The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 215 Only Children Rid the Shopping Cart

Chapter 215 Only Children Rid the Shopping Cart

She is not a commodity in the supermarket, the fish is obviously not for sale, okay?
"It was you who said to hurry up." Jun Mobai said and glanced at the little girl's slender calves.

"Your legs are too short and you walk too slowly."

"I, legs, one, point, all, no, short." What's wrong with the short legs?Fish with short legs move fast, but fish still think it’s inconvenient for you to move with long legs.

Jun Mobai: I am very convenient, thank you.

It wasn't until the checkout time that the little girl was carried out with a blushing face.

"Don't put me in the shopping cart next time, it's like pushing me to sell you." Jin Li couldn't help complaining.

"How could I be willing to sell you?" The little koi was a priceless treasure in his heart.

"But only children are pushed in the shopping cart." The little girl looked at him aggrieved.

"In my heart, you are a child." Jun Mobai smiled and kissed her bun face.

Isn't that right, children have short legs. →_→

"Hmph, I hate it." Jin Li blushed and stood away.

A young couple standing next to them couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

"Your boyfriend is so kind to you." It looked very affectionate.

Jin Li glanced at the little girl, then at her boyfriend, and said thank you obediently.

"Haha, you are so cute." The girl said, pulling her boyfriend away.

"Hurry up, Junjun, it's our time." Jin Li couldn't wait to pull Jun Mobai to pay, and then the two left quickly.

Jun Mobai held Jin Li in one hand and the shopping bag in the other, and strode away.

Soon, the two arrived at Yun's house to join the three brothers.

The three lined up, and one of them gave the little girl a big red envelope. Jin Li smiled and narrowed her eyes, and quickly thanked her brothers.

"Thank you big brother, second brother and third brother, happy new year everyone."

Jun Mobai, who had been watching from the side, couldn't help but make a sound.

"Why don't I have a red envelope?" Eccentric!
"Go, go, how old are you, what kind of red envelope do you want?" Yun Chuan waved at him angrily.

Jun Mobai: "..." The eccentricity is due to the fact that he is not as cute as the little koi...

Before Jun Mobai could speak, Jin Li stretched out her small hands towards him.


"Where's the fish's red envelope?" It's just that you didn't give it.

Jun Mobai angrily took out a red envelope from his pocket, with a beautiful little koi drawn on it.

"Take it away, take it away." The little stupid fish felt bad looking at it.

"Hey~" The little girl happily ran away with the red envelope.

The four of them looked at Jin Li helplessly, then went into the kitchen to cook.

It's a rare Chinese New Year, so let her have fun.

"I'm here to help too!" Seeing Jun Mobai and the three brothers from the Yun family all entered the kitchen, the little girl rushed in too.

"Hey, this place isn't suitable for you, just go watch TV." Jun Mobai patted her on the head, and coaxed her away.

"Hmph, don't let the fish work, the fish don't want to work yet." The little girl complained in a low voice, and obediently left the kitchen.

She went to play with her mobile phone.

Jin Li opened Weibo to send messages to her little fans.

Well, her name has changed, from Little Koi Lucky Shop to Little Koi.

Little Koi: Happy New Year everyone.

The accompanying picture is a big red envelope given by the three Yun family brothers and Jun Mobai.

"Return of missing persons."

"My sister finally appeared."

"Ahhh, I'm so envious, my sister and brothers are together again!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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