The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 20 People Are Really Little Koi

Chapter 20 People Are Really Little Koi
"How can you prove that you are Jin Li's fiancé?"

Jun Mobai calmly revealed the small koi mark on his shoulder.

"This is the original shape of the little guy, and it is also the proof of our marriage contract."

"That..." The little girl poked her little finger and looked at the three of them embarrassedly.

"Actually... I haven't told everyone about my identity..."

The faces of the three of them were covered with black question marks.

"Actually, I'm a koi fairy from the God Realm. It's just that I was forcibly brought into this world because I didn't fulfill my marriage contract, and then I met my elder brother..." Jin Li whispered more and more, and finally looked at several people carefully. glance.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you..."

"So... cutie is a fairy?" Yun Chuan looked at the little girl in front of him in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm a little koi, and I can do spells." Jin Li raised her hand and swiped at herself, and her beautiful little skirt turned into a colorful old-fashioned outfit, and her slightly curly long hair Curled up.

The three stunned brothers: "..."

Yun Chuan: "I really recognized a fairy sister..."

After a long time, Yun Yi finally found his voice.

"So Jin Li's engagement with him..."

"It's true." The little girl nodded her head.

"Then he..." is also a god?
"I'm a demon." Jun Mobai admitted straightforwardly.

"But you're still so young." Yun Xuan looked at her sister's small body, and then at someone's big man.

"That was an accident. I was originally a beautiful girl, but it only takes me a month to recover." Jin Li said with a smile.

The three breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine.

"Then you..." Yun Yi looked at her cautiously.

"Will you still call us brother?"

"Why not? My brother will always be my brother." The little girl's milky voice made the three of them feel warm.

"But I can't go back to live in the future, I will live in the house of the Great Demon King."

"It's okay, it's okay, we can come and see Jin Li, if Jin Li misses us, he can come back." Yun Chuan said that he didn't care at all.

The other two nodded.

After learning that her sister was fine, the three of them left one after another, and the little girl was relieved.

Great, the brothers are not angry.

Brother Tiandao shouldn't blame her for recognizing the three brothers just like that...

The sacred voice of heaven suddenly sounded.

"Of course not, just call Jinli if you like." It's just a mere human with a short lifespan, so it doesn't matter if you shout a few times, only he is Jinli's eternal brother.

Fortunately, the brothers were not angry.

"Okay, you have to spend all your time with me from now on." Jun Mobai stood up holding the little girl.

"Accompany me to a meeting?"

Just as Jin Li was about to refuse, someone handed her a small feeding bottle.

"Okay." Holding the baby bottle, Jin Li agreed without hesitation.

During the meeting, all the top executives looked curiously at the little girl in the arms of their president.

The little girl kept her back to them, everyone wanted to see but couldn't see, they kept glancing at the little girl in Jun Mobai's arms from time to time.

Following someone's call to adjourn the meeting, the two-hour meeting finally came to an end, and the little girl finally turned around.

A short section of the little girl was sitting in Jun Mobai's arms, her short legs were dangling comfortably, her pink bun face was slightly puffed up, her starry eyes looked at everyone curiously, her little paws were holding her small milk bottle , The small mouth is still sucking the milk in the bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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