The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 213 Jinli: When is the Chinese New Year...

Chapter 213 Jinli: When is the Chinese New Year...

It's getting cold, of course the fish should wear more clothes, she is not like Junjun, who wants grace but not warmth. →_→

Jun Mobai: I'm not cold, thank you.

Compared with before, Jun Mobai prefers to wear plump little girls.

Mr. Jun: It looks more like a little pig this way, so round and cute.

"Little koi, it's almost Chinese New Year. Do you want to celebrate the New Year at home or with the three of Yun's family?" Seeing that it was only a few days away from New Year's Eve, Jun Mobai asked the little girl.

"New Year?" Jin Li was taken aback for a moment.

Of course she knew that there was such a festival in the human world, but she had never celebrated the New Year in the God Realm, so of course she didn't know what to do.

"What are we going to do during the Chinese New Year?"

"You can have a family reunion dinner with your family, you can eat a lot of delicious food, and you can also receive red envelopes." Jun Mobai said as much as possible to pick out the places that the little girl is interested in.

The little girl only grasped one important point.

There are delicious ones!And there are many more!
Jin Li's eyes lit up immediately.

"Then go to my brother's house."

"Snacks." I knew I wanted to eat.

Jun Mobai pinched her bun face angrily.

"Isn't eating the most important thing?" Jin Li rubbed her soft face with some grievances.

It's winter now, and the little girl's bun face looks white, tender and pink, and it feels good to the touch.

Jinli: That's why Junjun always pinches her cute little face...

"After you say that, Yu suddenly wants to celebrate the New Year." She never celebrated this kind of festival when she was in the God Realm.

Jun Mobai glanced at her.

"I think you are greedy for those delicious foods, right?" Why do you want to celebrate the New Year? You clearly want to eat those delicious foods.

"Hey, I have everything." She wants to eat delicious food, and she is also very interested in Chinese New Year.

Just as the two of them made their decision, Yun Chuan called.

"Little cutie, do you want to come to Second Brother's place to celebrate the New Year with us?"

"Yes, yes." Jin Li said impatiently.

"Okay, the second brother won't start work anymore, so he will stay at home and play with our little cutie." After receiving the little girl's reply, Yun Chuan happily hung up the phone, and hurriedly ran to talk to his elder brother. Yun Xuan went to share the good news.

"How is it?" Seeing the little girl put down her phone, Jun Mobai asked.

"Second brother hung up my phone very excitedly." Before she even had time to stop her, second brother had already hung up the phone.

In the next few days, Jin Li never calmed down.

From time to time, Jun can hear the little girl whispering in his ear: "When is the Chinese New Year, when is the Chinese New Year, is it Chinese New Year..."

new year's eve
"Change your clothes, and I'll take you to Yun's house today." Jun Mobai urged the little girl angrily.

His ears are almost calloused from nagging these days.

Jin Li was wearing a bright red padded jacket, and she was carrying her small satchel.

"The fish is already ready."

"Go shopping first, and then go to Yun's house, okay?" Jun Mobai led the little girl out.

Jin Li nodded obediently.

"it is good."

The two went to the supermarket to buy vegetables hand in hand.

"Snacks, snacks..." As soon as he saw the huge snack area, Jin Li's eyes lit up and he was about to run over.

After running for three steps, the man was carried back.


"We're here to buy vegetables, not snacks, understand?" Jun Mobai nodded angrily on the little girl's little nose.

(End of this chapter)

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