The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 249 I Know You Are Such Moser

Chapter 249 I Know You Are Such Moser
Why do you have to wink at him so hard?

"You, why are you alright?" Huang Xinran's voice couldn't help becoming sharper.

"Why should I have something to do?"

Huang Xinran suddenly covered her mouth.

Damn, how did she slip up.

Then, she made a move that no one expected.

Huang Xinran turned around and ran away.

Four people: "..."

"Why did she run away?" Jin Li looked at the stairs that Huang Xinran left just now in a daze.

Jun Mobai stood up and explained for his wife.

"There are a lot of people here, and it's not her place, so she will naturally run away." What if she is exposed?There are so many people watching this.

"Oh... that makes sense."

"But we won't be able to see her if she runs away." Then how can we solve the spell?
"We can always see her again." Mo Ze said calmly.

"Don't forget, she's a public figure." It's impossible not to show up for a lifetime.

"Okay, as soon as she shows up, Moze will go and clean her up." Jin Li excitedly waved her small fist.

Moser: "...why me?"

"Because you need to practice." Jin Li turned to look at him.

"Didn't you agree to cooperate with the fish?" This is just the first business.

"Okay..." Who made him agree to Jin Li...

"Then the three of us will settle accounts with her tomorrow." Yun Chuan waved his fist impatiently.

"It's enough for me to go with Moze, second brother, you don't know how to spell." It won't help much if you go.

Yun Chuan: "..." At this moment, he extremely hated himself for being ignorant of such things as spells.

"Since we have decided to leave tomorrow, the little koi will belong to me today." Jun Mobai took him away involuntarily, and before Yun Chuan and Mo Ze realized it, he had already gone away.

"Dog man!" Yun Chuan looked angrily at Jun Mobai's leaving back.

Moze turned to look at him angrily.

"What can you do with him?" You can't beat him, and you can't scold him.

Jun was in a particularly good mood and led Jin Li to work.

Jun Mobai: I had a breakfast with Yunchuan, and I became popular. I feel really good.

"That Huang Xinran..." Jin Li frowned tightly.

"Did you notice it?" He thought the little idiot hadn't noticed.

"Do fish look so stupid?" →_→

Jun Mobai choked suddenly.

This... how should he answer...

A gentle smile appeared on Jun Mobai's face.

"How come, my wife is the smartest." For the sake of safety, and for the happiness of his life, it is better not to offend the little koi.

Jin Li: Don't think that the fish can't see it, you are just perfunctory the fish.

The next morning, Mo Ze and Jin Li set out to find Huang Xinran.

"Do you know where Huang Xinran is?" the little girl asked casually.

Moze paused, and then answered as if nothing had happened.

"Jiang Yi hasn't taught me the spell to find someone." The implication is that he doesn't know.

"Since you can't, then why did you leave so fast?" She thought that Mo Ze would be sure to find Huang Xinran.

"Isn't that what you know?" He was thinking about Jin Li's meeting, but she actually asked him back.

"What have you learned in the past six months?" Why can't you know anything?

"Me, I mainly learn to attack." Moze's tone gradually weakened.

The little girl looked at him with a small expression of "a fish knows you are such a Moze".

"Attack, or close range, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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