"Can you think about the feelings of us single dogs?" Such a constant sprinkle of dog food, is it still letting people live?
Jun Mobai calmed down.

"I didn't make you stare at me." Who made you insist on waiting by the side, and he didn't force him to eat dog food.

Yun Chuan: "So, it's still my fault?" Feelings are dog food that he voluntarily ate?

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Naturally." Who is to blame?

Yun Chuan: "..." What this guy said seemed to make sense.

Yun Yi looked at Jun with a smile on his face.

"Don't pay attention to him, he is stupid."

"Be considerate."

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Understood." After all, he was seriously ill.

"What do you mean I'm stupid? Brother, where am I stupid?" When he walked out, he was also a handsome man, okay?

Yun Yi looked at him with a smile.

"Then you say you are not stupid?"

"Of course I'm not stupid anywhere." How could he be stupid.

"Would I be a good-looking man when I go out?" He is a handsome guy.

Yun Xuan patted his shoulder.

"I always think that your absence of illness is your biggest illness."

"Also, nympho is also a disease, which needs to be cured."

"Pfft..." The little girl covered her mouth vigorously.

Forgive her, she doesn't want to laugh, but she really can't help it.

Jun Mobai looked at him sympathetically.

"Don't worry, we won't leave you alone."

"Hmph." Yun Chuan blushed angrily, and finally had to snort, and then left.

Hmph, don't compare yourself to this group of people.

Yun Xuan also added to the camera with a blank expression.

"Look, he's back on his meds now." It'll be back to normal soon.

Yun Chuan, who had just reached the second floor, staggered and almost fell.

He turned his head and gave Yun Xuan a fierce look, then went back to the room.

Jin Li and Jun Mobai looked at each other, seeing the smiles in each other's eyes.

The second brother is really a living treasure, so cute.

The director also looked at the family with a smile.

This family is just so hilarious and loving too.

Unexpectedly, Yingdi Yun's image and status at home would be like this.

"Hahaha, Second Brother is so funny." Jin Li covered her mouth and leaned on Jun Mobai to laugh.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh too much." Look at this little girl, tears came out of her laughter.

Yun Yi and Yun Xuan glanced at each other, both expressionless.

(End of this chapter)

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