The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 31 Feeling that Yu Sheng has reached its peak

Chapter 31 Feeling that Yu Sheng has reached its peak

A certain gentleman, unaware, perverted, and Mo Bai occasionally distracted himself to check on the little girl.

Realizing that the little girl was about to wake up, he quickly picked up the bottle that was prepared next to him.

When the little girl was dimly about to open her eyes, she held the bottle to feed her.

Jin Li's little body, which was getting ready, immediately lay back down again, half-closed her eyes, holding the bottle in her little paws, gulping milk.

"Continue." Seeing that everyone seemed to be looking at the little girl in his arms, Jun Mobai said with a cold face.

What are you looking at?That's his little koi, he owns it alone, don't look at it!
After lying down for a long time, Jin Li changed into a comfortable position, her small mouth kept sucking the milk in the bottle.

The little girl's big eyes were still rolling around, looking here and there curiously.

Don't ask her why she continues to drink milk from the bottle now, it means that she is used to it and doesn't think there is any major problem. →_→

After drinking the milk, Jin Li let go of her little claw contentedly, and the sound of little milk came out crisply.

"Finish the drink."

Without changing his face, Jun Mo took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to her.

All high-level officials: I see!Little cutie likes to eat chocolate! ! !
Jin Li calmly unwrapped the wrapping paper, then ate the chocolate.

You are busy with your work, fish eat fish's chocolate, we have nothing to do with each other.

After eating the chocolate, Jin Li bounced away.

She felt that she was hindering the work of the Great Demon King here.

Jun Mobai probably guessed what she was thinking, touched her little head and let Jiang take the little girl out.

As soon as the little girl disappeared, the low air pressure in the conference room quickly filled.

All the high-level officials: trembling.

Well, disturbing the big devil and everything else is secondary, the most important thing is that she is greedy for the snacks in the big devil's office.

The little girl climbed up Jun Mobai's chair familiarly, and then opened the drawer to get snacks.

Seeing Jin Li leisurely lying on her husband's chair eating snacks, Jiang Yi left without a sound.

The little girl's tiny one was lying on that chair, making her even more delicate and small.

Jin Li: It feels like Yusheng has reached its peak.

The little girl began to feel bored after lying in the office for a while.

Jin Li: The tablet in my hand suddenly smells bad.

The little girl frowned impatiently.

She actually misses the Great Demon King, what's going on?

Ahhh, how could she think of the Great Demon King!That is the Great Demon King.

Jin Li touched the bracelet on her little hand.

The black diamonds on the bracelet shone under the light, making the little girl's hands even fairer.

Tsk, in fact, the Great Demon King is also pretty good.

Jin Li wanted to cry but held the little bun's face.

Has she reached the point where she will miss the Great Demon King if she doesn't see him for a while?How long have they known each other?

In the consciousness, the voice of heaven suddenly sounded.

"Jin Li has been here for so long, why doesn't he miss me?" Miss Jun Mobai, but not him?

"I miss my brother too." The little girl's milky voice was a little embarrassed.

Tiandao suddenly lost his voice, and the little girl knew that her brother was satisfied, so she stopped being angry.

After chatting with Tiandao, the little girl collapsed on the chair.

She really wanted to find the Great Demon King...

Jin Li, Jin Li, you are not reserved anymore...

After hesitating for a long time, Jin Li resolutely stepped out of the office door.

She is a child now, what kind of reserve does a child need, she is going to find the Great Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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