The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 335 Questions About Marriage

Chapter 335 Questions About Marriage

"The eldest brother and the third brother will definitely be very happy." The second brother finally got out of the order, how could he be unhappy.

Jun Mobai: Heh, he doesn't know if Gao is happy or not, but being scolded is a must.

Who made him have a wife before those two people.

Early the next morning, there was an explosion on Weibo because...

Yun Chuan posted the marriage certificate directly on his account.

Originally, the company he worked for belonged to the Su family, so naturally there was no such thing as prohibition of dating in the original contract, plus he was not too young (actually only 24), so fans were urging him to get married every day.

Yunchuan V: Hahaha, ladies and gentlemen, I got my marriage certificate, and from today onwards I am also a man with a wife. @Qin Shu
The picture below is two red books.

Soon, Qin Shu also responded to him.

@云川, Hello, my Mr. Yun.

"My male god is actually married!!!"

"You still want someone???"

"Hey, Ma Ma no longer needs to be worried that you are too mentally retarded and no one will want you anymore. No, she finally married herself out."

"No, when did you abduct Miss Qin Shu?"

"Tell me the truth, when did it happen?"

"A good flower, how could it be planted on your mentally handicapped body?"

Yun Chuan: You fake fans!

Of course, Yun Yi and Yun Xuan were the most shocked.

The three brothers and Jun Mobai's group went crazy that day.

Yun Yi: Yun Chuan was able to get married so soon?He was actually the first to get married among the three of them?

Yunxuan: Why can he get married earlier than me?Just because he is mentally retarded than me?
Jun Mobai: Don't worry, he will take his wife back tonight, and you can interrogate her.

Yun Yi: Sigh, these days, even Yun Chuan can have a wife.

Yun Chuan: Hey, hey, can you three pay attention to what you say?What do you mean I can have a wife?I just have a wife, what's wrong?Jealousy? [proud]
Jun Mobai: Don't be jealous, I have a little koi.

Yun Yi: "..."

Yunxuan: Brother, let's kick him out of the group.

Yun Yi: Good idea.

Yun Chuan: Hmph, I'm just jealous that I have a wife, and you're still single! ╯^╰

Yun Yi and Yun Xuan were so angry that they didn't reply to his message directly.

"Even the second brother has a date, so will the eldest brother and the third brother be far away?" She is looking forward to her future elder sister-in-law and third sister-in-law.

Jun Mobai looked at her amusedly.

"Why do I feel that you are more excited than them?" Are you so happy?
"Of course." The little girl snorted proudly.

"I am very concerned about the lifelong affairs of my eldest brother, second brother and third brother."

"Where is that day?" Why don't you care about it?
The little koi suddenly choked.

Tiandao's cold and indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"Why don't you see that you care about me?"

"Brother is the way of heaven. Don't worry about lifelong events." Junjun, why don't you open which pot and carry which pot...

"There is no rule that says Tiandao can't find a wife." Tiandao continued.

After all, the little koi just didn't care about him.

"Hey, my brother is my brother. I still want you to spoil me for a while, and my brother is so good, so don't worry." The little girl quickly explained to Tiandao, and blew a wave of rainbow farts along the way.

Tiandao gave a satisfied "um" and then said nothing.

Hearing that her brother stopped talking, the little girl was relieved.

Jin Li: I am most afraid of my brother asking questions unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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