The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 159 The relatives of the Mo family

Chapter 159 The relatives of the Mo family

The little girl squinted her eyes and lay on the sofa with a candy in her mouth.

Jun is still working as always.

If you don't make money, how can you support your wife?

"There's nothing else to do now." Great, the fish can rest again.

Before the little girl finished speaking, her cell phone rang.

Jin Li: "..." What do you mean?You can't let the fish have a good rest, can you?

Picking up the phone and looking at it, it was actually Moze who hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Hey, you are so busy, why are you free to look for me today?" Jin Li's baby voice was a little lazy.

Moze told her straight to the point.

"Business, do you want to do it?"

"It's your group of top relatives again?"


The little girl was shocked.

"You still keep them?" That's not Moser's style.

"Save it for when you're in a bad mood." It's much more interesting than killing people all at once.

"Then why are you so kind, and help them contact them to solve the problem."

Moze snorted coldly.

"That's what they appointed you to solve." Don't reject the door-to-door business in vain.

"..." Is that so?

Jun Mobai did not know when he appeared next to Jin Li.

"what's up?"

The little girl was held in his arms.

So she found herself a comfortable position to lie down very naturally.

Moze on the phone was suddenly silent.

"Jun Mobai?"

"Hmm, it's me." Jun Mobai replied in a good mood.

"Why are you here?"

"I'll be where Jin Li is." Isn't this a normal thing, he'll be where his wife is.

Moser fell silent again.

The little girl quickly changed the subject.

"Tell me what it is." Let the two of them talk to each other, and the day will be dead.

"It's my group of relatives. It is said that they are haunted by ghosts again."

Jin Li and Jun Mobai looked at each other speechlessly.

"Why do your relatives always bump into ghosts?"

"Maybe it's because I have done too many bad things." Mo Ze said very casually.

Jin Li: "..." That's not impossible...

"Who is it this time?"

"It's my cousin, who is about my age. He said that he always feels that someone is following him these days, and he always has nightmares at night."

"Then someone may really be following him. In this case, I suggest that he go to the police uncle." The little girl made a serious suggestion.

"If it was that simple, I wouldn't be looking for you."

"That might be your cousin's paranoia."

Jun Mobai couldn't help chuckling.

His brain is so cute.

"Hey, so they still live in Mo's house?" Jin Li asked with a light cough.

"Of course not." How could he still let them live in Mo's house.

"Anyway, my cousin thinks someone is pestering him."

The little girl frowned.

"Then he must not be telling the truth." There must be other reasons or reasons why he didn't say it.

It is impossible for a person to be haunted by ghosts for no reason.

"Then you plan to come and take a look sometime." Well, to be honest, he actually misses these two a little bit.

"Tomorrow, Junjun and I will go to Mo's house."

"Okay." Moze hung up the phone.

Seeing the little girl hung up the phone, Jun Mobai spoke casually.

"Why, who was entangled this time?"

Jin Li: "..." What's with your inexplicably familiar tone...

"It's Moze's cousin." How many sinful things have this family done? How come some people are always haunted by ghosts...

(End of this chapter)

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