Chapter 150
Hearing Jun Mobai's teasing, the little girl scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Junjun is richer." Her little coffers don't even have a fraction of Junjun's.

"Isn't my money your money?" How can he share yours with the little koi? His is the little koi's, and the little koi's is still the little koi's.

Yes, it is like that.

Jinli: Look, this is why she likes Junjun so much.

"Okay, let's continue counting your money." Seeing the excited expression on the little girl's face, she probably needs to be intoxicated for a while longer.

After reading Qian Qian, Jin Li continued to work on her business.

She is the one who wants to be a little rich woman, how can this little money be enough to become a little rich woman?And she has to support Junjun.

The two of them were so quietly busy with their own affairs, the office was unbelievably quiet for a while.

Jin Li slowly flipped through the customers who left messages for her. does she feel that she is not interested in anyone's order...

So what to do, without enthusiasm for work, fish can't make money...

Just when the little girl was bored, Shen Yuer sent her a message.

The little girl's eyes lit up immediately.

Yu'er, it's been a long time since I contacted you.

Little koi: "Yuer Yuer, do you miss me?"

Shen Yu'er: "Of course I did, but you still said that you haven't looked for me for so long."

Sensing Shen Yuer's resentment, Jin Li smiled embarrassedly.

Little Koi: "I'm busy."

Shen Yuer: "I know, I watched your variety show, but it made me cry to death."

Shen Yu'er: "Actually, I'm looking for you for a serious matter this time."

Little Koi: "Tell me, what's the matter? As long as I can help, I will definitely help you."

Shen Yu'er: "Bai Xi is about to pass the catastrophe recently."


The little girl has the final say.

emmm... It's still a 1000-year catastrophe, the kind that might die.

Little Koi: "Yes, exactly 1000 years."

1000 years is a great catastrophe. After passing through it, you will become a great demon. If you have great fortune in the future, you may be able to ascend to immortality. Tianleihong's soul flew away, leaving nothing left.

Shen Yu'er: "I'm so worried about him, but Bai Xi didn't tell me anything, so I can only come to you."

Little koi: "1000 years is the most important and the greatest catastrophe in a demon's life. If you succeed, you will become a great demon, and you may have the possibility of ascension. If you fail, you will be lost."

Shen Yuer: "So serious? Then, can you help him?"

Little Koi: "Then let's meet and talk."

Shen Yu'er: "Okay, I'll go find you now."

The two settled on a date, and Jin Li grabbed her small bag and prepared to rush out.

Before he could take two steps, Jun Mobai brought him back.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Looking for Yu'er, Bai Xi is going to cross the catastrophe, she asked me to help." She couldn't just watch them and ignore them.

When he heard about Du Jie, Jun Mobai's expression became serious.

"Xiao Jinli, you should know that we can't interfere with the monster crossing the catastrophe." If the situation is serious, it will be wiped out by the Dao of Heaven.

"I know, I'm going to discuss it with Yu'er."

Jun Mobai stood up and took her away.

"I'll go with you." In order to prevent the little koi from messing around, it's better for him to look at her.

 Ahhh, no one has voted for me yet?Are you so persistent?If it doesn't work, please leave a message and chat with me. 〒▽〒

  I've been bothered by too many things recently, and I'm in a bad mood, and I'm not even very active with updates. (Sigh) ( ̄~ ̄)

   PS: There are still nine votes for recommendation tickets?Is it my lack of knowledge? ? ?


(End of this chapter)

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