The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 241 Jun Mobai:? ? ?

Chapter 241 Jun Mobai:? ? ?

By the time Little Stupid Fish cleaned up and had breakfast, everyone should have arrived.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for you, the fish would have stayed in bed." Jin Li complained about Jun Mobai while getting up.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, do you need me to squeeze my waist?" In the end, he was the one who made the little koi tired, and he really had to be responsible.

Jin Li angrily pushed Jun out of the bathroom.


"Hurry up and get out." It's disgusting, why are you looking at the fish all the time?
"Why, I don't think my own wife is good enough?" Jun sternly taught Jin Li a lesson.

"Why don't you let me see my mother-in-law?" Just because you are beautiful?
The little girl blushed at what he said, and didn't know how to answer, so she had to close the door with a small face.

Jun Mobai, who was shut outside the door, smiled so brightly.

How could his wife be so cute?
Someone went downstairs in a good mood, and bumped into Yun Chuan and Mo Ze who had just arrived.

Yun Chuan: "Why are you smiling so chubby in the morning?" It looks so wretched.

Moze: "Smiling so happily, it looks malicious."

Jun Mobai:? ? ?

Is he so wretched when he smiles? ? ?
Unfortunately, Yun Chuan's attention was not on him.

As soon as he saw Jun Mobai, he kept asking Jin Li.

"Where's the cutie?" Where did you hide my cutie?
"I'm brushing my teeth and washing my face." What's the rush?The little koi hasn't been packed yet.

As soon as Jun Mobai's voice fell, the little girl's milky voice came out, and then Jin Li bounced up and down the stairs.

"Second brother, good morning, Moze~"

The little girl went directly to Jun Mobai and held his hand, and the little bun showed a cute and sweet smile on someone's face.

"Good morning Junjun."

Jun Mobai calmly kissed her little face.

"Well, good morning, wife."

Yun Chuan, Mo Ze: I'm not sour, I'm not sour at all (smiling forcefully).

"Okay, let's have breakfast together." Jin Li dragged the three of them away.

After breakfast, motion sickness is responsible for driving two days to the recording site of the show, while Jun Mobai, a loner, is driven by Jiang Yi to Jun's.

The little girl was so excited along the way.

"I've never seen a place where variety shows are recorded." I really want to see it with my own eyes.

"Go as soon as you go, what do you mean by bringing me here?" Moze glanced at her angrily.

"Of course I brought you to exercise. What Jiang Yi taught you can't be learned in vain. Now is the time to accept the results." Don't let you think why she insisted on pulling Moze to follow her, and also joined the little koi Lucky shop?

On the one hand, it is for laziness (cough, this is not the point), and on the other hand, it is to exercise his ability.

"Then what if I can't stand it?" After all, he is still an ordinary human who can only do a little bit of magic, and his combat effectiveness is really not high.

"Ah, ah, ah, isn't the fish still here, I will help you when you can't take it anymore." Jin Li gave him a small reassuring look.

"Is this product reliable?" Yun Chuan looked at Mo Ze worriedly.

"What do you mean? I'm very reliable, okay?" Moze couldn't help but turn black.

"It's just that you don't look very reliable."

"Huh, you'll know later." It will definitely surprise you.

"Okay, I'll wait and see." Yun Chuan said perfunctorily without distraction.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel."

(End of this chapter)

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