The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 252 Jun Mobai: Beat him to death

Chapter 252 Jun Mobai: Beat him to death

"Come on, tell me, who is bullying our little koi?" Jun Mobai gently touched Jinli's little head.

"It's that weird uncle over there." The little girl complained to Jun Mobai aggrievedly.

"What's wrong with him?" How dare he bully his wife?See if he doesn't beat him up well.

"He wants to hook up with your wife." Mo Ze added lightly.

Jun Mobai: He will beat him to death later.

How dare to hook up with his brain mother?Are you impatient?

Suddenly such a person appeared, and the other party became vigilant.

"I really found a helper. It seems that the little beauty has something to do." Tsk, this is a bit troublesome.

"Wu Sheng's apprentice is really a virtuous person with him." They all like to continue other people's wives so much.

"You, you know my master? You killed him!" The man suddenly became emotional.

"It's not on me, it's his own doing." Originally, he was the one who imprisoned other people's souls first, but he just let them go out of good intentions.

The man rushed towards the two of them at once.

"I want to avenge my master!"

"Go and solve his spell." Jun Mobai pushed Mo Ze towards Huang Xinran.

After pushing Moze away, Jun Mobai sighed helplessly.

"You just rushed over like this, why can't you learn to be smarter..." Don't you know how to estimate the gap between yourself and your opponent?

The man realized that he had only taken two steps in the direction of the opponent before he was frozen.

"Hmph, it's too bad to actually use Huang Xinran to take away other people's luck for your own use." The little girl thought about it, and found that she didn't know how to swear at all, and she didn't have the vocabulary in her mind at all.

After holding back for a long time, she hummed and uttered a word.

"You villain!" The voice was childish, without any deterrent force.

The man snorted disdainfully.

"Be good, don't be angry, I'll punish him for you." Jun Mobai squeezed Jin Li's face amusedly.

How could his wife be so cute even swearing.

"Okay, Junjun beat him up for me." The little girl waved her fist angrily.

I'm really pissed off, do you know how much a loss of luck is to an ordinary person?
It's like a person who could have won the lottery, as long as you take away a little bit of his luck, he will be unlucky from time to time in his life, and he will not succeed in doing anything.

So luck is extremely important to a person.

This villain actually took away all the luck of other people. Isn't this planning to make them suffer from bad luck for the rest of their lives?

Jin Li directly pulled out all the luck in his body that didn't belong to him.

Groups of red mist spread out and quickly flew in different directions.

"Junjun, beat him up." What are you waiting for?Beat him up immediately!
Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows at the little girl, the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing the look in Jun Mobai's hand, Jin Li first pouted her small mouth in displeasure, and then walked slowly to his side, her head obediently buried in his arms.

Junjun doesn't let her see it, it's really bad.

Seeing that the little koi had completely buried its little head and could not see anything, Jun Mobai stroked her little head in satisfaction.

That's right, it's not good to teach bad children.

After confirming that Jin Li really couldn't see anything, Jun Mobai turned his head to look at that person.

"Let me think about what punishment should be given to you."

(End of this chapter)

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