Chapter 37

Well, it was the little girl who wanted to stay, not him.

While thinking this way, Jun Mobai honestly carried the little girl to the dining room.

The three Yun family brothers: "..."

This guy is really honest...

"Hmph, if the little cutie didn't ask, I wouldn't let you stay." As soon as he came up, he immediately robbed them.

Yun Chuan hummed unhappily.

"Then I can go." Just walking with the little koi.

Yun Xuan directly made a gesture of "please roll this way".

"..." The three brothers really didn't hide their dislike for him at all.

"Okay, stop arguing, Jin Li is hungry." Why do the brothers fight when they meet the big devil, and the fish are hungry.

The little girl looked at everyone softly.

"Let's all go eat together."

Upon receiving the little girl's gaze, the three immediately shut up.

"Hmph, for Xiao Jinli's sake, I won't argue with you for the time being." Yun Chuan gave someone a childish look, and then looked at Jinli in Jun Mobai's arms with a smile.

"Let's go, Second Brother will take you to dinner. The butler has cooked a lot of Jinli's favorite dishes today."

The little girl's star eyes lit up immediately.

"Really? Go quickly, Jin Li wants to eat." Jin Li immediately stretched out her small claws and patted Jun Mobai, signaling him to go to the dining room.

Jun Mobai pinched her little nose angrily.

"Did I not feed you or am I starving you?" The little guy looked so gluttonous that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

The little girl's soft milk voice is indescribably cute.

"People are hungry."

Jun Mobai put her on the small chair, and sat down beside her by himself.

Jun Mobai took a seat, and there was only one seat left next to the little girl.

The three brothers glanced at each other quickly, and then started a new round of fighting.

"Big brother, second brother and third brother, sit down." The little girl tilted her head and looked at the three of them.

"Okay." Yun Xuan nodded, and immediately sat down next to the little girl.

The other two: "..."

This bastard actually took advantage of their loopholes.

"Eat, don't care about them." Someone calmly brought food to Jin Li.

"Oh~" The little girl lowered her little head and waved the little spoon and began to stuff rice into her little mouth.

Seeing how delicious the little girl's food was, Yun Yi and Yun Chuan obediently sat down.

Forget it, let's not disturb Xiao Jinli for dinner.

Because I haven't seen the three brothers for some time, Jin Li has been chatting with the three of them, but ignores Jun Mobai who has been sitting next to her.

A certain person was not angry, but was silently serving food for the little girl.

Feed the little girl first, and talk about the rest later.

In the future, the little girl can no longer be alone with these three brothers for so long. After staying for a whole morning, the little girl doesn't kiss him very much.

Someone thought secretly.

After eating the last bite of meat in the small bowl, Jin Li rubbed her belly in satisfaction.

"The food here is still delicious."

"Then Jinli will come back often, brother will always welcome you here." Yun Yi looked at the little girl gently.

"Really? Then Jin Li will come back often." The little girl happily raised her two little paws and cheered.

"What about me? You're back, what should I do?" Jun Mobai looked at a certain heartless little koi quietly.

"Didn't you live well before without Xiao Jinli?" Why can't you live now.

Yun Chuan's tone was sour.

(End of this chapter)

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