The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 26 The little koi will become his family sooner or later

Chapter 26 The little koi will become his family sooner or later

Jun Mobai caught a certain fragrant little powder dumpling all at once.

"Stay here obediently." Jun Mobai patted her little head, and then went to take a bath.

"Oh." For the milk, the little girl lay on the bed obediently.

As soon as Jun Mobai came out of the bathroom, he saw the little girl looking eagerly in the direction of the bathroom, and her eyes lit up when she saw him come out.

Jun Mobai went to ask the housekeeper to make the milk, and then returned to the bedroom with the bottle.

Holding the little girl in his arms, Jun Mobai held the bottle in one hand to feed her and put his arms around her in the other.

"Close your eyes and go to sleep."

Jin Li closed her eyes obediently, her small mouth was slightly pursed, sucking the milk in the bottle.

After she fell asleep, the milk was finished.

Jun Mobai put the baby bottle aside, then lay down with the little girl in his arms.

After staring at Jin Li's pink little bun face for a while, someone lowered his head and kissed her little cheek.

It's not the first kiss anyway, so it doesn't matter, right?
And this little koi will become his family sooner or later, rounding it up, the little koi is his, what's wrong with a kiss?
Someone thought about it, hugged Jin Li and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

The next day, Jin Li woke up in Jun Mobai's arms.

"..." What is this situation?Why did the fish lie with the big devil?

You were lying on someone's bed yesterday...→_→

"Get up, get up quickly." The little girl stretched out her small hand to push him.

Jun Mobai stretched out his hand and tugged at her.

With a "plop", Jin Li threw his head into Jun Mobai's arms.

Jin Li: "..."

Angry fish, angry fish! ! !
"Why are you so angry so early in the morning?" Jun Mobai poked the little girl's angry face.

"Hmph, Jin Li doesn't want to talk to you right now." Jin Li rolled to the edge of the bed and was about to jump off.

Looking at the little koi that was rolling around like a small dumpling, Jun Mobai quickly fished her back.

If it falls down again, the little guy might cry to death.

"Hey, don't jump down like this, you'll fall." Jun Mobai carried Jin Li back and patted her on the head.

"Tell me, why are you angry?" Someone asked the little koi in his arms gently.

"You take advantage of the fish." The little girl pursed her mouth unhappily.

Jun Mobai couldn't laugh or cry.

"How did I take advantage of you?"

"You, how can you sleep with me? I'm still a baby." And the fish is a girl, how can you sleep with a fish?
It turned out to be the case.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows.

"What do I have to do with you?"

Jin Li hesitated for a while, and then Naiyin reluctantly answered.

"There is a relationship of marriage contract."

"Then did you rely on me not to leave last night?" This little guy hugged him tightly last night when he fell asleep, who can blame this?

Jin Li shrank her little head under the quilt in embarrassment.

It's so embarrassing, how can she rely on others...

Jun Mobai was about to comfort the little girl in his arms when he heard the little girl in his arms whisper.

"Jin Li didn't do it, it's none of Jin Li's business, Jin Li can't be blamed..." She fell asleep early last night, it wasn't her initiative...

"Little guy, you're still so young, what can I do to you? Get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, and then go have breakfast." Jun Mobai hugged her out of bed angrily.

What is going on in the little koi's little head...

What can a big man do to a four-year-old kid?
(End of this chapter)

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