The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 23 Jin Li: The fish fell twice today

Chapter 23 Jinli: The fish fell twice today

Jun Mobai walked up to Jin Li.

"You woke up and didn't say hello to me?"

The little girl looked bewildered.

"Why did I say hello to you?" The big devil was so strange.

"..." It seems that this little guy doesn't like him very much.

Jun Mobai took out the milk that the little girl liked.

Jin Li's eyes lit up immediately.

"Call me, I'll give it to you." Someone calmly put forward the condition.

The little girl turned her little head and spoke with a very backbone.

"Don't do it."

Hearing the little girl's crisp voice, Jun Mobai was not angry, but just plugged in the straw very calmly.

"Okay, then I can only drink by myself."

Seeing that he really seemed to be planning to drink it himself, Jin Li became anxious.

"How can you compete with the fish for a drink!" The fish was pissed off.

Jun Mobai looked at her innocently.

"Didn't you just say you don't want it?" Why are you saying his fault now in reverse.

The little girl glared at him angrily.

"Where do I have it?"

Jun Mobai nodded calmly.

"Well, you didn't." Then he was going to drink milk.

"You bully me!" Jin Li stared eagerly at the milk someone handed to her mouth.

"As long as you call me, I will give you the milk." Jun Mobai raised the condition again.

"The Great Demon King." Jin Li's little milk voice sounded almost instantly.

Then he stretched out his little claws to reach his big hand.

"give me."

A certain big devil directly stuffed the straw into her little mouth.

The little girl took his hand and drank the milk happily.

This little guy is very smart, if you ask her to shout, she really shouts, but it's just the big devil.

Jun Mobai couldn't help but let out a low laugh when he thought of the little girl calling her the Great Demon King in a crisp, milky voice just now.

Now, in order to drink the milk, the little girl sat in his arms with her whole body.

The soft little body was pressed against him, and it was unbelievably well-behaved.

Jun Mobai hugged her and nursed her happily.

He suddenly discovered that feeding the little koi is actually quite fun.

After drinking the milk, Jin Li abandoned someone without hesitation, twisting her body and leaving.

It's a pity that the height of the sofa is still too high for her, and the little girl jumped on her short legs.

With a "thump", her whole body fell to the ground.

Jun Mobai's expression changed, and he quickly picked her up.

It's also fortunate that there is a carpet here, otherwise the little girl would be broken if it fell like this.

But just falling like this is enough to hurt someone's heart.

"Did you hurt from the fall?"

The little girl seemed stunned by the fall, staring blankly at the ground with her small face.

The fish fell twice today, and it was still in the same place...

The little girl shrunk her mouth and was about to cry.

Jun Mobai found another bottle of milk from nowhere, and quickly fed it to her.

The little girl fell silent for a moment.

After Jinli finished drinking the milk, Jun Mobai asked her again.

It's just that the tone is much softer than before.

"Did it fall somewhere?"

"No." The little girl shook her head.

"You are not allowed to jump off the sofa again." Jun Mobai patted her little butt angrily.

"How can you pat the fish's butt?" The little girl moved away from him very unhappy.

Sure enough, he is the Great Demon King, a nasty ghost.

"Why not?" Seeing the little girl sitting farther and farther away, someone grabbed her with a big hand and brought her back.

The little girl was disgusted and wanted to push him away.

"You just drank two bottles of milk from me." Jun Mobai looked at her calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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