Chapter 305 Master Jinli
Jun Mobai angrily pulled the man to his side.

"I knew you, this little lazy fish, would definitely wait until now to clean up."

"Hey hey, it's good to have Junjun." Everything is ready for the fish
"Let's go, I'll take you there." Jun Mobai took Jin Li's little hand.

"Let's go!"

Inside the Wolong organization

"Boss, how long will it take for the powerful master you mentioned to arrive?" A well-proportioned man in a police uniform looked anxiously at Zi Wei.

Ziwei glanced at him.

"What are you in a hurry for? How early is it?"

"I'm anxious to see someone." The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, can I go in by myself?" Jun Mobai and Jin Li stood at the entrance of the villa.

The little girl nodded.

"Yes, Moze is coming soon, I'll wait for him."

As soon as the words fell, a sports car hurriedly stopped at the gate of Jinli, and Mo Ze was in the car.

"Moze is here, let's go." Jin Li waved to Jun Mobai, then pulled Moze away.

Jun Mobai left slowly after seeing the small figure of his mother-in-law disappeared.

The little koi's ability is not small, he is not worried about what will happen to her, and if she can't solve it, as long as the brat calls him, it will be a matter of minutes for him to rush over.

"You are so bulging in this bag, what are you carrying?" Moze looked at the little girl's small satchel curiously.

"Snacks." Jin Li took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to him.


Moze took the chocolate and silently stuffed it into his mouth.

"Aren't you nervous?" Moze turned to look at the young girl Youzai Youzai.

"Don't be nervous." Why are you nervous?

Mo Ze: "..." That's right, gods, I haven't seen any big scenes.

When he reached the door, Jin Li reached out and knocked on the door.

"Here we come!" The man's eyes lit up just now, and he looked towards the door.

Standing in front was a handsome young man in black, about twenty years old, followed by a little girl in blue overalls.

That's right, that girl in suspenders with a white and soft bun face is the little koi.

"Oh, it's Jin Li and Mo Ze who are here." Zi Wei hurriedly called the two of them in.

"Let me introduce, this is the captain of Hua Guo's anti-narcotics team, Feng Rui, 35 years old, very strong, this team is very powerful in the country, although there are not many people, there are elites in it, who specialize in solving difficult cases. "Zi Wei introduced to the two of them.

"Zi Wei, this is the great master you mentioned?" Feng Rui looked at the two in disbelief.

He still believes in that young man, but this little girl...

Feng Rui tried his best to soften his expression, and then looked at Jin Li.

"Little sister, why are you here?"

Mo Ze stood behind Jin Li.

"She is the master."

Feng Rui:? ? ? ! ! !

"You, you are the very powerful master that Zi Wei said?" Just such a little girl?

Jin Li nodded and looked at him very obediently.

"Yes, uncle."

"...Little sister, how old are you?"

"Twenty." The little girl looked at him very cutely.

Jin Li: It's better not to report your real age.

Feng Rui turned to ask Ziwei again.

"Hey, did you find the wrong person?" Just this little sister, is it really okay?
Ziwei glared at him angrily.

"Don't underestimate us, Jinli."

(End of this chapter)

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