The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 148 The End of the Purpose

Chapter 148 The end of purpose

After the woman complained to the little girl, she burst into tears.

"You, stop crying..." Jin Li frowned and looked at the woman.

"You don't need to comfort me, I'm so miserable..." As soon as the little girl opened her mouth, the woman cried even more vigorously.

Then she heard the soft voice of the little girl's milk.

"The fish wants to say that you are too ugly to cry." Said so scary.

Woman: "..." It's fine if you don't comfort me emotionally, but you still think I'm ugly when I cry? ? ?
She was also a beautiful woman before she was alive, okay?
The woman raised her head, and was about to explain to the little girl, but saw that Jin Li had already held Jun Mobai's big hand to cover her eyes, and was still muttering to herself.

"The fish can't see anything...the fish can't see anything..." Jun Mobai hugged the little girl dumbfounded.

The woman was about to be pissed off by her.

If she hadn't been unable to beat these two people, she would have rushed over long ago...

"Okay, you're dead, you shouldn't miss the world anymore, and this child is innocent, you shouldn't vent your grievances on the child." Maybe Li Hongbin really failed her, but the child is innocent.

The woman's originally ferocious face froze for a moment, and then she began to cry again.

Jin Li: "..." Why are you still crying?She didn't say she was ugly...

The woman cried for a while, then looked at Jin Li sobbing.

"Master, can I trouble you to send me to reincarnate?"

The little girl opened an opening leading to the underworld, and the woman turned her head and bowed to her before leaving.

As soon as the woman left, the child who had been lying there stopped crying almost immediately.

The little girl sighed.

It's also a poor one. I hope my next life will be good and I won't go through this kind of thing again.

"This Li Hongbin is so mad, I have to teach him a lesson." He even had an affair. In their God Realm, once the gods recognize their partner, they will only be with this person forever, so the little girl Never encountered such a thing.

Jun Mobai stroked the little girl's head and smoothed her hair.

"Don't be angry, how do you want to punish him?"

Jin Li opened the door and called Li Hongbin's wife in.

As Li Hongbin's wife, she certainly has the right to know such things.

After telling Li Hongbin's wife everything, the little girl gave the child a safety talisman and left.

As for all the rest of the matter, they have to solve it by themselves, but before leaving, she weakened Li Hongbin's luck, which can be regarded as his punishment, after all, there must be punishment for doing bad things.

Although he will not have any bad luck in the future, he will definitely not have any great opportunities.

After coming out of the community, Jin Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Sensing that the little girl was in a bad mood, Jun Mobai asked softly.

"what happened?"

"Since he doesn't like it, why did he marry that aunt?" And then have an affair?

Seemingly aware of the little koi's confusion, Jun Mobai chuckled.

"Little Jinli, it's not good for you to know these things, and human beings are inherently changeable." In order to achieve the goal, it is greedy and selfish. Isn't this the nature of human beings?

"I just think those two aunts and the baby are so pitiful." Li Hongbin is too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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