Chapter 192
Moze scratched his head in embarrassment.

I almost forgot about Jun Mobai's vinegar jar.

"Then let's go find him now." Mo Ze had never been so impatient to see Jun Mobai.

Jun Mobai: Oh, I never want to see you either.

Almost as soon as he arrived at Jun's, Mo Ze urged the little girl to go in.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Junjun won't run away again.

"I'm not too excited." Who hasn't dreamed of being a sophomore?

I think only you have it...

Jin Li calmly followed behind Mo Ze.

With a "snap", the office door was pushed open, and as soon as Mo Ze looked up, he met Jun Mobai's gentle smile.

Jun Mobai: "..." What the hell is this?What about his little koi? ? ?

The smile on Jun's face disappeared almost instantly when he saw that the person who came in was not the one he wanted to wait for.

Moser: The difference is not ordinary...

"Junjun, I'm back!" The little girl who followed behind rushed towards Jun Mobai like a gust of wind.

"Okay, okay, I'll just stand here, why are you running?" Jun Mobai reached out to catch her.

Jin Li stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"I'm not happy."

"Hey, hey, I'm still here, can you think about the feelings of a single dog?" Mo Ze looked at the two hugging each other angrily.

"Cough." The little girl took a few steps back in embarrassment.

"What are you looking for?" Jun Mobai turned to look at Mo Ze.

Every time this guy comes here, there must be nothing good.

At least not the first few times.

"I'm here to ask you to help me feel my bones." Mo Ze felt a little embarrassed.

"Mogu?" Jun Mobai glanced at him, and immediately understood what was going on.

"You're smart, you know come to me." If you dare to let the little koi touch him for him, let's see if he doesn't break his hand.

"Then how do you touch it?" Moze asked curiously.

Jun Mobai reached out to him.

"Give me your hand."

Moze raised his hand obediently.

Jun Mobai quickly pinched his arm bones all over.

"How is it?" Jin Li asked nervously.

Jun Mobai pinched her little nose angrily.

"Why are you more nervous than his client?" It's not about touching your bones.

"Fish is curious, tell me quickly." She wanted to know.

"It's a bit of talent."

Hearing what Jun Mobai said, the little girl's eyes lit up immediately.

Junjun said he was a bit talented, so he must be very talented.

"Yeah, that's great!" Jin Li happily ran up to Mo Ze, and the two clapped their hands tacitly.

Jun Mobai pulled him back dissatisfied.

"It's not you who is talented, why are you so happy?" You clap your hands, don't you know if a man and a woman will kiss or not?
"I'm happy for Moser." Isn't that a happy thing?
Jun Mobai swung the little koi aside.

"Go and sit next to me."

"Oh..." The little girl was about to leave in despair.

"There are snacks in the cabinet." Seeing the little girl with her head down, Jun Mobai reminded her again.

I saw a certain fish who had just moved away slowly step by step ran to the cabinet in an instant.

Jun Mobai: "..." It is indeed the style of the little koi.

After the little girl was settled, Jun Mobai turned to look at Mo Ze.

"Now let's talk about you."

"Tell me." Moze tried to calm himself down.

"Do you want to practice?" He could see that if Mo Ze really wanted to practice, his talent would still be good.

(End of this chapter)

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