The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 167 Jin Li: Why did the fish shrink again? ? ?

Chapter 167 Jin Li: Why did the fish shrink again? ? ?

Jin Li: That’s the truth, but why does it sound so strange...

"But everyone was born on the same day, why are you so tall, but I am so short?" It's so unfair, Yu also wants to have long legs like Junjun.

"Are you conceived by demon energy?"

Jin Li shook her head.


"Are you a demon?"

The little girl still shook her head.


"Then you are a man?"

"No, no."

Jun Mobai gave her an inscrutable look.

"Now I know why I am so short?"

Jin Li: "..." I know, I know.

Seeing that the little girl was still depressed, Jun Mobai continued to comfort her.

"Of course a small koi has to be petite to be cute. If it grows too big, it's not a small koi."

"That's a big shark."

The little girl frowned immediately.

"The fish is a koi, so it's not a big shark." Can a big shark compare to her.

Jun Mobai kissed her fair forehead.

"So, why is the little koi so tall? It's just as cute as it is now."

Jin Li nodded her head half-understood, and her voice was soft.

"Well, Junjun is right."

After Jun Mobai's brainwashing, the little girl now firmly believes that she is so good and so cute to be short, and naturally, she no longer feels sad.

Mr. Jun silently took out another jelly, and the little girl's attention was completely diverted.

Looking at the little koi sitting on the sofa eating jelly and watching cartoons obediently, Jun Mobai patted her little head in satisfaction.

Well, it's good, this is good, Xiao Jinli just needs to eat, drink and have fun happily.

What are you doing so sad, kid? →_→

The little girl happily watched the cartoon all afternoon, and didn't realize that something was wrong until she was on the way home.

"What were we discussing in the office just now?" How did the fish forget?
Jun Mobai glanced at the little girl calmly, and then spoke.

"Is there? Is there a discussion? Oh, yes, you ate two of my jellies."

As soon as the jelly was mentioned, Jin Li laughed until her eyes narrowed.

"The jelly is so good~" the fish still wanted it.

Seeing the little girl's intoxicated expression, Jun Mobai asked her softly.

"What did we just say?"

The little girl thought for a while, then shook her head.

"No, didn't we just talk about jelly?"

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Well, good." Just pretend they were talking about jelly.

"We're home, let's go." Jin Li was the first to get out of the car, and then bounced into the door.

Jun Mobai stood at the back and stared at the little girl's back for a few seconds before following her leisurely.

Jun Mobai: He's such a fool.

Jin Li didn't notice anything wrong at all, she ran to wash up after eating, and then went to bed with Jun Mobai.

Of course, maybe she didn't feel that there was anything wrong...

As a result, when she woke up the next day, an incredible thing happened to the little girl.

Jin Li rubbed her eyes in a daze, then got ready to get out of bed.

With a "plop", the little girl fell to the ground.

As soon as he heard the sound, Jun Mobai hurried out of the bathroom. After seeing the little guy on the ground, he was also stunned.

Why did the little koi shrink again?

The little girl looked up at him blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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