The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 225 The Premeditated Jun

Chapter 225 The Premeditated Jun
Holding the ring, Jun Mobai knelt down on one knee in front of the little girl in front of the three brothers of the Yun family, and then looked at the little girl affectionately.

"Little stupid fish, will you marry me?"

At the same time, the voice of Tiandao also came over.

"You proposed to my sister, did I say yes?" You proposed right here.

Jun Mobai replied to him via sound transmission in an instant: "The law of heaven and earth agrees." Even if you object, it's useless.

Besides, who else could this little stupid fish marry besides him?

So, they are born as a pair, the kind that no one can separate.

Tiandao was silent for an instant.

The little girl had a red face, and her voice was a little shy.

"I, I promise." What a pleasant surprise, Junjun actually proposed to her.

But... no wonder Junjun agreed to bring her to Yun's house so readily. Feelings are waiting here, there is a conspiracy. →_→

"The three of you have also seen it. Help me to be a witness. The little koi has agreed to my marriage proposal." Jun Mobai stood up calmly after speaking, and put the ring on the little girl's hand very calmly.

As soon as the ring was put on Jin Li's hand, it quickly shrank to the size that just fit the little girl's finger.

Another ring appeared on Jun Mobai's hand at some point.

"It's your turn to help me wear it."

Jin Li stretched out her little paw and put the ring on Jun Mobai as well.

The color of the two rings is black and gold, with a trace of complicated patterns wrapped around the rings, which looks extremely simple.

Moreover, the patterns of the two rings can also be put together, so they look like a pair.

Jun Mobai kissed the little girl's cherry lips.

"Tomorrow we will go to get the certificate." Let the little koi be his brains.

"Okay, it's so sudden, I'm not ready yet." The little girl covered her face in embarrassment.

The three brothers of the Yun family also nodded.

They haven't fully reacted yet...

Their lively, cute, smart, generous, beautiful and elegant little cutie was kidnapped just like that?

That's it? ? ?

"Cough, it seems that you also "premeditated"." Yun Yi gave Jun Mobai a meaningful look.

Jin Li also looked up at him.

No wonder he gave her such a necklace as a token of love back then, but he dug a hole here and waited for her.

Tsk, Junjun is really too cunning.

"Okay, the person is mine now, and now none of you can grab it." Jun Mobai's tone was extremely proud.

What about brother?Now Xiaobaiyan is his wife, it's rare for you as an older brother to snatch the little koi from him?He is the little girl's husband.

This is all right, no one can compete with him for the little koi.

Jun Mobai looked at the three of them very proudly.

The three Yun family brothers: "..." What should I do?I'm so angry, I really want to beat him up, why does this person owe him so much...

Yun Chuan held back for a long time before he could say a word.

"You're cruel." She actually proposed to Xiaocuti directly.

Jun Mobai greeted Yun Chuan's fierce eyes very calmly.

"I'm marrying the little koi, not you." No matter how hard you stare at me, it's useless.

Anyway, the little koi has already agreed.

"Jin Li, come here." Yun Xuan waved to the little girl.

Jin Li walked over to her third brother in a daze.

"Come on, let's go to eat." Ignore him.

The three Yun family brothers left with the little girl.

Jun Mobai looked at the three of them very proudly.

You can only occupy the little koi for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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