The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 207 Joining an Organization

Chapter 207 Joining an Organization
She can understand such a request.

Jun Mobai looked down at the little girl in his arms.

"You want to join?"

"I think." Jin Li nodded honestly.

It's not that she's interested in this organization, but that she knows that if she doesn't join, not only this organization, but the entire country's high-level officials will send people to monitor them.

Hmm... the fish will stay here for a long time, and I don't want to offend people like this yet.

Jun Mobai can naturally see Jinli's concerns.

"It's not impossible for us to join, but we just keep a name. If there is anything, we can't find us, and we can't be watched." Jun Mobai put forward his own conditions.

"Then, what if we have something serious that cannot be resolved?" Lu Sheng asked cautiously.

"If you're not looking for Junjun, you can look for me." Jin Li said with a smile.

Junjun is not interested in these things, but Yu is.

"That's good, that's good, thank you both for being willing to cooperate with us." Both of them looked at Jun Mobai and Jin Li gratefully.

After all, masters of this level are very proud of their personality, and it is really not easy to meet such two talkative people.

Jin Li glanced at the two of them.

"Looking at you like this, you should have some morals." It's not very deep, not even half of Wusheng.

"Yes, but our strengths are not very good." The two smiled wryly.

"Oh, don't be so pessimistic. Many people can't even cultivate. Strength doesn't mean everything." Seeing the two old men getting depressed, the little girl hurriedly comforted them.

"Haha, you're right, after talking for so long, I still don't know your names." Gao Lou scratched his head in embarrassment.

I was too busy asking this and that just now, but I forgot to ask the names of these two masters.

"My name is Jin Li, and he's Jun Mobai." Yu and the others may not know each other, but Jun Jun and the others should have heard the name even if they haven't met him.

Sure enough, when they heard Jun Mobai's name, Gao Lou and Lu Shengqi showed shocked expressions.

"You, you are Jun Mobai?" Jun's boss, a well-known rich man, the God of Wealth, unexpectedly let them meet him.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them.

"What's the problem?"

The two quickly shook their heads.

"No problem, no problem." They actually recruited such a God of Wealth back, and the boss would be very happy if he found out.

"If you two are interested, I can take you to our organization to have a look." Lu Sheng directly told the two of them the address.

"Okay, okay, I want to go." Jin Li was the first to nod.

Of course, if there are lively fish, you must be the first to see them.

"What are you making trouble with, you little idiot?" Jun Mobai angrily pushed the little girl back.

"I haven't been there before, I'm curious..." Jin Li complained softly.

"Then Master Lu Sheng, shall I go to visit with you tomorrow?" Jin Li looked at Lu Sheng impatiently.

"Ah? Okay, okay." Lu Sheng nodded.

The little girl looked up at Jun Mobai again.

"Are you going, Junjun?"

"I won't go, I still need to make money to support you, come back after you finish watching." The days without the little koi are very lonely.

"Don't worry, I will." The little girl patted her chest and hugged her.

After sending Gao Lou and Lu Sheng away, the three Yun family brothers came over.

"How is it? What did you say?" Yun Chuan asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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