The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 329 Jun Mobai: No one is allowed to touch the little koi's face

Chapter 329 Jun Mobai: No one is allowed to touch the little koi's face
There was a gentle smile on her always beautiful face.

"Thank you Jinli this time." Qin Shu said and patted her little head.

Suddenly being touched on the head by the beautiful sister, the little girl's face flushed red.

"No, you're welcome." Ahhh, Sister Qin Shu touched the fish's head! ! !
Yun Chuan looked at the two with resentment.

"That little cutie was called by me." Why don't you believe me.

Qin Shu didn't even look at him.


Yun Chuan: Eh, this heartless girl...

"By the way, Sister Qin Shu has a safety talisman on her neck, and it can be kept close to her body all the time to keep her safe." Jin Li explained.

Hearing what the little girl said, Qin Shu looked down subconsciously, and there was indeed a beautiful gemstone necklace hanging around her neck.

"Thank you Jinli." Qin Shu couldn't help touching her little face.

The little girl blushed, obviously very shy.

"Okay, it's good when you wake up, dad won't bother you anymore, you can talk on your own." Qin Yu coughed lightly, and made a "young man, work hard" expression towards Yun Chuan, and then left .

"Oh, yes, it's really thanks to the second brother." The little girl remembered, and quickly blew rainbow farts on her second brother.

"Okay, you two talk slowly, I'll go out first." Jin Li said and followed Qin Yu out.

In this kind of scene, it is really not suitable for her to stay as a light bulb.

As soon as she left the room, the little girl saw Jun Mobai standing beside him in a daze.

"What are you doing, you scared the fish to death." Jin Li was so frightened that he clutched his chest suddenly.

Jun expressionless Mobai sneered.

"Really? I thought you forgot me." I haven't come out after going in for so long.

Jin Li patted her little head in embarrassment.

"Where there is, this is not a difficult thing."

Jun Mobai remained expressionless.

"Troublesome? So tricky enough to be touched on the face?"

The little girl covered her little bun face in shock.

"How do you know?" Jun Jun probably needs clairvoyance.

"Your face is very red, either you were teased or your face was patted." Or else it was a pat on the head.

Jun Mobai pulled the little koi over annoyedly, and kissed each side of her flushed little bun's face.

This is his little koi, what are you touching?He didn't even want to touch it himself.

About 10 minutes later, Yun Chuan came out of the room.

Jin Li immediately rushed in front of him.

"How is sister Qin Shu?"

"Fell asleep."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jin Li, do you want to stay and have a meal?" Qin Yu, who suddenly appeared next to him at some point, looked at Jin Li with a smile.

This little girl is so cute, the more you look at it, the more you like it, no wonder their family Shushu became good friends with her.

"No uncle, let's go now." After saying goodbye to Qin Yu, the three of them left directly.

As soon as he got into the car, Yun Chuan received the attention of the little girl.

"What, why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?" Yun Chuan swallowed in fear.

"Second brother, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. You should tell the truth yourself." Yu didn't want to press.

Yun Chuan looked bewildered.

"What are you going to tell me?"

"Tell me about your relationship with Qin Shu." Jun Mobai silently reminded him beside him.

I haven't seen you for so long, and my brain hasn't become better.

Yun Chuan shifted his gaze a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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