Chapter 178 Interview
Jun Mobai: "Look, you've been complained about by fans." Mr. Jun handed the phone to the little girl with great interest.

Jin Li couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Are you happy to see me being complained about?" Why does Jun Jun owe so much?

"Hey, I'm just telling you something." Of course, there is also an element of happiness in it.

"Hmph." Your little koi said that he didn't want to talk to you and rolled his eyes at you.

The fish will continue to work.

The door has been closed for a few days, and I don't know how much business there is.

In this way, I made a lot of less money by engaging in fish.

Just as Jin Li was busy checking the message, her phone rang.

Jin Li: "..." Why do people always bother Yu to make money?

"Hello? Who is it?" The little girl continued to flip through the messages while answering the phone.

"Little cutie, it's the second brother."

"Second brother, aren't you filming?" Why did you call her when you have time?

"Well, I didn't look for you, do you remember the director before?"

"Director? You mean the bearded director we recorded?"

"That's right, it's him."

"What's wrong?" What does this have to do with the director?
"'s like this, the second brother wants you to come over, Director Zhang has something to ask you."

"Oh, then I'll go over now."

"Who is looking for you?" Jun Mobai rushed over as soon as the phone was hung up.

"It's the second brother, and our previous director."

"Junjun, then I'll go first." Looking for her so urgently, there must be something important.

"Wait, I'll go with you." He will be there wherever the little koi is.

"Then let's go." Yu just needed a driver.

The two came to Yunchuan's filming crew, and immediately saw Director Zhang sitting next to Yunchuan.

"Second brother, Director Zhang." Jin Li waved at the two from a distance.

"Don't wave it, I can't see it." Jun Mobai pulled the little girl's hand back.

"Oh." Jin Li withdrew her little hand, obediently followed Jun Mobai.

"Oh, Jin Li is here, sit down quickly." As soon as he saw the little girl, Director Zhang beckoned her to sit down with a smile on his face.

A group of actors resting next to them: Is this still their serious and fierce Director Zhang?Why are you smiling so brightly now?

"Director Zhang, is there anything you can do with me?" You won't be looking for her to shoot a variety show again...

"It's not a big deal, it's our last variety show, there was an interview you didn't record, look..."

"Director Zhang, why didn't you ask me for an interview?" On the contrary, he was obviously still filming his scenes, but the interview didn't call him.

Director Zhang glared at him.

"Shoot your scenes well, it's none of your business here."

"Woooooo, you've changed, you weren't like this before..." Yun Chuan ran away aggrieved.

Jin Li: "..." She is the second brother who is a playwright...

Jun Mobai: Two, it really is Yun Chuan Er.

"Junjun, interview, recording?" Well, if she came by herself, she would definitely agree, but now Junjun is here, so I have to ask Junjun.

She only recently discovered that Junjun is actually jealous.

Jun Mobai stroked her little head.

"Record it if you like it."

"Then record it." Since Junjun agreed, there is no problem.

"Then Mr. Jun will be with you too." The director smiled from ear to ear.

These little couples are so cute.

The two borrowed Yunchuan's dressing room as a scene for the interview.

Well, the director said, just use it, don't worry about the second brother.

(End of this chapter)

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