The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 231 Jinli: Fish will be responsible for you

Chapter 231 Jinli: Fish will be responsible for you
He felt that his mother-in-law needed a regular drink.

When the little girl woke up the next morning, her face was full of ignorance.

What did she do yesterday?

Jin Li thought about it seriously.

Early yesterday morning, she first followed Jun Jun to get the red books, then came back to have lunch, then she was coaxed by Jun Jun to drink a sip of wine, and then... nothing more...

Jin Li covered her face in embarrassment.

She's drunk...

The little girl carefully glanced at Jun, who was sitting beside her, looking at her leisurely.

According to the current situation, she can probably guess what she did yesterday.

Hey, hey... She actually threw Jun Jun down, and it seemed that the battle was still very fierce. ( ̄▽ ̄)
"Well, you, listen to Yu Yu's explanation..." The little girl swallowed, and looked at Jun Mobai a little flatteringly.

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Speak, I'm listening." He wanted to see what else the little stupid fish could say.

"I, I didn't do it on purpose yesterday..." She just drank a little too much, and then... the wine strengthened her courage. She didn't know where the courage came from, so she threw Jun Jun down.

"I know." Jun Mobai said that he understood very well.

"You didn't mean to."

The little girl nodded.


"You mean it."

"No, no, no, the fish, the fish is just drunk..." Then, and then accidentally, it was stuffed with Junjun sauce...

"Drunk?" Jun Mobai looked at her amusedly.

"You mean the sip of wine you drank?"

"I, I'm a little... incapable of drinking..."

"Besides, a sip of wine is still wine..." The little girl finally understood why her brother never let her drink before.

With her drinking capacity, even if someone wants to sell her, she probably has to cheerfully join in and let others sell her.

"Fish, fish will take care of you." Jin Li said softly.

"What are you responsible for, little stupid fish, aren't we already married?" Jun Mobai patted her little head amusedly.

"How else do you want to be responsible? Huh?"

"Well, isn't this fish taking advantage of you..." Junjun looks so beautiful, looking at her like this, he suddenly feels like a beast. (⊙▽⊙)
Hmm... how can a fish do such a thing, she is a lively, cute, smart, beautiful and cute little koi, how can she do such a thing.

"Okay, don't worry about it, clean up, go down to have breakfast, and then go to work with me." Jun Mobai patted her little head.

This little stupid fish definitely doesn't know what to think about.

Jin Li tidied herself up and tidied up her mood by the way.

Alas, no matter, anyway, Junjun has already been thrown down by her, and Junjun is so good-looking, the fish is still profitable~

Thinking of this, the little girl bounced downstairs to find Jun Mobai.

"Come here." As soon as he saw the little koi, Jun Mobai waved to her.

As soon as Jin Li walked over, she was hugged by Jun Mobai.

"This is specially made by your fans to give to you."

"What?" The little girl looked at him blankly.

"Wedding gift." Jun Mobai said and quickly clicked on the video in the center of the screen.

The video is a bit long, and it was edited by Jin Li's fans all day long.

Contains all the most sincere and beautiful wishes to the little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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